End of Term Letter to Parents

Dear Parents and Carers,
Important information in preparation for next term
We are writing to provide you with some important announcements and
information as we prepare for the new school year at Robert Bruce Middle
School. We hope you find the following information helpful as well as outlining
the exciting year ahead for the School
The Governors would like to express our enormous thanks to Ian Evason
(Headteacher, Beauchamp Middle School, Bedford) for the help and support he
has given us over the past few weeks in leading the school. He has worked
closely with us on many matters and helped to move the school forward.
Acting Headteacher from September 2015
We are pleased to announce that from 18th July 2015, Lisa Sumpter (Headteacher,
St Josephs Lower School, Bedford) will become acting headteacher of Robert
Bruce Middle School.
Lisa is an ‘outstanding’ head teacher. Ofsted commented upon the work of Lisa in
a recent Ofsted Report (March 2015):
‘The headteacher has established a very strong culture centred on pupils’ learning,
and has set out a clear vision that enables good teaching to flourish and pupils to
behave and achieve well. She has built an excellent team of leaders who are
passionate about their roles and responsibilities. They all contribute highly
effectively to driving improvement.’
Lisa will bringwith her extensive experience including her previous post as
Assistant Headteacher of St Gregory’s Middle School.
In addition to the appointment of Lisa Sumpter as acting Headteacher, Robert
Bruce will also be supported by the Catholic Federation Teaching School.
Susanne Combe, who leads on the Teaching School, has commented below upon
this new development:
‘St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School is delighted to enter into partnership with
Robert Bruce Middle School to support school improvement and strive for the best
possible outcomes for all children at the school. Classed 'outstanding' by Ofsted, St
Thomas More will support through the provision of a range of leadership, teaching
and support services, built on a track record of success in different school
The Governors have already established a very good working relationship with
colleagues from the Catholic Federation and we look forward to working with
them and Challenger Trust over the summer holidays and into next term.
Update on the move to a Challenger Academy
We are working very closely with The Challenger Multi Academy Trust (CMAT)
and their solicitors to make the necessary arrangements to become an academy
as soon as is practicable during the autumn term. Recently we sent you a letter
about this proposal and this provides much of the information about the change.
If you wish to comment please reply to the email addresses in the letter or write
to the Acting Headteacher.
During the Autumn Term we will be updating you further on progress.
Key Staff from September
We are pleased to inform you of the following appointments:
Acting Deputy Headteacher:Mr Pointon
Each year group will be overseen by a Head of Year.
Head of Year 5:Mr Brereton
Head of Year 6:Miss Warren
Head of Year 7:Mrs Savory
Head of Year 8:Mr Greene
Special Educational Needs/SENCO:Mrs North
Form tutors
The following form tutors have been appointed:
Year 5
Mr Brereton
Miss Salji
Miss Basi
Year 6
Miss Warren
Mrs MaysonBarlow
Mrs Campbell/
Mrs Miotk
Year 7
Mrs Savory
Miss Josen
Year 8
Mr Greene
Miss Humphries
Mr Wood
Mr Rogers
The Curriculum
The curriculum has been reviewed and strengthened. There is a strong focus on
literacy and numeracy. In addition, all years will concentrate on the “progress 8”
subjects which are the key eight subjects in the National Curriculum. Year 5
pupils will be taught most subjects by the same teacher but by specialist teachers
in some such areas such as PE. The curriculum will enhance by other enrichment
activities during the course of the year.
Each Year group will be taught the following subjects. The actual time allocation
varies slightly from year to year.
English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, Technology, Art, PE, History,
Geography, a language or cultural studies, Personal, Social and Health Education,
Religious Education and Music.
School Crossing Patrol
Unfortunately the Borough Council have been unable to recruit a suitable school
crossing patrol on Hillgrounds Road from September. While school staff will be
on duty may we remind parents of the need to take extra precautions to ensure
the safety of all pupils. We have spoken to existing pupils about this during a
recent assembly.
Parents forum
Working in partnership with parents is very important to us. We have an active
parents forum which meets regularly during the course of the year. This is a key
way in which parents provide us with feedback on matters of interest to them.
We aim to strengthen this arrangement from September. If any parent wishes to
be involved could they please let the acting Headteacher know so that this can be
followed up.
School uniform
Several parents have asked to have a copy of our uniform list. A copy is attached
to this letter
Start date and time next term
The first day of the autumn term is the 7th September. The school day starts at
8:40 and ends at 3:30. Although the number of lessons stays the same at 5 each
day they will be slightly longer. This has been done to ensure that there is more
time for learning. Pupils will be informed of these times on the first day of term.
SATS maladministration
The governors have received notification from the Standards and Testing agency
that their investigation into malpractice has been proven. We are required to
inform you of this. Consequently the SATs results for Year 6 have been annulled
and this will be reflected in the published school performance data. To assist in
the transition to Year 7, pupils teacher assessments will be used to support and
inform Year 7 teaching. The governors have been instructed to investigate the
cause of the maladministration and immediate steps are being taken to do this.
We are also required to ensure that arrangements for next years SATs are
tightened so that no repetition of maladministration occurs. Be assured we will
rigorously ensure that this is done.
May we take the opportunity to thank you for the support you have given over
the past year. We look forward to a positive start to next term.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Davies and Alan Jarvis co-chairs of Governors.