1st March 2012 - Loughborough Students` Union

Thursday 16th February 2012 AT 19:00 IN THE BOARD ROOM OF
Jayde Savage (Chair)
Tasha Devonshire (Vice Chair)
Emma (Voice)
Anthony Caren (Aero & Auto)
Peter Bailey (Business)
Hannah Rana (ChemEng)
Jade Markham (Chemistry)
Wendy Styles (Civil & Building)
Rebecca Defoe (CompSci)
Alex Jones (Eng & Drama)
Helen Chantry (ElecEng)
Nicholas Speechley (Geography)
Natalie Boon (Info Science)
CJ Marlas (Materials)
Anchael Hyare (Maths)
Sammy Davis (PHIR)
Balj Samrai (Physics)
Anisia Bucur (Social Sci)
Sophie Coleman (SofA)
Mitchell Smith (SSEHS)
Adrian Munteanu (Wolfson)
1. Apologies for absence:
 James Carroll (Economics)
 Nicholas Speechley (Geography)
2. Failure to attend with no apology: No one 
3. Actions from this week’s meeting:
4. Minutes from this week’s meeting
 Martin to discuss the Student Portal
o If you have any feedback, contact Martin via Twitter @martin_hamilton (slides
from the meeting are on there) or comment on his blog at martinh.net
o Recently introduced the my.lboro app. Upgraded the internet connection so it is
now the fastest you can buy commercially. Also now can re-register online.
o On campus, if you need wireless somewhere, let Martin know.
o Are looking into Windows 7, to make it quicker to boot up computers.
o PPs thought the short stay computers were a brilliant idea, but may be an idea to
have 3 more computers on the other side of the library.
o 10,000 people a day are now using my.lboro. PPs thought it has everything you
want, but a few technical issues such as with an email, it opens in a new window.
o PPs generally don’t use the calendar or Google Docs.
o Looking to get individualised student timetables, which show up in your calendar.
Also, with Union events, society events, etc on.
o Next steps – Wireless internet in off campus halls. The library always has lots of
wireless network usage but can’t really put anymore in. PPs noted the wireless
wasn’t very good in Bakewell Hall or behind Hazelrigg. Also buying all tickets
o ReVIEW – lecture recording. Putting webcam and microphone into every lecture
with a PC, just waiting for a newer version of the software. Up to lecturers if they
use it but then they can upload their lectures onto Learn. Want to know if it is
useful for students! Comment on Martins blog. Good for dyslexic students.
However, problems with copyright. If it is 3rd party images/diagrams, then it
becomes an issue.
Some PPs argues lectures won’t want recordings because it could decrease
attendance. However, research shows it increases attendance.
o Are also looking into having one log in screen – so once you are logged onto
my.lboro, you won’t need to log into learn.
o PPs mentioned problems with computers in the library being linked up to printers.
Email IT.Services@lboro.ac.uk if you have any problems.
o CJ wanted to know why scanning now costs, when it used to be free.
o PC Clinic – PPs thought it was very good, professional and ‘solved my problem
o Looking into an App for online prospectus and so you can get the ‘google maps’
campus map on your phone.
Actions from last meeting
o Jayde looked into PPs being able to email PRs before 5pm. However, you are
not allowed, as it is a policy with the University aswell.
o Booking out rooms – students are not allowed to book out rooms in the Rutland
building. To book rooms email rooms@lboro.ac.uk. Or you can email the admin,
tell them who you are and they will book rooms for you.
QAA Submission
o Natalie noticed the 2008 Recommendation doesn’t make sense. Information
Science also needs to be put onto the table at the beginning.
o The recommendations and the process of the QAA will be made publicly
available in April/May.
 Elec Eng: Problems trying to get PRs to respond. Dean of Engineering is keen to get
involved with the engineering PPs which is good!
 Geography: Arranging a meeting before Easter to talk over and hopefully finalise the
mentoring scheme so it can be implemented asap. Help part A and B students but in
furutre years, hopefully expand to offer more general advice concerning the department.
Also looking to do another Action A Team, possibly with the whole department. Plugging
the NSS with emails and shout outs.
 Info Sci: Buddying system – finalising the document as realised there is no formal
training. Looking at other departments who already have ‘buddys’ to come and talk to
students who want to be buddys to give information. At the Learning and Teaching
Committee, discussed the group coursework policy as there is no clear punishment if
students don’t get involved. Want a policy that tells students what to expect. Also met the
Science PPs and looking at the prospect of meeting with the Science Chairs, looking at
representation, integrating and collaborating. Looking at a ‘Lecture of the Year’ award.
