Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church /Assumption B.V.M. Church 131 North Beech Street, Mount Carmel, Pa. 17851 Very Reverend Archpriest Michael Hutsko, Pastor Rectory 570-339-0650 Church Hall 570- 339-4333 Web Site- - E-Mail: - Fax 570-339-2715 Prayer Line: Louise Cuff 339-3660 – Eleanor Stebila 339-2353 – Louise Troyan 339-1565 Please notify the rectory office if you or a loved one is hospitalized or admitted to a nursing home. Office Hours: Mon. Tues. Fri. - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Wed. Thurs. 9:00 AM -12:00 Noon 1st Collection: Candles 2nd Collection: Regular Offering 27th Sunday After Pentecost Saturday 11-23-13 3:15 PM Confessions 4:00 PM + Joseph Wozney, Sr. req. by Joseph, Jr. & Jocelyn Wozney Sunday 11-24-13 27th Sunday After Pentecost 8:15 AM Confessions 9:15 AM For the Parishioners 3:00 PM – Divine Liturgy & Healing Service at Ss. Peter & Paul Church 11:00 AM at Assumption B.V.M. Church + Francis Jurgill req. by Wife, Barbara Monday 11-25-13 8:00 AM at Assumption B.V.M. Church + Mildred Repella req. by Russell Stucklach 2:00 PM Mt. Carmel Nursing Home + Jack Hamulla req. by Aunt Pearl Tuesday 11-26-13 No Divine Liturgy Wednesday 11-27-13 8:00 AM at Assumption B.V. M. Church + Bertha Yanuzzi req. by Helen Kuzo Thursday 11-28-13 Thanksgiving Day 9:00 AM For the Parishioners at Ss. Peter & Paul Church Friday 11-29-13 No Divine Liturgy Saturday 11-30-13 8:00 AM + Michelle Whyne req. by Steffanick Family 3:15 PM Confessions 4:00 PM + Peter Visloskie req. by Walter & Sue Visloskie Sunday 12-01-13 28th Sunday After Pentecost 8:15 AM Confessions 9:15 AM For the Parishioners 11:00 AM at Assumption B.V.M. Church + Charles Kent req. by Deborah, Andy, & Lenny Machonis 8:00 AM weekday liturgies are at Assumption B.V.M. Church until further notice November 24, 2013 Welcome: We the people of Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption Churches, are a Catholic community that worships God, spreads the Good News of Christ, and serves those in need. Come into the house. Bring all you are, no need to check your failures at the door. There are no perfect people here. You are invited: come. Come in seeking, come in wondering, come in hurting. Come into this house of companionship and compassion. Come in. You are welcome here. Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption Churches open their doors to you. Upcoming Events: Mark your calendars and plan to support the following events……. November 24 – Altar Rosary Society “Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner” for the homebound of our Parishes. November 24 – Divine Liturgy & Healing Service 3:00 PM – at Ss. Peter & Paul Church November 28 – Thanksgiving Day – Happy Thanksgiving – Church Office Closed November 29 – Church Office Closed December 1 – Altar Rosary Society Sunday December 2 – Church Office Reopens Happy Thanksgiving: I would like to extend my sincere wishes to all the parishioners of our parishes for a Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving. May God Bless each and everyone of you with bountiful blessings. Fr. Michael Sunday Social: Sunday social is being held every Sunday, immediately after the 9:15 AM Divine Liturgy. Coffee and goodies are served. Everyone is welcome!! Donations are greatly appreciated. In Your Prayers: Please remember to pray for the sick and the infirm of our Parishes. Please Remember: To pray for vocations to the Holy Priesthood and religious life. Rosary Intention: For the week of November 24, 2013, for the sick and the infirm of our parishes. Ss. Peter & Paul Fund Raising Donations as of November 17, 2013 are: Parishioners: $ 250.00 – Michael Adzema $ 250.00 – Susan Adzema $ 250.00 – Kathryn Brandt $ 150.00 – Catherine Mall $ 100.00- Nancy Marshalick $ 50.00- Patricia Sempko $ 50.00 – Margaret Spadel $ 25.00 – William & Aylcia Pitcavage Holiday Cookie Sale: The Holidays are a busy time for all of us. Why not save some time and let us do the baking for you? This year we’re taking orders for cookie trays. Orders are due by December 15, 2013 and may be picked up on December 21, 2013. Cookie trays include an assortment of different types of cookies and are $13.00 a tray. To place an order call Amy Lapointe 570-205-9923 or Abbie Timmins at 570-339-3375, or the church office at 570-339-0650 All proceeds benefit the parish. Non-Parishioner Donations: $ 250.00 – Anne Evans I Pad & Kindle Fire Raffle: SS. Peter & Paul Church Holy Name Society will be selling tickets for an I Pad, and a Kindle Fire. Drawing will be December 15th, 2013. You need not be present to win. Tickets are $2.00 ea. / 3 for $ 5.00. Please contact any Holy Name Member for tickets. Thank you for your support of this raffle. Total To Date Fund Raising Donations: $ 31, 888.73 Divine Liturgy and