CV Cryton CRS

Curriculum Vitae
Cryton Munyikwa
E-mail: cmunyikwa@hotmail.
Tel +254 733 627 650 mobile
Cambridge G.C.E. “O” Level:
8 Subjects, awarded scholarship for academic excellence.
Cambridge G.C.E Advanced Level:
4 Subjects, awarded school bursary
(A.C.I.S.) – Zimbabwe & UK
MASTERS IN BUSINESS LEADERSHIP (MBL) - UNISA (1999), Specialized in Strategic
Management, Advanced Financial Management and Services Marketing
October 2004 to date:
AIDSRelief Compliance and Training Manager - Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
CRS is implementing a PEPFAR funded project in nine countries (Kenya, Haiti, Guyana, South
Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria and Rwanda) through a Consortium of five members
– CRS (lead), Catholic Medical Mission Board, University of Maryland (Institute of Human
Virology) Interchurch Medical Assistance and Futures Group.
Joined CRS as the AIDSRelief Finance and Compliance Advisor in October 2004 and moved up
to Compliance and Training Manager in July 2006. Member of the AIDSRelief Global
Management Team.
Specifically, the ART Compliance Manager is responsible for compliance oversight of the
AIDSRelief USG award and all related sub-agreements. S/he interprets USG and other donor
regulations for headquarters and field management staff; conducts training in compliance; in
coordination with management and audit staff, develops and implements strategy to prevent or
reduce compliance-related liabilities in publicly-funded programs; and, represents CRS to
donors and the PVO community on compliance issues.
Key responsibilities include:
1. Grant Management & Compliance
a. Serve as principle point of contact on grant management and compliance issues with
consortia partners, CRS programs and donors.
b. Work with relevant technical expertise and regional and country coordinating teams
to develop and coordinate grant management capacity building trainings at the
country and regional level.
c. Ensure CRS and Consortia partners have the capacity and are meeting grant reporting
and compliance regulations and provide recommendations for corrective measures.
d. Attend donor meetings/trainings related to grant reporting and compliance.
e. Coordinates internal discussion between AIDSRelief, Compliance (Overseas Support
Department), Audit, and Finance to reach agency consensus on interpretation of
donor regulations.
f. Develop and deliver training curricula on compliance issues as required.
2. Finance Advisor
a. Provide direct technical and managerial support in all aspects of finance for
AIDSRelief Africa country programs and Consortium members.
b. Orient accounting and project management staff in relevant and appropriate ART
financial management policies, procedures, and standards.
c. With country program and CM finance staff, monitor all POS agreements and ensure
compliance with CRS and USG financial regulations and guidelines.
d. Develop and deliver training curricula on finance issues as required.
3. Internal Control Assessments and Internal Audits
1. Design Internal audit / financial Review Programmes.
2. Lead audit reviews of Consortium Members and partners.
3. Review and report on actions required on external audit reports of the Consortium
Members and partners.
4. Opine on adequacy of internal controls, compliance with applicable laws and
regulations, compliance with CRS policies and procedures.
4. Special assignments
a. Technical Assistance to AIDSRelief and CRS country programs on capacity building
February 2004 to October 2004:
Finance Manager – Lutheran World Federation Angola
The Lutheran World Federation/Department of World Service (LWF/DWS) is an international
NGO with Headquarters in Geneva.
