PONOKA COMPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL Animal Husbandry/Welfare AGR 2020 Alex Cripps 2011 BRONCS RODEO ACADEMY 1. differentiate among and discuss the classifications and breeds of domestic animals o 1.1 identify and explain the advantages and disadvantages of owning a specific animal breed Advantages of owning Cats and Dogs http://www.ehow.com/how_2086105_benefit-from-companion-animals.html http://www.cairc.org/e/relation/companionanimal.html http://www.helium.com/items/1969216-advantages-to-owning-a-pet http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=0+1278+1490&aid=640 Disadvantages of owning Cats and Dogs http://www.tenspider-pets.net/pet-health-care/index.html#pet-health-tips http://hubpages.com/hub/The-Disadvantages-of-Having-a-Pet Advantages and disadvantages of owning horses http://hubpages.com/hub/Disadvantage-of-owning-a-horse http://www.horsekeeping.com/horse_management/horse_ownership.htm http://activerain.com/blogsview/1342620/the-benefits-of-owning-a-horse http://www.helium.com/items/1493204-disadvantages-of-owning-a-horse http://www.essortment.com/should-horse-kids-57110.html 2 o 1.2 identify criteria to be considered when selecting an animal (e.g., companion animal, performance animal, livestock), including: Put the following sentence into the search box of google “criteria to be considered when selecting a companion animal”, or performance animal, or livestock animal Consider the following criteria for selecting each type of animal (e.g., companion animal, performance animal, livestock), and fill in the chart on the following page. Consider the reasons (advantage/disadvantage) for owning a specific breed or gender of animal 1.2.1 type of animal 1.2.2 breed 1.2.3 gender 3 Check the following web sites or articles for some ideas and information: Companion Animals http://www.auspet.com/chooseapet.html http://www.rchumanesociety.org/pets/things_to_consider.asp http://www.animal-rights.com/arsec10.htm http://www.animalliberationfront.com/Practical/Pets/PetFAQ.htm Performance Animals http://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/AS/AS-465.html http://books.google.ca/books?id=7Z9o_vGPP4cC&pg=PA282&lpg=PA282&dq=criteria+for+selecting+performance+ animals&source=bl&ots=XIUKZexUG&sig=0Ymf6ByvVEZeTYjeyGgXhqyHQNU&hl=en&ei=yWOCTYPVA4GgsQOusvHrAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result &resnum=6&ved=0CEcQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=criteria%20for%20selecting%20performance%20animals&f=false Livestock http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_do_farmers_look_for_when_selecting_animals_or_plants_to_use_for_breeding http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culling http://ebookbrowse.com/selecting-livestock-market-animals-pdf-d47025315 4 COMPANION ANIMAL TYPE OF ANIMAL PERORMANCE ANIMAL LIVESTOCK Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. NAME of BREED: NAME of BREED: NAME of BREED: __Click here to enter text._________________ __Click here to enter text._________________ _Click here to enter text.__________________ ADV:Click here to enter text. ADV:Click here to enter text. ADV:Click here to enter text. DIS ADV:Click here to enter text. DIS ADV:Click here to enter text. DIS ADV:Click here to enter text. BREED 5 GENDER: GENDER: GENDER: _Click here to enter text.__________________ _Click here to enter text.__________________ __Click here to enter text._________________ ADV:Click here to enter text. ADV:Click here to enter text. ADV:Click here to enter text. DIS ADV:Click here to enter text. DIS ADV:Click here to enter text. DIS ADV:Click here to enter text. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ GENDER:Click here to enter text. GENDER:Click here to enter text. GENDER:Click here to enter text. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ADV:Click here to enter text. ADV:Click here to enter text. ADV:Click here to enter text. DIS ADV:Click here to enter text. DIS ADV:Click here to enter text. DIS ADV:Click here to enter text. GENDER 6 2. identify and describe indicators of health in a domestic animal (– to be completed on chart on page 9) o 2.1 research the history of the selected animal of choice o 2.2 identify and describe indicators of health in a selected domestic animal, considering: o 2.2.1 physical signs of good and poor health 2.2.2 normal and abnormal vital signs 2.2.3 symptoms of disease and parasites 2.3 explain basic food requirements in specific situations; e.g., newborn, maintenance, growth or finishing, pregnant or lactating mothers, aging