File - OUR 5th Grade Classroom

Biography Mini Project
What Will My Mini Biography Consist Of?
 A construction paper booklet with:
The name of your individual on the cover with a picture
A mini biography paper about your individual
Extra Credit Option: A bio poem about your individual (2
templates to choose from)
 A presentation
Grab Bag
Biography – Reading & Note Taking
During this mini project, you will research books and Internet sources about
an individual of your choice. Please start researching right away! To help you
complete this project, it is best for you to take notes while reading your books
and internet sources. I have included a Note-Taking Template for you to take
notes needed to complete the project. Please feel free to take extra notes on a
loose-leaf sheet of paper and staple it with the template.
Biography- Mini Paper
This paper will have three parts. The first part, you will provide general
information about your individual (as if you are introducing this person to
someone else for the first time). The second part, you will provide 2
accomplishments that your individual achieved and you will explain them. You
will also provide one challenge your individual faced and you will explain it.
The third part, you will explain why you chose this individual, one interesting
fact about your person, and why others should learn about this person.
Bio Poem (extra credit)
The Bio-Poem will describe the individual you have been researching. This will
be for extra credit. You DO NOT have to do it. I have included two templates
for you to use. Choose ONE! If you choose to do this, I will go over it with you,
so you can show me a rough draft and I can help you revise it. You will then
create your final draft of the bio-poem with designs and pictures that represent
your individual and place it in your booklet.
You will get to choose which of the following ways to tell the class about your
subject: Monologue or Grab Bag Speech. Since we learn from each other,
during the presentations, the rest of the class will be taking notes on each
person’s biography presentation.
When you read a biography, ask yourself these questions:
 How did the person change the course of his/her
 How did this person’s personal life experiences and
challenges contribute to his/her accomplishments?
 What problems and difficulties did he/she
struggle with?
 What were the problems and difficulties of the
times in which he/she lived?
 What have we learned from this person that we
can apply to our own lives?
 What was the author’s perspective on the subject
of the biography? Can you tell where and how the
author got his/her information?
Important: Save this guide. It will be useful when you write
your biography narrative.
Note-Taking Template
Paragraph One: Early Life
Birth date/ Death:________________________________________
Who was he/she?:________________________________________
Live/Family Life:_____________________________________________
Paragraph Two: Accomplishments/Challenges
2 Major Accomplishments:
1 Major Challenge:
Closing Paragraph: Your Opinion
Why did I choose this individual?
What was the most interesting fact I learned?
Why should others learn about this person?
(Extra Credit) Bio Poem Template #1
Line 1-- Name:
Line 2 -- Four words that describe the character: 1. ______________________
2. _____________________ 3. _____________________4. _____________________
Line 3 -- Lover of (three items, objects or ideas): 1. ______________________
2. ______________________ 3. ______________________
Line 4 -- Who believes (one idea or concept):
Line 5 -- Who wants (three things): 1. ______________________
2. ___________________ 3. ______________________
Line 6 -- Who uses (three things): 1. ______________________ 2. ________________
3. ______________________
Line 7 -- Who gives (three things): 1. ______________________ 2. ________________
3. ______________________
Line 8 -- Who says (a direct quote):
Line 9 –Repeat Name:
(Extra Credit) Biography Poem Template #2
Use the letters in your first and last name to write an acrostic poem that tells
about your life so far. Remember, biographies tell about the setting,
accomplishments (what are you good at?), and character.
After completing your booklet, please choose which type of presentation you
would like to give to your classmates describing and telling about the life of
your individual. We will discuss each in detail before you have to tell me which
one you decided to present to the class. Please circle the your choice below and
on the checklist page. Each presentation, you will need to think creatively and
practice your presentation.
Choose Only One & Circle Your Choice
1. Monologue
The Monologue Presentation is when you dress up like your subject and tell
about their life in character as your subject. You will need to find clothing to
dress like him/her and write a monologue/speech in the first person telling
about their life.
2. Grab Bag Speech
The presentation you will need to choose 4-5 objects that have significant
meaning to your subject or symbolize your subject. You will start off your
presentation with all of them in a bag and then pull each one out as you
explain why you chose that object and how it represents your subject.
Biography Timeline DUE DATES
Part One Rough Draft Due: October 1st
Part Two Rough Draft Due: October 8th
Part Three Rough Draft Due: October 13th
Mini Paper Final Draft Due: October 20th
Presentations: October 20th, 21st, 22nd
Biography Check List
Read & Note Taking
_____ Research using several books and internet sources
_____ Fill in all the sections of the Biography Note-Taking Template
_____ Turn in Completed Biography Note-Taking Template
Biography Mini Paper
Part One: General Overview
______Who was he/she?
______Family Life/Live
______ Education
______ Hobbies/Inspirations
Part Two: Accomplishments and Challenges (explain both)
_______ 2 Accomplishments
_______ 1 Challenge
Part Three: Your opinions
_______Why you chose this person?
_______What you found most interesting?
_______Why should others learn about his person?
_____ Write your monologue (speech)
_____ Find things to wear to dress/look like your subject
_____ Practice your monologue
_____ Practice your monologue in front of someone to get feedback & fix
what is needed – practice again
_____ Present your Monologue
Grab Bag Speech
_____ Choose 4-5 objects to symbolize your subject life
_____ Write a speech using each object to describe your subject
_____ Practice your speech
_____ Practice your speech in front of someone to get feedback & fix what is
needed – practice again
_____ Present your Grab Bag Speech
_____ Complete ONE Bio Poem Template (Rough Draft)
_____ Turn in Rough Draft to your teacher to help with revising
_____ Revise Rough Draft
_____ Write a Neat Final Draft
_____Add Completed Bio Poem in to your booklet