Healing Services: A special Divine Liturgy will be celebrated on Sunday, November 24th at 3:00 PM for the intention of healing of our soul and body. Very Reverend Msgr. Myron Grabowsky, pastor of St. Michael’s Church in Shenandoah and St. Nicholas Church in St. Clair, will be the main celebrant. Msgr. Myron will offer the homily at the liturgy focusing upon God’s desire for us to be made whole both physically and spiritually. At the conclusion of the liturgy there will be an opportunity for all to come forward for a personal anointing along with special prayers for healing. Please plan to attend this very special opportunity to receive the gift of healing and invite all your family, friends, and neighbors. For more information please call Ss. Peter & Paul Church office at 570-339-0650. Calling all Men, Women, and Children to help at SS. Peter & Paul Church: We invite you to help prepare and decorate our church for the upcoming Christmas Season. We will gather in the church on Wednesday, December 4, 2013 beginning at 6:00 PM. Please consider lending a hand with this very important project. Everyone is invited… See you there. Please mark your calendar. Office Closed: The office of SS. Peter & Paul/Assumption B.V.M. Churches will be closed on November 28, and November 29, 2013. The office will reopen on Monday, December 2 at 9:00 AM. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Special Collection for Victims of Typhoon Haiyan: Metropolitan Stefan has asked that a special collection be taken up for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. This collection will be made in our parish and all parishes of the Archeparchy at the Divine Liturgies the weekend of November 23, and 24. The donations will be used to provide basic necessities-food, water, emergency shelter—to those affected by this natural disaster. Eventually funds will also help to rebuild the Catholic Church structures which serve the people who are enduring this crisis. This collection is coordinated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. All funds will be immediately forwarded to Catholic Relief Services which is already on location providing humanitarian aid to the victims. The faithful may also send donations made payable to “Archbishop’s Chancery” to: Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy, 827 N. Franklin Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19123. You may also make payments through Paypal located right below Archieparchial website at (the button is located right below the HOME button.) Please use the option marked Typhoon Haiyan to make your donation. At this time, let us remember the words of Our Lord, “Whatever you did for the least among you, you did for Me.” Thank you for your generosity and for opening of your hearts to our suffering neighbors in their time of need. Bulletin Requests: Any requests or any information to be placed in the bulletin must be in writing and submitted to the church office by 12:00 Noon on Mondays. Ss. Peter & Paul Church Lector Schedule: Sat. November 23 4:00 PM Ellen Goretsky Sun. November 24 9:15 AM Christine Bogner Sat. November 30 4:00 PM Brock Bridy Sun. December 1 9:15 AM George Ann Katchick Assumption B.V.M. Church Lector Schedule Sun. November 24 11:00 AM Bryce Fiamoncini Sun. December 1 11:00 AM Bryce Fiamoncini Altar Flowers: Altar flowers can be sponsored weekly for $30.00 per arrangement. Parishioners can sponsor these flowers in Memory of a loved one, or for any occasion. Anyone interested in sponsoring flowers may call 570 - 339-0650. Next Pyrohy Sale: The next SS. Peter & Paul/Assumption Pyrohy Sale will be held on Wednesday, December 11th, starting at 9:00 AM, and on Thursday, December12th, starting at 8:00 AM. Orders must be received by December 4th, 2013. We are still in need of help in all aspects of this project please try to devote some of your time and talents to this project. All are welcome. Thank you Halupki for Sale: Ss. Peter & Paul Church has frozen unbaked Halupki for sale. Cost is $9.00 a ½ dozen, $18.00 a dozen. Please call the church office at (570)339-0650 if you wish to purchase Halupki. Special Thank You: A very special “Thank You” to everyone who came out this past week to help with our Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption B.V.M. Churches November Pyrohy Sale. Your help was greatly appreciated. We are still in need of helping hands in all aspects of this project, please try to devote some of your time and talents to this project. EWTN-TV Featuring a Program about Ukraine on November 22, 2013: Thursday, November 22, 2013 at 6:30 PM Eastern Standard Time the program Rebuilding the Faith- Ukraine L’viv Seminary. Communist rule made open religious training impossible in Ukraine. A look at the L’viv Seminary and what its reopening