November 5, 2015 [PRS CHAMPION’S REPORT TO JHPDG] Paper JHPDG 2015/16 25 Subject: Delivery of new homes at scale through the private rented sector – Action 32 Purpose: 1. The JHPDG should acknowledge and support the work streams underway in Section 2, with 2 items of particular note: a. The development of a unique Rental Income Guarantee Scheme (RIGS). A second slice Scottish Government (SG) guarantee to be in place for five years for qualifying market-led private sector developments of over 50 units. b. There is a potential for an unintended outcome in the drafting of the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Bill, see Action 30. As drafted there is a danger that the potential investor pool for purpose built PRS stock, will withdraw interest due to losses incurred in their Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) investments. The negative impact will be greater than the incentive of a RIGS proposal. Actions underway 2. The PRS Working Party, who support the work of the PRS Champion, explore opportunities and tackle barriers to the development of a quality new build PRS sector in Scotland. There is the potential to pull all the cohesive work streams together in the form of a PRS Prospectus in 2016. In May 2015 a range of cohesive recommendations were tabled in a report to the Cabinet Secretary. The PRS Working Party three sub-groups are working through the response, received the following month, as follows: a) Land & Planning i) Input to planning workshops and the imminent Planning Delivery Advice, emphasising the need for flexibility surrounding Section 75 contributions, amendments to design/ building standards, the desire for Local Authorities (LA) to introduce planning guidance(in a similar manner to PBSA sector) and to potentially include a tenure blind approach to any on-site affordable housing requirement ii) Following up on the letter from the Chief Planner of 7 October to all LA Heads of Planning iii) Progress public sector land opportunities for new build PRS with LA Chief Estates Surveyors and other parties controlling surplus public sector land (NHS, MoD, Police/ Prison Service etc) b) Finance & Data i) Developing a RIGS proposal with SG, based on the outline submission of 25.09.2015 ii) Meeting with SG analytical services team to fine tune the HNDA tool iii) Working with RICS Scotland to develop an Information Note on valuing purpose built PRS stock, on the basis of net income rather than discount to vacant possession c) Regulation & Tenancy i) Submitting written evidence to the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee on the new tenancy bill ii) Understand the impact of the 20 year rule on financing structures and inform any potential exemption proposals November 5, 2015 [PRS CHAMPION’S REPORT TO JHPDG] Paper JHPDG 2015/16 25 Summary of key issue and brief background 3. a) There is a potential for an unintended outcome in the drafting of the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Bill, see Action 30. As drafted there is lack of certainty in providing rented accommodation for the following academic year for providers of PBSA stock, indeed this lack of certainty also extends to students and Universities. For current institutional grade stock this lack of certainty will increase voids, reduce values and lead to a loss of confidence from institutional investors in rental accommodation. These are the same potential investor pool for purpose built PRS stock. The negative impact will be greater than the incentive of a RIGS proposal b) There are a number of live BTR sites being delivered, most at planning in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Greater support and promotion is required to get additional sites into the pipeline At least two known BTR developments are on site – in Aberdeen (292 Dandara units funded by LaSalle Investments on behalf of British Coal Pension Fund)and in Edinburgh (113 units being provided by Threesixty Developments, part of Knightsbridge Student Housing and funded by Oaktree Capital). A number of institutions and investors have put investment decisions on hold pending greater clarity from the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Bill. Issues that need attention now 4. See ‘Summary of key issue and brief background above’ Conclusions and recommendations 5. In summary: a) to continue to support the PRS Working Party and the three sub-groups, with appropriate positive communications regarding the new purpose built PRS stock b) to note the significant work stream regarding a Rental Income Guarantee Scheme (RIGS) c) to ensure the new Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland ) Bill supports the needs of investors as well tenants, lenders and landlords d) to support a new build PRS Prospectus should this be a delivery output Gerry More, PRS Champion, Homes for Scotland 5 November, 2015