o 2.4 describe contributions of technology in current animal husbandry and health care practices, including: 2.4.1 nutrition 2.4.2 disease prevention and treatment 2.4.3 reproduction o 2.5 describe normal/abnormal physiology and anatomy for a selected domestic animal o 2.6 describe normal/abnormal food sources and the impact of nutrient deficiencies on animal health 7 The DOMESTIC animal I have chosen to research is:_Click here to enter text. If you have chosen a horse, look at http://www.essortment.com/quarter-horse-history-23609.html http://archaeology.about.com/od/domestications/qt/horses.htm http://www.localriding.com/history-of-the-horse.html http://www.equiworld.net/horses/horsecare/evolution/history.htm If you have chosen a cow, look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattle http://archaeology.about.com/od/domestications/qt/cattle.htm If you have chosen a dog, look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog http://archaeology.about.com/od/domestications/qt/dogs.htm http://www.animalfreedom.org/english/opinion/pets/history_of_the_dog.html 8 If you have chosen a cat, look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_depictions_of_cats http://www.essortment.com/history-domestic-cats-21154.html If you have chosen a chicken, look at http://archaeology.about.com/od/domestications/qt/chicken.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken If you have chosen swine, look at http://www.askthemeatman.com/history_of_pigs.htm http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/economy/pigs.htm If you have chosen a guinea pig, look at http://archaeology.about.com/od/gterms/qt/guinea_pigs.htm http://cavyhistory.tripod.com/ 9 2.1 When researching the animals history, include the following 1. Where did the species originate? Click here to enter text. 2. When they were first domesticated? Click here to enter text. 3. What were they used for? Click here to enter text. 4. How are they used today (how have their jobs changed)? Click here to enter text. 10 2.2 indicators of health in your chosen animal (from above question ) Type of Animal: Click here to enter text. GOOD Click here to enter text. POOR Click here to enter text. Physical Signs Of Health Normal Click here to enter text. Abnormal Click here to enter text. Vital Signs Click here to enter text. Symptoms Of Disease And Parasites 11 2.3 Explain basic food requirements in specific situations; e.g., newborn, maintenance, growth or finishing, pregnant or lactating mothers, aging . For an example, go to http://www.nutrenaworld.com/nutrena/knowledgecenter/horse/index.jsp Type of animal: Click here to enter text. Nutritional Needs Water Requirements Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Newborn Maintenance 12 Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Growth or Finishing Pregnant or Lactating Mothers Aging or Old 13 2.4 describe contributions of technology in current animal husbandry and health care practices, including: 2.4.1 nutrition 2.4.2 disease prevention and treatment 2.4.3 reproduction How Is Technology Being Used In Current Animal Husbandry And Health Care Practices, When It Comes To Nutrition, Disease Prevention And Treatment, And Reproduction? You will research a specific type of domestic animal and find out how Technologies (computers, science, etc) are being used to improve the knowledge about, and the practices that contribute to DOMESTIC animals nutrition. Some examples can be found at: Go to the following website to find information about Nutrition: http://www.nutrenaworld.com/nutrena/products/horses/vitality/smart-graintechnology/index.jsp http://www.ualbertacentennial.ca/achievements/areas/established/nutrition.html http://books.google.ca/books?id=3g8yMA33ZWIC&printsec=frontcover&dq=new+technologie s+in+nutrition+research&source=bl&ots=s5gFhg_9nP&sig=uGcnvRK9k1QUx66CHyea8uWQRo c&hl=en&ei=HgaJTZH7OJOWsgPo3d36Cw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=8&ved= 0CEoQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=new%20technologies%20in%20nutrition%20research&f=fals e 14 Disease Prevention And Treatment http://books.google.ca/books?id=zJWgcQBIUYC&pg=PA63&lpg=PA63&dq=new+technologies+for+Disease+Prevention+and+Treatme nt+in+animals&source=bl&ots=FY1s6hHeH&sig=_6kJ3xwiUBdcHXnkszxUcrvMH5k&hl=en&ei=NgeJTeyFHY6csQPG8cSPDA&sa=X &oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=new%20technolo gies%20for%20Disease%20Prevention%20and%20Treatment%20in%20animals&f=false http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/25684/animal-disease/63293/Diseaseprevention-control-and-eradication