Re-Accreditation Application Entry-Level Physiotherapy Program 2016 Education Provider: Program: Date: OVERVIEW 3 INSTRUCTIONS 3 PROGRAM PROFILE AND RETENTION RATES 4 SECTION 1 — EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 SECTION 2 — ACCREDITATION REQUIREMENTS 7 REQUIREMENT 1: PROGRAM ATTRIBUTES Element 1.1 Program and Degree Nomenclature Element 1.2 Duration of Programs 7 7 8 REQUIREMENT 2: QUALITY SYSTEMS Element 2.1 Program Outcomes Element 2.2 Graduate Outcomes Element 2.3 Benchmarking Element 2.4 Research Environment and Outcomes 9 9 10 11 12 REQUIREMENT 3: ACADEMIC PROGRAM Element 3.1 Pedagogy Element 3.2 Curriculum Element 3.3 Assessment Element 3.4 Research/Evidence-based Practice Element 3.5 Clinical Education Model Element 3.6 Clinical Education Placements 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 REQUIREMENT 4: RESOURCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENTS Element 4.1 Academic and Research Leadership Element 4.2 Academic Staffing Element 4.3 Clinical Educators Element 4.4 General Staffing Element 4.5 Physical Resources Element 4.6 Funding Element 4.7 Organisational Structure Element 4.8 Policies Element 4.9 Procedures 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 SECTION 3 – EVIDENCE MAP 28 SIGNATURE & CONTACT DETAILS HEAD ACADEMIC UNIT 29 2016 V1 Page 2 OVERVIEW The Australian Physiotherapy Council Limited (the Council) is the Accrediting Authority for entry-level physiotherapy programs in Australia. It operates under a formal agreement with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Physiotherapy Board of Australia (PhysioBA). Whilst the work of the Council is undertaken as a statutory responsibility, it aims to operate in a collegiate manner, in a context of continuous improvement. As part of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act (2009) (the National Law), the Council is responsible for assessing entry-level physiotherapy programs of study, and the education providers, to determine whether the programs meet approved accreditation standards. The Council is also required to conduct monitoring activities to ensure the program and provider continue to meet the accreditation standards. An application for re-accreditation, requires the education provider to submit comprehensive evidence for each Element of the Accreditation Standard. A site visit will be scheduled to verify and expand on evidence provided in the application. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please refer to the Accreditation of Entry-Level Physiotherapy Programs Guide for Education Providers 2016. Section 5 provides examples of evidence that may assist in the preparation of your response 2. Complete the Program Profile; the Physiotherapy Board of Australia will use this data on its website. 3. Complete the Executive Summary to describe the program’s overall performance over the last five years. Identify achievements, outcomes and challenges in the sections provided. 4. If the application includes multiple campuses for the same program, complete the sections specific to the relevant campuses. 5. The application must address each Accreditation Element and focus on the provision of clear evidence, including comparative data on evaluations and quality assurance activities. See Section 5 of the Accreditation of Entry-Level Physiotherapy Programs Guide for Education Providers 2016 for the types of evidence that may be included to support the application. 6. The education provider must explain how the evidence demonstrates meeting the criterion for the Element. Evidence may appear in the body of the application, be attached as appendices or as links to a URL. Evidence should be clearly labelled and reference the relevant Accreditation Element. It is acknowledged that some evidence may be relevant to more than one Element, and labelling should reflect this. If referring to a section in an Appendix, specific details (e.g., p3, para 2) should be referenced. The Evidence Map is to be completed to assist the Accreditation Panel to navigate the application. 7. Where an honours program is included under this application, ensure clear details of the honours program, are detailed under applicable Elements. 8. The Council will provide you with a Dropbox link to uploading your application. Please ensure that file names do not exceed 128 characters. Should you require more information or assistance please contact the Council on 03 98638077. 