PBS Parents Website on Bullying

Behavior Management Websites and Links
Academic and Behavioral Response to Intervention (ABRI)
This website provides basics of effective instruction and classroom management that
formulate the universal level of PBS and RTI in the school and classroom. It provides
video clips of strategies being implemented in classroom settings.
Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice
The Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice supports and promotes better
outcomes for children at risk for or with emotional disturbance. As such, the website
provides information related to their mission. Specifically this site is useful for an
overview of functional behavior assessment. Videos on FBA can also be purchased
($15.00 per two video set).
Intervention Central
This website offers free tools and resources to help promote positive classroom behaviors
and foster effective learning for all children and youth. Below is a sampling of the
information that this website provides:
Good Behavior Game
Effective Teacher Commands
Bully Prevention Booklet
Respectful Classroom
Behavior Contracts
Behavior Report Card Generator
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
The Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports has
been established by the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of
Education to give schools capacity-building information and technical assistance for
identifying, adapting, and sustaining effective school-wide disciplinary practices.
Special Connections
This website, from the University of Kansas, has information for working with students
with special needs in accessing the general curriculum in terms of behavior plans,
instruction, collaboration, and assessment. The Teacher Tools include information on
how to use many instructional strategies with resource materials and link. Some of the
behavior topics include self-management, natural and logical consequences, peer-assisted
interventions. The Case Studies provide opportunities to see how instructional strategies
can be applied in classrooms, focusing on common classroom challenges. Examples of
behavior cases studies include how a teacher establishes a class-wide behavior plan, how
a general education teacher works with a team to complete a functional behavior
assessment, and how temper tantrums are decreased in a child with autism.
The IRIS Center
The IRIS Center offers interactive modules, case studies, and activities to provide
research-validated information on working with students with disabilities. For
information on behavior, a sampling of IRIS content includes the following. When you
land on the home page, click on the green Resources link.
You’re in Charge! Developing Your Own Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan
This module neatly complements the first behavior module, encouraging students to create and
print rules and procedures for their own classrooms based on the PAR model.
SOS: Helping Students Become Independent Learners
This module describes how teachers can help students stay on task by learning to regulate their
behavior. The four strategies discussed are self-monitoring, self-instruction, goal-setting, and selfreinforcement.
Functional Behavioral Assessment: Identifying the Reasons for Problem Behavior and
Developing a Behavior Plan
This module explores the basic principles of behavior and the importance of discovering the
reasons that students engage in problem behavior. The steps to conducting a functional behavioral
assessment and developing a behavior plan are described.
Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors (Part 1): Understanding the ActingOut Cycle
The first in a two-part series, this module discusses problem behavior in terms of the stages of the
acting-out cycle and suggests ways to respond to students in the cycle's different phases.
Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliance Behaviors (Part 2): Behavioral Interventions
The second in a two-part series, this module describes interventions that can increase initial
compliance to teacher requests as well as interventions that can be implemented to decrease
disruptive and noncompliant behaviors.
Case Studies with STAR (Strategies and Resources) Sheets
Encouraging Appropriate Behavior: This case study unit outlines positive behavior
management techniques that can be employed with individual students who have behavioral
concerns that are not effectively addressed by comprehensive classroom rules.
Fostering Student Accountability for Classroom Work: Through realistic classroom scenarios,
this case study set introduces five key components of an effective accountability system and
offers guidance on how to implement these strategies in a classroom setting.
Measuring Behavior: This case study unit provides information on how to collect observational
data on student behavior. Methods introduced include event, interval, duration, and latency
Norms and Expectations: This case study set provides scenarios and strategies that focus on the
establishment of classroom norms and expectations through the development of rules and
Online Game
The Behavior Game In this interactive game, you categorize consequences as positive, negative,
or inappropriate and then arrange the negative consequences into a hierarchy.
Info Briefs: Multiple information briefs on topics such as Positive Behavior Support and
Functional Behavior Assessment
Utah State Office of Education: Least Restrictive Behavioral Interventions (LRBI)
This website contains information on the implementation of multiple research-validated
behavioral strategies and interventions. It provides definitions, step-by-step procedures,
elementary, middle, and secondary examples, implementation information, and
supplemental resources. Many interventions also have an on-line video that expands the
text material.
Social Skills Training Commercial Curriculum
First Step to Success
 https://firststeptosuccess.sri.com/
 Grades 1-3; students with externalizing concerns
Incredible Years
 http://www.incredibleyears.com/
Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS)
 http://www.pearsonassessments.com/pai/ca/RelatedInfo/SSISOverview.htm
 Early elementary; Upper elementary/middle
Second Step (Committee for Children)
 http://www.cfchildren.org/programs/ssp/overview/
 Pre-K through middle school
 http://www.skillstreaming.com/
 Early Childhood – Adolescent
Strong Teens (Brookes)
 http://strongkids.uoregon.edu/strongteens.html
 Secondary
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program created by Clemson University
 http://www.clemson.edu/olweus/
Steps to Respect: A Bullying Prevention Program
 http://www.cfchildren.org/programs/str/overview/
PBS Parents Website on Bullying
 http://www.pbs.org/parents/itsmylife/resources/bullies.html
CNN’s Resources for Parents and Teachers
 http://articles.cnn.com/2010-09-30/us/antibullying.resource_1_cyberbullyinganti-bullying-resources-behavior?_s=PM:US
Walk a Mile In their Shoes (PDF Document on Bullying and Children with Special
 http://www.abilitypath.org/areas-of-development/learning-schools/bullying/articles/walk-a-mile-in-their-shoes.pdf
Bullying Resources from the National Criminal Justice Reference Service
 https://www.ncjrs.gov/App/Topics/Topic.aspx?Topicid=152
National School Safety Center
 http://www.schoolsafety.us/
Stop Bullying Now (kids website)
 http://www.stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov/kids/
Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere
 http://www.safeyouth.gov/Pages/Home.aspx
Lesson Plans and Strategies for Teachers
 http://www.educationworld.com/a_special/bully.shtml
Bullying and Cyberbullying Modules
 http://www.bobsedulinks.com/teachers.htm
Teacher’s First Bullying and Cyberbullying Resources
 http://www.teachersfirst.com/spectopics/bullyingandcyberbullyingprevention.
No Bully Teacher Resources
 http://www.nobully.com/teachers.htm
PDF Resource: Bullying in Schools and What You Can Do About It
 http://www.sacsc.ca/PDF%20files/Resources/Bullying%20in%20schools%20
National Bullying Prevention Center
 http://www.pacer.org/bullying/sap/
Antibullying Campaign Resources for Teachers
 http://www.antibullyingcampaign.ie/