http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5404a1.htm http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:cB6ol_0DivUJ:www.veterinaryworld.org/Vol.2%2520No.12%2520Full%2520Text/Nanot echnology%2520and%2520its%2520applications%2520in%2520Veterinary%2520and%2520Animal.pdf+technologies+AND+Diseas e+Prevention+AND+Treatment+AND+animals&hl=en&gl=ca&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESijS7a0uuZ2fwLt466F1qR18KKtYccG7mPz1d9w JIMLKdH8mrT7sm9X81afXOSHbRiQdhlZS3VXU6q1cM-CglN34Px8Tb6fol6FYpZu4-QBpAxBmin2LkjAKwNi8Uz9XQtZhpM&sig=AHIEtbTGReA9R4qPFjVPf6_4ibAeFUxnpQ Reproduction http://www.csrees.usda.gov/nea/animals/in_focus/reproduction_if_assisted.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reproductive_technology http://www.pighealth.com/reviews/reproductive.htm http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v2/n2/abs/nbt0284-149.html 15 Nutrition Disease Prevention/ Treatment Reproduction Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Type of Technology New practice/idea/ developments Benefits/Results 16 2.5 describe normal/abnormal physiology and anatomy for a selected domestic animal Define the terms PHYSIOLOGY and ANATOMY: PHYSIOLOGY: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_physiology Click here to enter text. ANATOMY: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatomy Click here to enter text. Select a breed of domestic animal and describe 3 normal and 3 abnormal characteristics of physiology and anatomy for the breed you have selected. Fill in the chart below/on next page. An example might be a dog with a sixth toe- abnormal anatomy An example might be a cow’s mammary duct system- normal Physiology 17 Physiology and Anatomy Type of Animal Normal Abnormal Click here to enter text.________ Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Physiology Anatomy 18 2.6 describe normal/abnormal food sources and the impact of nutrient deficiencies on animal health Choose a type of domestic animal and describe its normal food sources, what it may use if it has to (abnormal) and 2 common problems caused by nutritional deficiencies (2 of these). An example might be the Guinea Pig: http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=18+1800&aid=1630 Normal Feed Hay and pellets Guinea pigs should have hay available at all times. The best hay to feed your guinea pig is timothy or oat hay. Alfalfa hay is too rich in calcium and protein and should be given only sparingly. Fortified guinea pig pellets can be fed in small amounts in addition to hay. Abnormal Feed Good foods for guinea pigs include the outside leaves of cauliflower (but not the white 'flower'), split the stem of the leaf down the middle; stems of broccoli chopped into quarters lengthways are also enjoyed although they have little nutritional value; broccoli flowers, green or black cabbage, kale, chicory, carrots, parsnips, sweet corn outer leaves and the silk (sweet corn is fattening and overheating but makes a good winter food), raw beetroot, celery, cucumber, small amounts of parsley, small amounts of apple although it can cause mouth sores in susceptible animals; wild plants including plantain, golden rod, cleavers, yarrow and dandelion in a balanced salad - dandelion is a diuretic and can make their droppings soft if fed to excess. Nutrient Deficiencies Guinea pigs are unique among other small mammals in their dietary requirements, since they require Vitamin C. Like humans, they are missing an enzyme that is necessary for the body to make Vitamin C. Signs of a Vitamin C deficiency in guinea pigs can develop quite rapidly (within weeks) if they are being fed a deficient diet. These signs include: Loss of appetite Depression 19 Ruffled fur Weight loss Swollen and painful joints and ribs; lameness Poor bone and teeth development and a painful mouth Nasal discharge Bleeding gums and hemorrhages under the skin and into the joints Infections Some references to get started with are: (Nutrition) http://www.smallstock.info/info/feeding.htm http://www.holistichorse.com/Nutrition/ (Deficiencies and diseases) http://www.smallstock.info/info/health-nutrition.htm Type Of Animal:__Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Normal Feed Click here to enter text. Abnormal Feed Problems Caused by Nutritional Deficiencies Click here to enter text. 20 3. explain factors that contribute to a healthy animal environment o 3.1 describe characteristics of a healthy animal environment and conditions that can place an animal’s health or safety at risk, considering: 