2016 V1 Page 3 PROGRAM PROFILE AND RETENTION RATES The Education Provider is requested to complete the blue sections of Table 1. This program profile will be used in all notifications to the Physiotherapy Board of Australia. Table 1: Program Profile Country Australia State/Territory Education Provider: Campuses to be approved: Name of Program(s) of Study*: Course Code(s)* Course Abbreviation(s)* Course Type AQF Level* * If an honours program is also to be included, identify, and also include course code in applicable box. 2016 V1 Page 4 The Education Provider is requested to complete an enrolment data table for the program. If there are multiple campuses, complete a separate table for each campus. (If the program is less than 4 years duration, delete the excess years.) Table 2: Enrolment data Campus 2012 ENROLMENTS – Number of Students 2013 2014 2015 2012 ENROLMENTS – Number of Students 2013 2014 2015 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Campus Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 COMMENTARY/EXPLANATION 2016 V1 Page 5 SECTION 1 — EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This section should summarise the program’s overall performance in the last five years. The summary should reflect self-assessment of performance, and may include how outcomes, evaluations and feedback have impacted quality enhancement in the program since the last report. It should identify any challenges faced by the program in its delivery over the last reporting period, or identified in the future. ACHIEVEMENTS AND OUTCOMES CHALLENGES 2016 V1 Page 6 SECTION 2 — ACCREDITATION REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT 1: PROGRAM ATTRIBUTES Element 1.1 Program and Degree Nomenclature Criterion The University must provide evidence that the title of the program and the title of the degree emphasise the profession of physiotherapy. Education provider response: 2016 V1 Page 7 Element 1.2 Duration of Programs Criterion The university must provide evidence that the program is of sufficient duration to provide adequate opportunity for the personal and professional development required for entry to the professional practice of physiotherapy as defined by the Australian Standards for Physiotherapy. Education provider response: 2016 V1 Page 8 REQUIREMENT 2: QUALITY SYSTEMS Element 2.1 Program Outcomes Criterion The philosophy and learning outcomes of the program are clearly stated and are consistent with the professional practice of physiotherapy and the Australian Standards for Physiotherapy. Education provider response: Campus Campus 2016 V1 Page 9 Element 2.2 Graduate Outcomes Criterion The university must provide evidence through the collection and evaluation of longitudinal assessment data that graduates of the program demonstrate the specific attributes defined in the Australian Standards for Physiotherapy in conjunction with the graduate attributes defined by the university. Education provider response: Campus Campus 2016 V1 Page 10 Element 2.3 Benchmarking Criterion The university must provide evidence of comparative analysis of the program including systematic benchmarking with comparable physiotherapy programs and an evaluative commentary. Education provider response: Campus Campus 2016 V1 Page 11 Element 2.4 Research Environment and Outcomes Criterion The university must provide evidence that the program is conducted in an academic unit that fosters and explicitly undertakes and supports research and scholarship in physiotherapy. Education provider response: Campus Campus 2016 V1 Page 12 REQUIREMENT 3: ACADEMIC PROGRAM Element 3.1 Pedagogy Criterion The university must provide evidence that the program is based on a philosophical pedagogy that facilitates attainment of graduate attributes through the progressive development and integration of knowledge, clinical skills and independent thinking, ethical and value analysis, communication skills, clinical reasoning and decision-making. Education provider response: 2016 V1 Page 13 Element 3.2 Curriculum Criterion The university must provide evidence that the curriculum addresses the Australian Standards of Physiotherapy and that there are appropriate processes in place to develop and improve the curriculum. Education provider response: 2016 V1 Page 14 Element 3.3 Assessment Criterion The university must provide evidence that academic and clinical staff utilize a range of appropriate assessment methods to report whether students know and understand theoretical material and are competent and safe to function in the clinical setting according to the Australian Standards for Physiotherapy. Education provider response: 2016 V1 Page 15 Element 3.4 Research/Evidence-based Practice Criterion The university must provide evidence that graduates of the program can apply an evidence-based approach to their own practice. Education provider response: 2016 V1 Page 16 Element 3.5 Clinical Education Model Criterion The university must provide evidence that the program includes a clinical education model that has sufficient breadth, depth and comprehensive coverage to ensure that the learning outcomes of the program and the Australian Standards for Physiotherapy are met. Education provider response: 2016 V1 Page 17 Element 3.6 Clinical Education Placements Criterion The university must provide evidence that the clinical education program includes clinical education placements that provide opportunities to develop the ability to apply knowledge and clinical skills in