Main and immediate Objective:
Requested by LWF/DWS Geneva in October 2003 to help with a turnaround strategy for the
finance operations in Angola. LWF Angola had experienced a staff turnover in finance. The
country program had a turnover of four finance managers in eighteen months. Assignment
included clearing outstanding audits from UNHCR, WFP, Lutheran World Relief (USA),
ECHO, EU and other international donors
Responsibilities include the following: A: Immediate
Clear backlog in Finance department – monthly accounts and reporting to Donors and attending
to audits. Preparation of monthly accounts and reporting to donors had fallen behind by five
B: Long term
1. To maintain and control financial accounts and records pertaining to the various project
activities of LWF program in Angola;
2. To prepare budgets for the LWF central office as well as for the projects administered by
LWF as required by Geneva Head Office and other donors;
3. To oversee the preparation of monthly, interim and annual financial reports on the utilization
of funds made available by LWF/WS headquarters - Geneva as well preparation of other
finance-related reports for distribution to particular donors through LWF/WS Geneva;
4. To supervise training of staff in the maintenance of accounts and financial records and
prepare training programs for senior and middle management projects staff on accounting
and computerization;
5. General office administration including taking out of and renewal of local insurances as
required by LWF insurance procedures and by laws of Angola for staff and vehicles as well
as other insurances, staff contracts, housing, managing supplier agreements
6. To act as computer resource person in the organization. Training in computerized accounting
packages - ACCPAC, Spread sheets (Excel), Word, etc
July 15 2001 – 31 December 2003
Consortium Financial Controller – International Rescue Committee Uganda Country
The International Rescue Committee is an international non-sectarian NGO with HQ in New
- Finance Controller of a consortium of six international NGOS funded by USAID - $15m.
- Finance Controller of Consortium of a 3 year - $4m USD Dept of Labor Child Labor project
- Handling complex and multiple donor reporting requirements – ECHO, BPRM, USAID,
UNHCR, and OFDA, US Dept of Labor.
- Lead finance person in formulating Request for Application (RFA) Budgets – USAID 5 year
- Lead finance person in formulation RFA for US Dept of Labor. Consortium of two
International NGOs
- Monitoring and carrying out audits of sub grantees,- Setting up systems for sub grantees.
- Staff training for IRC and sub grantee staff.
- Gaining insight into the accounting systems of CARE, Save the Children UK, Save the
Children Denmark, AVSI, Catholic Relief Services as Consortium Finance Controller
- Voted best Finance Controller for IRC East Africa Region in 2003.
- Nominated as one of the best Controller in IRC world wide in 2002.
Responsibilities include the following: As the Finance Controller I had overall policy and management responsibility for the finance
and accounting functions for the country program.
Training and Staff Management
Treasury functions
Budget. Assisting with preparation and revision of program and grant proposals and
February 1998 – 14 July 2001:
Finance Manager - LWF/DWS Mozambique
Lutheran World Federation/Department of World Service (LWF/DWS) is an International NonGovernmental organization with HQ in Geneva.
 Finance Manager for the LWF- Mozambique Flood Emergency Project (2000), funded
by over 30 donors from across the world to a total of USD7 million. Handled the multi
reporting to the various donors in addition to providing monthly reports to LWF Geneva
 Redesigned the Financial system and installed ACCPAC accounting system during the
height of the emergency project in a record time.
 Provided assistance to LWF-LDS South Africa programme, installing new accounting
 Carried extensive evaluation of micro finance and credit schemes in LWF- Mozambique
 Training to national accounting and program staff on financial management.
Duties included the following: 1. To maintain and control financial accounts and records pertaining to the various project
activities of LWF program in Mozambique. To prepare budgets for the LWF central office as
well as for the projects administered by LWF as required by Geneva Head Office and other
2. To oversee the preparation of monthly, interim and annual financial reports on the utilization
of funds made available by LWF/WS headquarters - Geneva as well as to assist in the
preparation of other finance-related reports for distribution to particular donors through
LWF/WS Geneva.
3. To prepare and disseminate financial information as required by the Representative of LWF
Mozambique, for purpose of project planning, design and evaluation;
4. To make available to the LWF internal and external auditors materials required for purposes
of auditing the LWF accounts;
5. To supervise the field accounts, advise staff as required in accounting procedures, conduct
regular internal audits by visiting the program areas periodically. Supervise training of staff
in the maintenance of accounts and financial records and prepare training programs for
senior and middle management projects staff on accounting and computerization;
August 1989 - February 1998:
Financial Administrator - Lutheran World
Joined as Financial Accountant in 1989.
Responsible for the finance offices in Zimbabwe
and Botswana, in addition assisted LWF finance offices in South Africa and Malawi.