3.1.1 sanitation 3.1.2 housing; e.g., kennel, cage and paddock management 3.1.3 methods of restraint o 3.2 identify the shelter needs of a selected domestic animal o 3.3 maintain desirable handling, housing and fencing structures Choose a domestic animal and fill in the chart below. There are many ways to research the necessary information for this question. Some are provided, but you may use whatever resources you can find. Be sure to record where you find the information. The following web sites may be used to answer the questions. http://books.google.ca/books?id=q-26Cz4tP0C&pg=PA279&lpg=PA279&dq=characteristics+of+a+healthy+horse+environment&source=bl&ots=lkA4 RrvEPS&sig=hRetN9ftgWxHmO0ZIjbLUOnmjQ4&hl=en&ei=fEmbTfrJOYHCsAOI7_GOBA&sa=X&oi=book_re sult&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CCAQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=characteristics%20of%20a%20healthy% 20horse%20environment&f=false http://www.holistichorse.com/Composting/pasture-management-101-maintaining-a-healthy-environmentfor-your-horse.html http://www.wowhorses.com/healthy-horse-top-10.html www.mass.gov/dep/water/resources/pasture.doc 21 3.1 Type of Animal: Click here to enter text. Characteristics Of A Healthy Animal Environment Conditions That Can Place An Animal’s Health Or Safety At Risk Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Regular Housing and Shelter Needs And Maintaining Desirable Housing And Fencing Structures Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Methods Of Restraint And Maintain Desirable Handling, Structures Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Sanitation 22 4. identify agents and sources of stress for animals and their implications for health o 4.1 describe abnormal animal behaviour and practise intervention strategies for a sick animal, including: 4.1.1 reducing stress 4.1.2 administering emergency first aid 4.1.3 treating/controlling diseases and other ailments 4.1.4 administering medication o 4.2 describe transportation-related sources of stress o 4.3 describe veterinary services that are available and the protocol for accessing these services, including: 4.3.1 when to call 4.3.2 how to prepare For Outcome 4, you will need to answer the following questions and discuss the situations presented: Choose a domestic animal to research for this assignment. My chosen animal is: Click here to enter text. http://www.afac.ab.ca/youth.htm Describe 3 causes of stress for your chosen animal 1. )Click here to enter text. 2. )Click here to enter text. 3. )Click here to enter text. 23 Now describe how these 3 causes of stress can be REDUCED. How can you reduce the amount of stress on the animal caused by the 3 stressors mentioned above. 1. )Click here to enter text. 2. )Click here to enter text. 3. )Click here to enter text. Choose two common emergency situations that may happen to a domestic animal (eg. Choking or bleeding) and go to the following website and explain how you would use emergency first aid to treat your pet. http://www.cvmbs.colostate.edu/clinsci/wing/firstaid/firstaid.htm 1. )Click here to enter text. 2. )Click here to enter text. 24 Choose two common diseases or ailments that a domestic animal may acquire (eg. Parasites, fungus, or pinkeye). Once you have chosen your diseases/ailments, research their causes and their cures and fill in the following chart. Explain how the medication is administered. Disease/ailment Causes Cures/Administration of Medication Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 25 Describe Transportation-Related Sources Of Stress: Using your chosen animal, describe three (3) causes of stress related to transportation when an animal is injured. Go to the following website to find some information. http://www.cvmbs.colostate.edu/clinsci/wing/firstaid/firstaid.htm http://www.afac.ab.ca/youth.htm 1)Click here to enter text. 2)Click here to enter text. 3)Click here to enter text. 26 4.6 Research local veterinarians and make a list of their names, contact information, and specialties (small animal or large animal). Veterinarian/Clinic Contact Information Specialties Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 27 5. demonstrate practical skills in providing care for a domestic animal o 5.1 demonstrate ethical behaviours in providing care for an animal; e.g., humane handling o 5.2 monitor vital signs and examine for diseases, parasites and other common ailments through: 5.2.1 head-to-toe examination 5.2.2 grooming; e.g., regular brushing/bathing 5.2.3 care of feet/nails/hooves 5.2.4 dental care o 5.3 identify