means to the people of that country. (30 min) Religion Classes: Religion classes at SS. Peter & Paul Church have resumed. Classes are held Monday evenings from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM. All children from pre-school age to 8th grade are encouraged to attend. Children receiving the Sacrament of Penance/Holy Communion in Calendar Year 2013-2014 must attend these classes. Registration forms are available. Please bring along a copy of your child’s (children’s) baptismal certificate if they have not been baptized in either Mt. Carmel or Centralia. Instructors will be available to register your child, and answer any questions you may have. Children receiving Penance and First Solemn Eucharist must be ACTIVE members of our parishes and complete 2 years of instruction. It is expected that all children of our parishes, along with any other interested children from the area, will faithfully attend these very important classes to learn more about Jesus Christ and our faith-tradition. If you have any questions please contact Christine Bogner at 570 -847-4385. Fund Raising Donations Request from Church Office: Please! When you are donating to the new Fund Raising (Replenishing) Donation Fund, the $250.00 fundraising donation request, please enclose your donation in a plain white envelope, mark it Fund Raising Donation. Also please include your name and amount you are donating to the fund. The green envelope which is in your envelope box is the Church Renovation envelope and is a separate fund raising project. Thank you for your cooperation. Thanksgiving Dinner: Members of the Altar Rosary Society of SS. Peter & Paul Church are preparing “A Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner” for our parishioners who are homebound on Sunday, November 24, 2013. Turkey Dinners will be delivered by the Holy Name Society in the early afternoon hours. Thank you to both the Altar Rosary Society and the Holy Name Society for a great job that is done every year. Advent Season: During the time of “Christmas Fast” the Psalm of Typica/Beatitudes found on page 6 and page 10 respectively of the white Divine Liturgy booklet will be responded instead of the Regular Sunday or Weekday Antiphons. This will last until the Sunday before Christmas. Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption B.V.M. Churches Collecting Food Donations: Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption B.V.M. Churches are continuing to collect food items to be donated to the Mount Carmel Area Food Bank. With the holidays fast approaching please continue to donate to the less fortunate in our community. Thank You! Ss. Peter & Paul Church Collecting Donations: SS. Peter & Paul Church Altar Rosary Society will be collecting donations for the Pregnancy Center in Shamokin. Items needed are as follows: diapers, wipes, formula, baby cereal, baby food, clothing sizes newborn to 4t, bottles, and toys. New items please. You may place the donations in the bassinette in the front of the church. Donations will be accepted until December 15, 2013. Collected items will then be taken to the Pregnancy center in time for Christmas. Thank you so much in advance for your donations. Divine Liturgy Intentions: All the Divine Liturgy Intentions requested to date will be celebrated or scheduled to the end of calendar year 2013. There are Not any open dates available for the weekend Divine Liturgy; but there are weekday dates opened. Divine Liturgy Intention requests for Calendar Year 2014 are now being accepted. Note: Weekend requests are limited to two per person, but weekday intentions are available. Please Note: All Divine Liturgy Intentions are subject to change only by Father Michael. Thank you for your consideration requesting Divine Liturgy Intentions. In addition, please remember that although there are usually three (3) Divine Liturgies on the weekend that one Liturgy Intention must be for all parishioners. Christmas Confessions: There will be additional priests available in our parishes to hear confessions in preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas). They will be available as follows: Monday, December 2, 2013 Assumption B.V.M. Church Fr. Fesniak SS. Peter & Paul Church – Msgr. Melnic Msgr. Grabowsky Confessions will be heard from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. I encourage all of you to take advantage of this opportunity to receive the sacrament at this time. Please do not wait until the last minute to go to confession. Christmas Flower Requests: Once again we are asking our parishioners to sponsor poinsettias to decorate our churches for the holidays. Medium flowers cost $15.00; large flowers cost $20.00. This is a nice way to remember your beloved family members during the Christmas season. Forms are