 I was part of the Finance team that formulated budgets, designed reporting formats and
handled USAID funded drought Relief projects in Zimbabwe
 Took over from an expatriate finance Administrator to become Finance and Administration
 Moved onto an to expatriate Finance Manager position in Mozambique.
 Provided financial oversight over the LWF Botswana programme during the transition
period from an international to a local NGO.
 Acted as computer resource person and Human resources manager.
September 1988 - July 1989:
Assistant Group Finance Controller at Southdown Holdings Limited. In charge of the accounts
department, reporting to the Group Financial Controller. Responsible for preparing annual
budgets, monthly and yearly financial reports; manufacturing and profit and loss accounts,
budgetary control and training staff.
 Designed new budget formats for the different sectors on the three estates and holding
 Designed a Master budget format linking to Projected Manufacturing, Trading and Profit and
Loss accounts, and Balance sheet.
 Assisted in designing reporting formats to the Board.
April 1987 - August 1988:
An auditor with a Government Parastatal, Urban Development Corporation, which was created
to take over audits of local authorities and providing financial management services. Joined at
the formative stage and was instrumental in designing accounting systems, auditing
programmes, internal control questionnaires, reviewing local authority accounting systems and
carrying out audits.
Was team leader for a three months audit case study of Zimbabwe’s fourth largest city in
preparation for the takeover of the audit and accounting services from private audit firms by
the government parastatal.
1986 - March 1987:
Auditor in the Comptroller and Auditor General’s Office - Zimbabwe. Specialized in Fund
audits, compliance of government ministries and departments and President’s office and
Took charge of audit assignments within a year of joining the Comptroller and Auditor
General’s office. Auditing the President’s office on compliance.
Jan 1982 - March 1983:
Secondary school teacher.
Consultancy: Partner in Gateway Accounting and Consulting Services. I have prepared project
proposals and business advisory services for small-scale businesses in Zimbabwe and carried
private work in installing accounting systems. Part of my Masters in Business Leadership studies
included a study of investment analysis on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange in 1998.
Setting up accounting systems and evaluating systems. Wide experience in
computers and accounting packages, including ACCPAC, Peach Tree, Pastel, Navision. SUN
and VISION. Auditing experience in governmental, municipalities, parastatals and private
companies. Financial and Human resources management in NGOs, local authorities, private
(agro based industries) and public sector. Excellent understanding of donor network fundraising and reporting. Leadership skills. Attended a four year course at University of South
Africa’s Graduate School of Business Leadership.
Development of Finance and Procedures Manuals.
Training: Have attended several Finance seminars, workshops and conferences - notably LWF
Finance Conference – Jerusalem (1994), LWF Finance Conference – Harare (1997), LWF
Finance Conference – Geneva (1998), LWF Regional Conference – Kampala (2000), IRC
Annual Finance conference – Las Vegas (2001), IRC Regional Finance Conference – Nairobi
(2002), IRC Annual Finance Conference – Bangkok (2002), USAID Rules and Regulation
workshop – Nairobi (2002), APVO USAID rules and regulation workshop – Johannesburg
(2003), IRC Prophix Budget Seminars – Texas & Miami (2003), IRC Annual Finance
Conference – Miami (2003). APVO – USAID Cash Management – Cairo Egypt (2004)
Training carried:
Financial Management training to IRC Regional Directors – Uganda 2003
AIDSRelief Finance and Compliance training - Kisumu ( Kenya) Nairobi (Kenya), Lusaka
(Zambia), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Johannesburg and Durban (South Africa), Kampala
(Uganda), Haiti and Guyana, CMMB and CRS ART- Kenya
Training to staff at LWF – Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Botswana, Malawi and Angola
Reason for need to change current job: Excessive traveling.
English - excellent
Portuguese - elementary / fair.
Swahili – very basic
1. Rick Estridge, email address
2. Anna Schowengerdt’, email address
3. Robert J Saum, email address
4. Daniel Skaret, email address
5. Current Supervisor: John McCuen –