appropriate birthing and newborn care o 5.4 explain the importance of maintaining safe domestic and market-driven environments for animals 28 5.1 Using your chosen animal, describe ethical behaviours in providing care for an animal. An example might be humane ways of handling the animals, humane methods of transport. You will choose two behaviours and compare ethical vs non ethical means for the behavior. Animal: Click here to enter text. Behaviour Ethical Method Non Ethical method Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. http://www.afac.ab.ca/careinfo/guidelines.htm http://www.afac.ab.ca/youth.htm http://www.cvmbs.colostate.edu/clinsci/wing/firstaid/firstaid.htm www.ruralareavet.org/PDF/Animal_Handling.pdf - http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&safe=active&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&sa=X&ei=imbTZPmCI_4swO3zeGaBA&ved=0CBQQBSgA&q=www.ruralareavet.org/PDF/Animal_Handling.p df&spell=1 29 Animal: Click here to enter text. 5.2 For your chosen animal, describe how to monitor vital signs and examine them for diseases, parasites and other common ailments through: Describe how you would do a head to toe examinationwhat you would look for? Signs of injury, infection, parasites Click here to enter text. Describe proper grooming schedules and techniques; e.g., regular brushing/bathing Click here to enter text. Describe proper care of feet/nails/hooves including schedules and techniques Click here to enter text. Describe proper dental care including schedules and techniques Click here to enter text. 30 4.3 Animal: Identify appropriate birthing and newborn care Click here to enter text. For your chosen animal, describe appropriate birthing and newborn care Click here to enter text. Birthing Care for mother and baby Click here to enter text. Care of newborn 31 5.4 Explain the importance of maintaining safe domestic and market-driven environments for animals In a paragraph for each part of the question “Explain the importance of maintaining safe domestic and market-driven environments for animals” The reasons it is important to maintaining safe domestic environments for animals are: Click here to enter text. The reasons it is important to maintaining safe market-driven environments for animals are: Click here to enter text. 32 6. identify and describe legislation intended to address animal welfare o o o o o 6.1 distinguish between animal welfare and animal rights 6.2 identify and describe organizations in the community that enforce animal protection legislation 6.3 identify federal and provincial laws related to animal protection 6.4 describe different perspectives regarding an issue in animal welfare, including: 6.4.1 ethical 6.4.2 legal 6.4.3 economic 6.4.4 social 6.5 outline a protocol for reporting an animal welfare issue You may find these sites helpful for this section. http://cfhs.ca/law/provincial_legislation/ www.afac.ab.ca/lawsregs/awlcanada.pdf http://www.afac.ab.ca/lawsregs.htm 33 6.1 Distinguish between animal welfare and animal rights Define each term and compare and contrast the two terms – this means explain how they are alike and how they are different. Be sure to acknowledge your sources at the bottom of the page. Define each term Click here to enter text. Animal Welfare Click here to enter text. Animal Rights 34 Animal Welfare Animal Rights Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Compare / Similarities Contrast / Differences 35 6.2 Identify and describe at least two (2) organizations within, or near, your community that enforce animal protection legislation. Give their name, location, contact information and what type of animals are their main focus (eg. Dogs. Horses, cats) Name of Organization/ Location Contact Information Specialties Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 36 6.3 Identify federal and provincial laws related to animal protection. Go to the following website and open the Criminal Code of Canada Cruelty to Animals Bill portal. You will use this site to answer the following questions. http://www.afac.ab.ca/lawsregs.htm List three Federal documents that deal with laws and regulations in regards to “Animal Protection Legislation”. 