
The Lutheran World Federation, Nepal
Regional Office East, Damak, Jhapa
Terms of Reference
Consultant-Early Warning System
Title of the Assignment: Enhancing Flood Early Warning System in Saptari and Udayapur
1. Background
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Nepal is a humanitarian and development organization,
a Country Program of LWF/Department for World Service based in Geneva, Switzerland. LWF
Nepal has been working in Nepal with marginalized and disadvantaged communities since
1984. LWF Nepal envisions that People in Nepal, living in a just society in peace and dignity,
united in diversity and empowered to achieve their full potential, claim their universal rights,
meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life.
LWF Nepal strives for challenging and responding to the causes and consequences of human
suffering and poverty through socio-economic empowerment and promotion of human rights.
LWF Nepal is guided by its core values such as dignity and justice, inclusiveness and
participation, accountability and transparency and dedication, compassion and decency.
LWF Nepal designs and implements all development and emergency works following
empowerment and human rights-based approach that builds capacity and competence of poor
and oppressed people to collectively achieve improvements in their quality of lives. LWF Nepal
implements program in three themes; i) Disaster risk reduction, Emergency preparedness and
response ii) Sustainable Livelihoods; and iii) Community-led Action for Governance and Justice
including Human rights, Impartiality, Inclusion and participation, Accountability, Gender
justice and Climate justice and environmental sustainability are the core commitments.
2. Project introduction
LWF Nepal is implementing " Enhancing Community Resilience to Water-Induced Hazards
among Vulnerable Communities in the Koshi River Basin of Nepal " in partnership with
Koshi Victim Society (KVS) in Saptari and Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) in Udayapur since
2011 considering devastating Koshi Flood in 2008 and its effect in Triyuga and Koshi river
basin. The project is implemented in eight VDCs namely Fattepur, Odraha, Kamalpur and
Piprapurwa in Saptari and Hadiya, Basaha, Sundarpur and Tapeshori in Udayapur districts of
Eastern Development Region of Nepal.
LWF Nepal would like to assess the effectiveness and efficient of Community Based Early
Warning system established in Saptari and Udayapur districts critically to review the existing
hazard monitoring, flood forecasting , strengths and gaps of CBEWS and adopt and practical,
effective and affordable hazard monitoring and information dissemination mechanism.
3. Objective of the assessment
 To review the existing hazard monitoring, flood forecasting , Community based early
warning system and find out gaps
 To identify indigenous knowledge on hazard monitoring and information dissemination
 To explore practical ideas for efficient Early warning system to develop
communication channel in the districts , linkage between the people of upstream and
downstream and develop linkage with DDRC/DEOC for its sustainability
4. Expected Results of the assignment
Reviewed the existing hazard monitoring and flood forecasting system, explored gaps
and suggested practical, effective and affordable hazard monitoring and information
dissemination mechanism to enhance early warning and communication system in
Identified indigenous knowledge on hazard monitoring and information dissemination
Efficient community based early warning system is established with clear role and
responsibilities for management and owned and accepted by relevant stakeholders in
two districts
Lessons shared by the project influences government to accept plans to replicate
similar measures in other vulnerable zones and contributes to improved coordination
among stakeholders for mainstreaming DRR in Saptari and Udayapur district
5. Scope of assessment and methodology
The scope of the assignment comprises to assess the situation of the targeted districts with
respect to objective of assessment. In addition to that, the assessment emphasizes on all other
factors of efficient community based early warning system
The methodology for the assessment will be as follows:
a) Preparatory phase: The preparatory phase includes; i) start-up meeting with LWF Nepal
ROE team; ii) desk review of related documents project documents, reports, like
legislation, policies and guidelines ; iii) design and finalization of questionnaires/checklists,
work schedule and methodology, and iv) finalization of assessment framework and tools.
b) Field work: The consultant will visit proposed districts, interact with district authorities
and stakeholders, observe possible sites and interact with the community people.