available in the bulletin, or in the vestibule of the Churches. Place the order form in an envelope and place it in the collection basket. All requests are due by Sunday, December 1, 2013. Your names and intentions will be framed and placed in the vestibule of our parishes. Given In Memory of _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Given in Honor of ________________________________________ _________________________________________ Given in Thanksgiving to God for _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Donated by_______________________________ _________________________________________ No. of Poinsettia plants _____x $20.00 = _______________ No. of Poinsettia plants ______x $15.00 =__________________ 27th Sunday after Pentecost Troparion: When You went down to death, O Life Immortal, You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity. When You raised the dead from the nether world, all the powers of heaven cried out: “O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory be to You!” Kontakion: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: You rose from the tomb, O almighty Savior, and Hades, seeing this wonder, was stricken with fear; and the dead arose. Creation saw and rejoices with You, and Adam exults. And the world, my Savior, sings Your praises forever. Theotokion: Now and ever and forever: Amen. The tomb and death could not hold the Mother of God, unceasing in her intercession and an unfailing hope of patronage, for as the Mother of Life she was transferred to life by Him Who had dwelt in her ever-virgin womb. Prokimenon: The Lord is my strength and my song of praise, and He has become my salvation. V. The Lord has indeed chastised me, but He has not delivered me to death. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! The Lord will hear you in the day of tribulation, the name of the God of Jacob will shield you. V. Lord, grant victory to the king and hear us in the day that we shall call upon You. Alleluia (3x) Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the highest Alleluia! (3x) Epistle: Eph 6:10-17 Gospel: Lk 13:10-17 Thoughts to Ponder……………………. Let each gentle breeze remind you of God the Holy Spirit’s presence. To do right is more important than doing well. A Prayer for Renewal Almighty Lord, we bow our heads in prayer And beseech You to rebuild our House of God. The psalmist reminds us, Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Dear Lord, rebuild this house and guide the hands of the architects, the contractors, the laborers; May they perfect the imperfections, as they recreate and renew this church, our Heaven on earth, where we gather to lay aside all cares of life. Almighty Lord, we are also reminded that we too are temples, living temples of the Holy Spirit During this time of re-creation and renewal May our imperfections also be perfected. May the gifts of the Holy Spirit renew in each of us our faith and our love of God and each other. May we spiritually become the children of God we are called to be Christian faithful who are forgiving and caring, and welcoming. And may our patrons, Saints Peter and Paul, always inspire us through their courage and example to faithfully hear the Word of God and live it. 2014 Offering: We are in the process of preparing the 2014 Church Envelopes. Every married couple or single person 18 years or over is to be registered and receive envelopes. To be considered a member of our parishes, SS. Peter & Paul or Assumption B.V.M. Churches, regular attendance and use of church envelopes is required. If you are ill and/or aged let Father Michael know. The neglect of regular church attendance and regular use of church envelopes can lead to difficulties at the time of baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc. If you have used your 2013 envelopes faithfully, no action is needed. If you did not receive church envelopes in 2013 and would like to receive 2014 offering envelopes, please call the church office at 3390650 during regular office hours. Daily Liturgy: Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest! Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest of your souls. For my yoke is easy and My burden light. “Mt. 11, 28-29.” All are invited to be refreshed by the Lord on a daily basis by attending Divine Liturgy and receiving the Holy Eucharist! What a beautiful way to start the day! Your participation on a daily basis allows Jesus to refresh and renew your life as only he can. Choir Rehearsal: With the Christmas Season fast approaching we will soon be starting choir practice for the upcoming Christmas Season. We would like to have as many people as possible join our choir so we will be able to make our Christmas Season a festive and joyous one. Please mark your calendars. Choir rehearsal will begin on: Monday, December 2, 2013 at 7:00 PM Monday, December 9, 2013 at 7:00 PM at SS. Peter & Paul Church. Anyone interested in joining our choir please call Ed Cuff at 339-3660. Please come and share your God given gift of talent. All are welcome. Altar Rosary Society Sunday: Sunday, December 1, 2013 is Altar Rosary Society Sunday. All members are asked to join in praying the rosary before liturgy, receive the Eucharist as a group and attend a short meeting immediately after liturgy. New members are being accepted into the Society dues are $5.00, which are due now. Holy Name Society: Sunday, December 8, 2013 is Holy Name Society Sunday. All members are asked to pray together, receive the Holy Eucharist as a group and attend a short meeting immediately after liturgy. New members are always welcome to join this society. Memoriam: We offer our love, prayers, and sympathy to the family and friends of + Bernice Sulick of Ss. Peter & Paul Church who fell asleep in the Lord this past week. May Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ comfort Bernice’s family and friends and May Bernice’s Memory Be Eternal. VICHNAYA PAMYAT! Annual Christmas Pageant and St. Nicholas Party: All members of our parish are cordially invited to attend and participate in our Annual Christmas Pageant and St. Nicholas Party which will be held on Sunday, December 15, 2013. Festivities will begin at 4:00 PM with the Christmas Pageant which includes our parish children and adult choir. At 5:00 PM a hot buffet meal will be served in the social hall for all present. During dinner we will have a very special visit from St. Nicholas who will distribute gifts to all our children. We hope you will plan to join us as we begin our Christmas celebrations. For more information please call the rectory office during normal business hours. Holiday Halupki Sale: A Holiday Halipki Sale will be held at St. Nicholas Annex- North Morris Street, St. Clair on Friday, December 13, 2013, pick-up from 9:00 to 12:00 Noon. Advance orders only $9.00 a dozen - $ 5.00 half dozen. Deadline to order is Sunday, December 8th, 2013. Please call Judy @ 570-628-2538 and Janet @ 570622-4463 or the rectory @ 570-462-0809. Congratulations: We offer our love, prayers, Congratulations: We offer our love, prayers, and congratulations to Ethan James Allwine son of Alicia Dorrance, and Scott Allwine who received the Holy Sacraments of Baptism, Chrismation, and Holy Eucharist on November 16, 2013 at Assumption B.V. M. Church. May Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ grant the Dorrance/Allwine Families many more Happy & Healthy Years in our Christian Community. Congratulations: We offer our love, prayers, and congratulations to Madison Anne Middleton, daughter of Alicia Dorrance and John Middleton, who received Confirmation and Holy Eucharist on November 16th at Assumption B.V.M. Church. May Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ grant the Dorrance/Middleton Families many more Happy & Healthy Years in our Christian Community. and congratulations to Jack Gabriel Middleton Middleton, son of Alicia Dorrance and John Middleton, who received Confirmation and Holy Eucharist on November 16th at Assumption B.V.M. Church. May Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ grant the Dorrance/Middleton Families many more Happy & Healthy Years in our Christian Community Thanksgiving Prayer We thank You, Lord, for the bounty. The fruits of the earth, air, and sea. The Beauty of our great Country. For peace, happiness and glee. Thanksgiving to Whom? During November, the month when the bright scarlet and orange leaves fade to a lifeless sienna, when morning frosts give way to snow flurries and thoughts of winter, and the sun hides its bright warm rays giving us long dark nights, our thoughts turn to Thanksgiving Day and the traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings we will enjoy with family and friends. Surveys show, Thanksgiving Day is the most traveled day of the year. Relatives traverse great distances to be with fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, aunts and uncles, grandsons and granddaughters. The inconveniences of driving or flying pale in comparison to the warmth and togetherness of being together with loved ones and maintaining this tradition. People do not travel hundreds of miles for a turkey dinner and pumpkin pie, they travel to share the love and togetherness of family and friends. Thanksgiving Day, observed on the fourth Thursday in November is a time when our nation pauses to give thanks. But give thanks to whom? When you give thanks, you give them to someone. You express gratitude to another. On Thanksgiving Day we do give thanks, and what makes it special, is that we, as a nation give thanks to GOD. (We better not tell the