Department is brainstorming to establish a Finalist Party. Have a permanent agenda
point at the SSLC, to give feedback and staff are keen to be in the loop. Also been
emailing about the NSS.
 Materials: Also got a permanent agenda point for PPs to report back at the SSLC. Been
to Placement Discussions and the University want everyone to do a placement. So
setting up focus groups with PRs. SSC – issues with online submissions, as lecturers
want a paper copy and online copy. Met with the ADT about students on four year
courses – will now get the same library privileges as Finalists in their 3rd and 4th year.
 Maths: Met with teaching coordinator, not very many people from Maths have filled out
the NSS. Poor turnout from PRs to the SSLC, so meeting with the PRs to talk about their
role and promoting it it more actively for next years freshers, e.g. in induction lectures.
 PHIR: Having regular meetings with the Head of Department and trying to propose an
educational trip for freshers so they can get to know each other, but hasn’t gone down
very well. Thinking about a ‘Student Engagement Week’, as no longer have reading
week, and linking it with the Mentoring Scheme. Meetings with the PRs, found facebook
is a good way to communicate, PRs like meeting before the SSLC to share
ideas/problems. Trying to raise awareness of PR/PP – possibly a banner on learn.
Attended a Student Engagement Conference – ideas such as a student led teacher ward,
paying students to get involved, Newcastle University have a work placement module
where you get marks for your job or your extra curricular things. For awards for teacher,
better to have qualitative (write a paragraph), rather than quantative, like voting.
Physics: Met with PRs before the SSLC. Setting up a Short Survey within the
department about support/library/socials. Promoting the NSS, looking into a Mentoring
Scheme for next year. Meeting with all the Science PPs and Chairs to get communication
going. At SSLC, spoke about the feedback forms, realised lots of problems have been
solved from last year  but problems with lecturers putting their lecture slides on learn.
Social Science: Good attendance for PR meeting before CCLC. Department really want
to know the issues and get feedback and the lectures are taking into account what the
PRs are saying. Issue with Ebooks so making a balance between high demand and
Ebooks. Want PRs to make official questionnaires before the CCLC to give feedback and
evidence at the CCLC. Also looking for volunteers for the Buddy Scheme.
School of Arts: Good attendance for the PR meeting, discussed actions for reps increasing awareness and trying to get 3rd years to do the NSS. Book out a computer lab
for students to fill out the NSS. Meeting with the Dean to talk about issues such as the
course structure for finalists (as they have no lectures) and 1st years. Mentoring scheme.
Getting a year group forum set up on learn for each course so people can contact others
on their course. Wrote an article for the School of the Arts Magazine. Met with PostGrads
to get them involved teaching UnderGrads.
SSEHS: Met with PRs and discussed a variety of issues. PRs very intimidated at the
SSLC, recommending a different set up of the room – around the table, rather than in
rows. Looking at careers information emails and PostGrad courses emails to see if they
can be more specific. Looking into taster sessions of courses for prospective students.
Wolfson: Looking at computer labs – due to popular demand, now have one open 24/7.
Promoting the NSS. Focus group to find out students perspective of feedback,
timetabling issues of having to talk too far across campus between lectures. Weekly
meetings for the PRs, now been split into two groups, depending on your course.
Re-elections: suggested to write to label nearer the time promoting the re-elections.
Water fountains:
o Just put one in the Union but are getting them across campus, it is up to
departments to fund them.
o At the next Union Council, going to ask one member of Exec to review Lufbra.net
o Need basic expectations of what Department committees, PPs and PRs are
supposed to do, best practice and to outline who is doing what.
o Lecturers complaining that the technology is some classrooms are not working,
and want to know if the Union can do anything. Problem is that two groups are
responsible for lecture rooms on campus but some rooms are covered by either
of the groups so won’t do anything.
Videoing in lectures
o Business is concerned with copyright and who owns the rights to images.
Basically, the lecturer has copyright for their own images but if its 3 rd party, don’t
have copy right.
Meeting with PRs
o Wanted to know how often PPs are meeting with their PRs, what they talk about,
etc. Found this varies massively depending on the department. Becky (Comp
Sci) meets every other week, to give info from these meetings, discuss new
issues, etc. Found it is helpful to meet before SSLC encase students feel
intimidated and possibly after to follow up on issues. Pete (Business) has been
looking at themes of issues and if they are tackled. All of the issues in last years
SSLC meetings have been solved 
5. Agenda for next meeting:
Reporting: Aero & Auto, Business, ChemEng, Chemistry, Civil & Building,
CompSci, Economics, Eng and Drama,
 Social
6. Any Other Business:
7. Date of next meeting: Thursday 15th March 2012 @ 6pm.