Volcano/Earthquake Danger Assessment Essential Question 2: How are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions located and predicted, and what kind of danger do they pose? Choose an ACTIVE volcano or earthquake zone anywhere in the world & find out …… Project Requirements: The eruption HISTORY of a volcano - or earthquake history , if it is an earthquake zone (this would include mentioning major/infamous earthquake events (i.e. 1994 Northridge, CA ) and infamous eruptions like Mount St. Helen’s (Washington State, 1980))-Make sure to focus on your WHOLE AREA, not just one event. The SPECIFIC type of plate boundary AND the names of the PLATES involved The current or recent ACTIVITY at the site How the site is being MONITORED...With what kind of TECHNOLOGY and for what purpose? The DANGERS if there is a major volcanic eruption or major earthquake at this site What might this area need FUNDING for so that a dangerous situation can be avoided if a plate tectonic event happens? Include PHOTOS and or Google Earth MAPS of the Volcano or earthquake zone. Use proper GRAMMAR and SPELLING! Put your information in an ELECTRONIC presentation in the format of your choice. Limit the text on each page or slide to 25 words OR LESS and cite your sources for both photos and information! Project Scoring: ___/2-Eruption HISTORY of the volcano or earthquake zone & Current/Recent ACTIVITY ___/2-SPECIFIC type of plate boundary and the names of the PLATES involved ___/4-TECHNOLOGY used to monitor the site ___/4-DANGERS in the case of a major eruption or earthquake ___/2-PHOTOS and/or Google Earth MAPS of the Volcano or earthquake zone. ___/4-What might this area need FUNDING for so that a dangerous situation can be avoided if a plate tectonic event happens? (REQUEST for FUNDING) ___/4-CLEAR COMMUNICATION in the use of proper grammar and correct spelling and required format Score: ___ /22 pts Places to find information: **VOLCANOES: 1. Famous volcanoes http://www.basicplanet.com/volcano/famous-volcanoes/ 2. Famous Volcanoes from TIME magazine: http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/completelist/0,29569,2014572,00.html 3. **Volcano live http://www.volcanolive.com/eruptions.html 4. Volcano Discovery http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/volcano-live-webcams.html 5. Volcanoes http://www.history-magazine.com/volcanoes.html 6. 10 Most Dangerous Volcanoes Around the World 7. America's Ten Most Dangerous Volcanoes 8. Volcano World 9.→ Search by volcano name: http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/volcano_table 10. USGS Volcano Hazards Program **EARTHQUAKES: 1. Top 10 list: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqarchives/ 2. → Most deadly earthquakes: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/world/world_deaths.php 3. Earthquake newspaper archive http://www.earthquakearchive.com/History.aspx 4. Famous earthquakes http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/wwatch/earthquakes/famous.htm 5. USGS Earthquakes Hazards Program 6. Most Dangerous US Earthquake Hot Spots Beyond California 7. 10 most deadly earthquakes http://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/mar/11/10-most-powerful-earthquakes-history 8. 12 most destructive EQs http://science.howstuffworks.com/nature/natural-disasters/12-of-the-most-destructive-earthquakes.htm **PICTURES— 1. Pics 4 learning http://www.pics4learning.com/ 2. Google a pic: Search by name, place, year and “earthquake” or “volcano” (EX: Pinatubo, Philippines, 1990, volcano) Topics: **Volcanoes: Pinatubo (Philippines) 1990-1991, Surtsey (Iceland) 1963, Mt. St. Helens (Washington state) 1980, Mount Pelee 1902(Martinique), Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland) 2010, Stromboli (Italy) 1934, Kileuea (Hawaii, US) 1983, Concepción (Nicaragua) 2010, Katmai (Alaska) 1912, Paricutin (Mexico) 1943, Etna (Italy) 2000-1, Mauna Loa (Hawaii), Taal Volcano (Philippines), Ulawun (Papua New Guinea), Mt. Nyiragongo, (Democratic Republic of Congo), Mt. Merapi (Indonesia), Galeras (Columbia), Sakurajima (Japan), Popocatépetl (Mexico) **Earthquakes: Kanto (Japan) 1923, San Francisco 1906, San Francisco 1989, Alaska 1964, Mexico City 1985, Tangshan (China) 1976, Bam (Iran) 2003, Bhuj (India) 2001, Kobe (Japan) 1995, Sumatra (Indonesia) 2004 (this was also a tsunami), Kashmir (Pakistan) 2005, Java 2006, Sichuan (China) 2008, Northridge CA (USA) 1994, Haiti 1/12/2010, S. Sumatra (Indonesia) 4/6/2010, Peru (9/25/13), Pakistan (9/24/13), *Maule, Chile (2/27/10), *Honshu (Japan) 3/11/11, West Coast of N.Sumatra (4/11/12) Map (for plates and boundary types) Volcano/Earthquake Danger Assessment & Request for Funding Volcano/Earthquake: ____________ Year: _________________ Type of Plate Boundary: ______________________ Plates involved= _____________ & ________________ Current or RECENT ACTIVITY at the site: Eruption or Earthquake History (what type of activity has been noticed there in the past?): What are the DANGERS if there is a major volcanic eruption or major earthquake at this site: How the site is being MONITORED? What might this area need What kind of (technology) FUNDING for (technology, structures, etc) so that a dangerous situation can be avoided if a plate tectonic event happens? (This is what you will request funding for…technology, specific building structures, etc.) TECHNOLOGY is used at this site & for what purpose? I/We have used 25 words or less on each slide: Y/N? I/We have some GREAT PHOTOS! (at least 1 per slide!) Y/N?