Interviews, meetings and focused group discussions with possible rights holder groups and
stakeholders will be organized beside questionnaire survey.
c) Analysis and write-up: The consultant will compile and consolidate relevant primary and
secondary information/data (qualitative and quantitative) required drawing findings and
furnishing recommendation. The consultant will draft a report highlighting context
analysis, key findings and set of recommendations in line with the assessment objectives. A
draft report will be shared to LWF Nepal in a plenary for comments and feedbacks. The
consultant will submit a final assessment report to LWF Nepal after incorporating their
comments and feedback.
6. Time Frame for Assessment
The assessment should start immediate after signing the agreement. Preparatory work must
be completed by day three; field work by day fifteen; first report by day twenty and final report
by day thirty of contract signing date. However all work must be completed by July 15, 2014. A
tentative schedule for the assessment is as follows:
Start-up meeting with LWF Nepal ERO team
i)Desk review of related documents, project documents, reports,
legislation, policies and guidelines ;ii) design and finalization of
questionnaires/checklists, work schedule and methodology
Questionnaire survey, field visit, interviews, meetings and focused
group discussions with district authorities, possible rights holder
groups and stakeholders
Draft report and presentation/ plenary
Finalization and submission of report
Time allocation
1 day
2 days
7 days
3 day
2 days
15 days
7. Deliverables
The following deliverables will be expected:
 Assessment methodology and tools finalized in consultation with LWF Nepal
 Submission of inception report
 Draft assessment report and presentation. Draft report should include
o Effective coordination and cooperation modalities for collecting, interpreting and
dissemination of warning signal amongst government agencies, media houses and
civil society organizations including DMC and their networks to the public
o List of practical, effective and affordable hazard monitoring and information
dissemination mechanism
o Practical mechanism for community participation in receiving and disseminating
Early warning signals system
o Critical areas and gaps in existing hazard monitoring, flood forecasting and
community based early warning system
o List of indigenous hazard monitoring and information dissemination mechanism in
the area
 Final assessment report incorporating input from LWF Nepal
 Provide list of potential interventions
 Provide list of important stakeholders
 Meeting minutes, pictures, raw data and reference materials must be annexed to the
final report.
8. Expertise
The candidate should have the following experiences, skills and knowledge to be eligible for
the assignment:
Bachelor’s degree in disaster management, environment science or social science with
minimum of three years of work experiences in DRR especially in community based
Experience in coordination with government and civil society organizations
Strong presentation and report writing skills
Excellent networking and communication skills
Experienced in team works and managing relationships
The candidate should have firm knowledge and understanding of GoN DRM strategy,
EWS strategy, mechanism, and approach.
Beside these the candidate should have knowledge on legislation, policies and institutional
frameworks related to disaster risk reduction, Early warning system, emergency response and
9. Focal Person
The Regional Program Coordinator of LWF Nepal Regional Office east will be the focal person
for the assessment.
10. Payment
A total of 25% of total agreed amount will be released as advance payment after signing
agreement by both parties. Remaining 75% will be paid after submission and acceptance of the
final report. Payment will be made after deducting all government taxes. LWF Nepal shall not
responsible to reimburse any other expenses incurred during the assessment. LWF Nepal is not
responsible for any loss and damage to property and human being.
11. Condition of Service
LWF Nepal has the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is found
unsatisfactory, if work/outputs is incomplete, not delivered or for failure to meet deadlines.
12. Submissions
The submission should address the expertise required in this TOR and include:
 A Letter of interest stating that you are eligible for the assignment.
 An concept note of the approach, methodology and work plan
 An itemized proposed budget specifying daily remuneration and other expenses
involved in completing your proposed work plan.
 Curriculum vitae of consultant highlighting relevant qualifications, work experience and
knowledge of working in similar field.
 A summary (including outcomes) of similar assignments undertaken previously
 Contact details of 3 referees
13. Copyright
Copyright of the documents will remain with LWF Nepal and includes the right to distribute the
material or parts of report to its related agencies and partners in Nepal and aboard.