ACLU, or someone may try to find a court to stop the celebration of Thanksgiving Day.) A day of Thanksgiving to God is a tradition in this nation, going back to the first Thanksgiving observance in Virginia. Virginia? Yes Virginia. On December 4, 1619, the 38 English settlers who arrived on the banks of the James River placed in their charter that this day of arrival be observed yearly as a day of thanksgiving with prayer and feasting. A year later, in 1620, the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth. The following fall, in 1621, Governor William Bradford arranged a three-day harvest festival to give thanks to God for delivering the colonists through the harsh winter. In 1789, our first president, George Washington by proclamation declared November 26 a day of national Thanksgiving to God. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as “a day of thanksgiving to our beneficent Father” a tradition that continued until 1939, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt set the date as the fourth Thursday in November. In 1941 Congress made it a federal legal holiday, the custom we follow today. Thanksgiving Day is special because as a nation we give thanks to God. It is special because it is our national holy day. It is special because, regardless of how an atheist may try to conceal the fact, it is a day when our nation formally acknowledges the existence of God. It is a day we thank Almighty God for His blessings upon this great nation, penned so aptly by the lyricist with these words, “America, America, God shed His grace on thee. . . .” Take time this Thanksgiving Day to attend religious services, to pray a meaningful grace before the meal, and to reflect upon the many blessings God has bestowed upon us, our families and our great nation. Happy Thanksgiving Day! SS. Peter & Paul/Assumption Churches Christmas - 2013 Christmas – New Year Schedule – 2013 - 2014 My Dear Parishioners and Friends, During the Christmas Season, all of us will be receiving a second DVD from our beloved Archbishop Stefan entitled “Come home for Christmas.” What a fitting title and theme for us to ponder as we prepare to celebrate the most wondrous time of the year, the Birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Indeed, our culture is filled with songs and references to coming home for Christmas. We love to sing the beautiful carol, “I’ll be home for Christmas”, or the song “Oh, there’s no place like home for the holidays”. It seems our every thought, every dream, and every plan is to join family and friends “at home”. Home is a place of love, warmth, peace, joy and safety for all of us. To be home is to be surrounded with those whom we love and who love us. This Christmas, I join Archbishop Stefan in extending an invitation to all of you, along with your family and friends, to come home to our parish church. Our parish is our spiritual home. Our parish provides a place where we can experience the same love and peace as we do in our own homes. Even more, our parish provides the unique opportunity to gather with our brothers and sisters in Christ, in the presence of our loving Father to share in HIS LOVE and HIS MERCY. Our church, our spiritual home will be ready to welcome the coming of GOD WITH US this Christmas. Please join us in celebrating the Birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please, join us around the manger this year. Please, Come Home for Christmas! Wishing you and your family a very Blessed and Joy-filled Christmas, I am Fr. Michael Hutsko Tuesday, December 24th – Christmas Eve 8:00 AM - Divine Liturgy – Mount Carmel 4:00 PM - Great Compline – Centralia 5:00 PM – Christmas Liturgy - Centralia 7:30 PM – Great Compline followed by Traditional Caroling – Mount Carmel 8:00 PM – Christmas Liturgy – Mount Carmel Wednesday, December 25th – Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord 8:00 AM - Christmas Divine Liturgy – Mount Carmel 10:00 AM - Christmas Divine Liturgy – Centralia Thursday, December 26th – Feast of the Mother of God 9:00 AM – Divine Liturgy – Centralia 6:00 PM - Divine Liturgy – Mount Carmel Friday, December 27th – Feast of St. Stephen 9:00 AM - Divine Liturgy - Centralia 6:00 PM - Divine Liturgy – Mount Carmel Saturday, December 28th – Saturday after Christmas 4:00 PM – Divine Liturgy – Mount Carmel Sunday, December 29th - Sunday after Christmas – David, Joseph and James 9:15 AM – Divine Liturgy – Mount Carmel 11:00 AM – Divine Liturgy - Centralia Monday, December 30th – 8:00 AM Divine Liturgy – Centralia Tuesday, December 31st - New Years Eve Feast of St. Basil the Great/ Circumcision of our Lord 4:00 PM – Divine Liturgy – Mount Carmel Tuesday, January 1st 2014 – New Years Day Feast of St. Basil the Great/Circumcision of our Lord 9:00 AM – Divine Liturgy - Centralia