the key areas of physiotherapy, exposure to a range of settings (acute, rehabilitation and community) and to clients of all ages. Education provider response: Campus Campus 2016 V1 Page 18 REQUIREMENT 4: RESOURCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENTS Element 4.1 Academic and Research Leadership Criterion The university must provide evidence that it has the necessary and appropriate level of academic and research leadership to provide an entry-level physiotherapy program in an environment that fosters research and scholarship. Universities that are in the planning stages must provide evidence that they are in a position to appoint academic and research leaders and that a full professorial appointment in physiotherapy will be advertised within the first year of offering the program. Education provider response: Campus Campus 2016 V1 Page 19 Element 4.2 Academic Staffing Criterion The university must provide evidence that it has appointed academic staff at a level that enables provision of an entry-level physiotherapy program that satisfies all of the accreditation requirements. Universities that are in the planning stages must provide evidence that they are in a position to appoint academic staff with appropriate postgraduate qualifications and experience in each of the key areas of physiotherapy practice to assist in the development and delivery of the program. A comprehensive list of academic staff must be provided as part of this response, including sessional staff. Enter ‘sessional’ under EFT column as applicable. Curriculum vitae of all staff should be provided. Table 3: Staff Campus Name Qualifications Level of appointment Fraction EFT committed to physiotherapy program Specify main teaching or research area and position Qualifications Level of appointment Fraction EFT committed to physiotherapy program Specify main teaching or research area and position Table 4: Staff Campus Name Education provider response: 2016 V1 Page 20 Element 4.3 Clinical Educators Criterion The university must provide evidence that students within, and those who will enter the program have access to sufficient and experienced clinical educators to provide a comprehensive clinical education experience. Education provider response: Campus Campus 2016 V1 Page 21 Element 4.4 General Staffing Criterion The university must provide evidence that the level of general staff and services is adequate to meet the needs of the students and the academic staff including adequate access to secretarial, administrative, technical, laboratory and computing support. Education provider response: Campus Campus 2016 V1 Page 22 Element 4.5 Physical Resources Criterion The university must provide evidence that the physical resources reflect contemporary teaching and learning in physiotherapy both on campus and at off-campus clinical education sites. Education provider response: Campus Campus 2016 V1 Page 23 Element 4.6 Funding Criterion The university must provide evidence of a program funding model that enables provision of an entry level physiotherapy program that satisfies all of the accreditation requirements. Education provider response: Campus Campus 2016 V1 Page 24 Element 4.7 Organisational Structure Criterion The university must provide evidence that the structure of the university is appropriate for the delivery of an entry level program in physiotherapy. Education provider response: 2016 V1 Page 25 Element 4.8 Policies Criterion The university must provide evidence that it has in place appropriate policies for program development, approval, delivery, assessment, evaluation and review to ensure that standards of education are maintained. Education provider response: 2016 V1 Page 26 Element 4.9 Procedures Criterion The university must provide evidence that it has in place appropriate procedures for program development, approval, delivery, assessment, evaluation and review to ensure that standards of education are maintained. Education provider response: OTHER INFORMATION (If required) Education provider response: 2016 V1 Page 27 SECTION 3 – EVIDENCE MAP Please complete the following table, mapping evidence included in the application as appendices or URLs to the Accreditation Elements. Table 5: Evidence Map Accreditation Element Evidence - Appendix Number and Title or URL link 1.1 Program and Degree Nomenclature 1.2 Duration of Programs 2.1 Program outcomes 2.2 Graduate outcomes 2.3 Benchmarking 2.4 Research environment & Outcomes 3.1 Pedagogy 3.2 Curriculum 3.3 Assessment 3.4 Research/Evidence Based Practice 3.5 Clinical Education Model 3.6 Clinical Education Placements 4.1 Academic and Research Leadership 4.2 Academic Staffing 4.3 Clinical Educators 4.4 General Staffing 4.5 Physical Resources 4.6 Funding 4.7 Organisational Structure 4.8 Policies 4.9 Procedures 2016 V1 Page 28 SIGNATURE & CONTACT DETAILS HEAD ACADEMIC UNIT Name: Date: Position title: Phone: Email: Signature: 2016 V1 ___________________________________ Page 29