Alumni Association – Full Board Meeting Minutes Thursday

Alumni Association – Full Board
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Ken Baumann – President, Dave Maurer – Vice President,
Hillary Hewit – Secretary, Peter Simons – Treasurer,
Justin Saponara – Parliamentarian, Megan Flanagan – Immediate Past President
Meeting Called to Order & Pledge of Allegiance: 6:27 PM
Attending: Ken Baumann, Barbara DiMarco, Megan Flanagan, Brendan Gallagher, Carol
Harnett, Hillary Hewit, Patsy Marino, David Maurer, Steve Piccininni, Scott Rein, Verlina
Reynolds-Jackson, Elaine Rocha, Ian Ruderman, Justin Saponara, Peter Simons, Christopher Snel,
Amy Wallace
Attending Chapter Representatives: John Anastasio, Raymond Boutin, David Gabauer, Bill
Guthrie, Susan Moraca, Kenneth Murphy, Kevin Shroeck, Deborah Simpson, Jeff Tamburrino,
Anthony Torntore
Absent: Kendra Bussey, Mike Curry, Jeanette Hoffman, Terri Martinac, Janice Rein, Tracy
Absent Chaper Representatives: Nicole Bullock, Sally Flanagan, Ed Gamboa
Guests Attending: John Castaldo, Deborah Beaver, Charles Wright, Rosie Hymerling, Dean
William Keep, Dean Steve Schreiner, Emily Montagna
College Update (Charles Wright, Associate Vice President, Development)
o Charles Wright announced that The College has raised $28,700,000, which is 72% of The
College’s goal.
o Charles also noted that this past week, The College raised $380,000, which is the highest
raised in one week in The College’s history. This week’s numbers are attributed to the
Day of Giving on November 5.
o Charles emphasized the importance of Regional Networks. There are approximately
fifteen smaller receptions nationwide this year.
o Seniors will be offered a 15% discount for the Brick Campaign this year.
Dean Remarks (Dean William Keep & Dean Steve Schreiner)
o Dean Keep (School of Business) presented a PowerPoint highlighting the recent
successes of the School of Business.
o Business Week has ranked TCNJ’s business program as #63 in the nation.
o has ranked TCNJ’s accounting program as #20 in the nation.
o Dean Schreiner (School of Engineering) presented a PowerPoint highlighting the recent
successes of the School of Engineering.
o School of Engineering students participate in worldwide humanitarian projects.
o Armstrong Hall (School of Engineering) will be renovated.
Senior Class Council Report (Emily Montagna)
o Emily Montagna gave a brief overview of this year’s Senior Week, to be revamped as
“Senior Field Day.” The Senior Class Council’s goal is for 500 students to attend.
o The Senior Class will be requesting funds for their Senior Picnic and will give a formal
presentation to the Alumni Association on January 21, 2016.
Financial Report (Peter Simons)
o Peter Simon noted that the budget has been updated.
o Additionally, billing procedures were distributed to the Board.
Old Business (Ken Baumann)
o Motion to Approve the minutes of the 9/24/15 Full Board Meeting: Justin Saponara.
 Seconded by: Carol Harnett.
 Vote: unanimous.
New Business (Ken Baumann)
o New Committee assignments were distributed to the Board.
o At least one member of the Executive Board will serve on each Committee.
o There is a new Committee this year: Campus 5K & Fun Run Committee.
o An updated Alumni Association Directory was distributed.
o Samples of apparel and sign-up sheets were available to Board members.
Committee Updates (Committee Chairs)
o Affinity (Ian Ruderman)
 The Affinity Committee will meet with its new members soon.
o Alumni Reunion Weekend (Justin Saponara)
 Alumni Reunion weekend will take place from April 29 to April 30, 2016.
 The location of the Lions Pride Brunch is still TBD. The possibility of Decker Hall
is being explored.
o Lions Pride Awards Nominations (Hillary Hewit)
 Nomination forms were distributed.
 The deadline is February 1, 2016.
o Bylaws (Justin Saponara)
 Justin will circulate new language regarding Chapter Bylaws.
 An overall review of bylaws will take place in 2016.
o Chapters/Networks (Ken Baumann for Tracy Zarodnansky)
 Chapters shall submit their mission statement and contact person to Alumni
Affairs by December 1.
 Chapter bylaws and Executive Boards shall be submitted to the Alumni
Association by February 1.
 Chapters shall notify Ken Baumann and Alumni Affairs of their events at least
two weeks in advance. Alumni Affairs can assist Chapters with planning.
 Deborah Beaver requested that Chapters seeking imbursement do so through
their Chapter Representatives, and that each Chapter Representative contact
her directly.
Events (Megan Flanagan)
 Approximately two months advance time is needed for event planning.
 Anyone who has event ideas should contact Megan.
o Finance (Peter Simons)
 Budget amounts for events are in the distributed packets so that everyone can
see what events typically cost.
o Scholarship (Steve Piccininni)
 The Committee met on Tuesday and decided to abandon their new synergy idea
and go forward with the current scholarships.
 The Committee will table what it had to present at tonight’s meeting and
reconvene with its new members.
 The Committee will circulate any new proposals to the Board in advance of the
next Full Board Meeting so that a vote can take place promptly.
Review of the Consent Calendar (Chapter Representatives)
o Updates were given by the following: Business, Education, Law and Justice, Music,
Nursing, Rugby, and Swimming and Diving.
o No Report (NR): EOF, Health and Exercise Science, and TALANT.
College Updates (John Castaldo)
o Alumni Affairs is in the process of creating an “e-newsletter” for all alumni.
o John Castaldo will be representing Alumni Affairs in San Diego and Los Angeles in
o Lot 6 at Homecoming was a success. There were 40 volunteers, 25 of which were from
the Alumni Association.
Public Comment
o Scott Rein suggested the facilitation of company matching for alumni donations.
Good and Welfare
o Megan Flanagan was awarded her brick for her past service as President of the Alumni
Executive Session
o n/a
Meeting adjourned: 8:27 PM
o Motion to Adjourn: Megan Flanagan.
o Seconded by: Peter Simons.
o Vote: unanimous.
Next Meetings:
Thursday, January 7, 2016: Executive Board Meeting, 5:30PM
Thursday, January 21, 2016: Full Board Meeting, 6:30PM