1. )Click here to enter text. 2. )Click here to enter text. 3. )Click here to enter text. On the above mentioned web page, go to the “Report on Animal Welfare law in Canada” section and click on the link. Complete the following table (page 38) outlining the scope of each of the above mentioned legislation, as well as who can enforce it. 37 FEDERAL LEGISLATION ACT ENFORCEMENT SCOPE Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Criminal Code (Section 446 – Cruelty to Animals) Health of Animals Act Meat Inspection Act 38 Provincial Legislation Using the same web site, look at the eight different province of Alberta Animal Protection Legislations. Complete the following chart: PROVINCIAL LEGISLATION ACT ENFORCEMENT SCOPE Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. NOT AVAILABLE Click here to enter text. ANIMAL PROTECTION ACT LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS ACT LIVESTOCK IDENTIFICATION AND COMMERCE ACT 39 Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY DIVERSIFICATIO N ACT MEAT INSPECTION ACT STRAY ANIMALS ACT http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca Click here to enter text. /$department/deptdocs.nsf/ all/acts6139 Click here to enter text. http://www.abvma.ca/ Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. VETERINARY PROFESSION ACT 40 Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. ANIMAL KEEPERS ACT Go to the following website and open the Alberta Animal Protection Act portal. http://cfhs.ca/law/provincial_legislation/ Using the information found in this document, answer the following questions: 1. What are 4 things that any person who “owns or is in charge of an animal” must do? a. )Click here to enter text. b. )Click here to enter text. c. )Click here to enter text. d. )Click here to enter text. 41 2. List the three definitions of an “abandoned animal” a. )Click here to enter text. b. )Click here to enter text. c. )Click here to enter text. 3. What 3 things can happen to a person if they are found to have committed an “offence” under this legislation? a. )Click here to enter text. b. )Click here to enter text. c. )Click here to enter text. 42 6.4 Describe different perspectives regarding an issue in animal welfare, including: o 6.4.1 ethical 6.4.2 legal 6.4.3 economic 6.4.4 social In the following chart, read the situation presented and then discuss both sides of the issue. You will research both the pro and con side of the argument from an animal welfare point of view. The following web site might be of help: http://www.internationalanimalnet.org/?q=home Also you may just google “ethical issues in animal welfare” and switch out the key work for each subsequent search. ANIMAL WELFARE ISSUES Ethical/Social Issues: Should animals be used for research purposes? Pro/Yes Why should it be okay to use animals for research purposes? Con/No Why should it NOT be okay to use animals for research purposes? Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 43 Legal Issues: Should it be illegal to keep exotic or dangerous (tigers, lions, pit-bull) pets? Why? Pro/Yes Click here to enter text. Why NOT? Con/No Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Economic Issues: Who should be responsible for the costs incurred because of pet overpopulation? Who should pay for destroying or spaying and neutering? Pet owners? Why? Government and Animal Welfare groups? Why? Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 44 6.5 Outline a protocol for reporting an animal welfare issue To explain how a person would go about reporting an animal welfare issue, look at the following website and answer the following questions. http://animalrights.about.com/od/pets/a/reportcruelty.htm What Constitutes Animal Cruelty? Click here to enter text. Why is Reporting Animal Cruelty Important? a)Click here to enter text. b)Click here to enter text. c)Click here to enter text. d)Click here to enter text. 45 Nonprofit animal advocacy groups sometimes even local humane societies often do not have the legal authority to respond to or investigate cruelty complaints. It is important to call the appropriate agencies so your report is investigated. Whom should you call to report animal cruelty in Alberta? http://www.albertaspca.org/Reporting.asp http://daisyfoundation.ca/daisy/for-daisy-foundation/reporting-animal-cruelty/ Click here to enter text. 46 7. demonstrate basic competencies (complete attached rubric) o o o 7.1 demonstrate fundamental skills to: 7.1.1 communicate 7.1.2 manage information 7.1.3 use numbers 7.1.4 think and solve problems 7.2 demonstrate personal management skills to: 7.2.1 demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours 7.2.2 be responsible 7.2.3 be adaptable 7.2.4 learn continuously 7.2.5 work safely 7.3 demonstrate teamwork skills to: 7.3.1 work with others 7.3.2 participate in projects and tasks Complete the rubric on the following 3 pages and hand it in with your work. 47 Name _______________________________ Peer Assessed by: Date _______________________________ Self BASIC COMPETENCIES RUBRIC SKILLS Master/Expert 4 Proficient 3 Acceptable 2 Limited 1 Fundamental Skills I always communicate in a positive, effective manner. Body language shows interest and enthusiasm. I often use appropriate vocabulary and usually speak clearly and confidently. Body language and facial expressions generally show interest and enthusiasm. I sometimes use appropriate vocabulary and speak clearly and confidently. Body language and facial expressions are neutral. I seldom use appropriate vocabulary, mumble words, or cannot be clearly understood. Body language and facial expressions show disinterest and lack of enthusiasm. Manage Information I always save information in the appropriate place, information is and can find files organized and quickly and easily. has an appropriate system of electronic file organization in place I usually save information in the appropriate place, and can retrieve files in a timely manner. I have not mastered the organization of electronic files, and have trouble retrieving them. I have no system of electronic file organization in place. Communicate uses appropriate vocabulary speaks clearly and confidently body language and facial expressions are appropriate and respectful and show interest 48 Number Use can apply the correct format for numbers in document production (e.g., currency, date) I always use numbers in appropriate ways to display information correctly and in a pleasing manner. I usually use numbers in appropriate ways to display information correctly and in a pleasing manner. I sometimes use numbers in appropriate ways. I seldom know how to use numbers to display information properly. Think and Solve Problems I can always find a number of ways to solve the problem on my own initiative. I can frequently seek out other ways to solve the problem, and rarely need support or guidance. I can usually seek out other ways to solve the problem, but occasionally I need support or guidance. I can rarely seek out other ways to solve the problem, and frequently need support and guidance. I frequently demonstrate personal management skills. I usually demonstrate personal management skills. I rarely demonstrate personal management skills. shows initiative for finding resources and answers Personal Management Skills Demonstrate a Positive Attitude and Behaviours acts responsibly is open to learning new things in new ways can adapt and be flexible to issues that arise always works safely I always demonstrate personal management skills and am eager to learn. 49 Teamwork Skills I always demonstrate works well with effective teamwork skills, and often others take initiative in a group setting that is a team exceeds required player skills. Works With Others I always participate Participate in Projects and Tasks in required projects and tasks, and complete all assignments and projects. I frequently demonstrate effective teamwork skills, and rarely need support or guidance in teamwork activities. I usually demonstrate effective teamwork skills, and occasionally need support or guidance. I rarely demonstrate effective teamwork skills, and frequently need support and guidance. I often want to work independently. I frequently participate in required projects and tasks, and complete most assignments and projects. I usually participate in required projects and tasks, and complete some assignments and projects. I rarely participate in required projects and tasks, and complete very few assignments and projects. Comments / Reflections What am I doing well? What needs improving? 50 8. Make personal connections to the cluster content and processes to inform possible pathway choices o o 8.1 complete/update a personal inventory; e.g., interests, values, beliefs, resources, prior learning and experiences 8.2 create a connection between a personal inventory and occupational choices MY PERSONAL INVENTORY MY CAREER GOAL IS___Click here to enter text._____________________________________________________________ ITEM MY RESPONSE Click here to enter text. HOW THIS CONNECTS TO MY CAREER GOAL… Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. INTERESTS What in this topic interested you? VALUES Which of your personal values were influenced by this topic? 51 Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. BELIEFS Which of your beliefs were affected by this topic? RESOURCES What resources did you use to research this topic? PRIOR LEARNING AND EXPERIENCE What was your prior learning or experience with this topic? 52