An Honest Biography

An Honest Biography
Of an American*
*Definition of American open to interpretation
Often, in American Literature classes, “American” is defined as an older, straight, white, able-bodied, neurotypical, cisgender, male, Christian, US citizen. We have heard their stories, perspectives, and (often sugarcoated) histories countless times, but these are not the only important figures in America.
For this research assignment, you will choose an American who has not been widely discussed in your previous
classes. Please choose an American who does not consider hirself to embody at least one characteristic listed
above. Please do not choose a figure who has risen to prominence in the last twenty years as information is
more likely to be biased.
Once your American has been approved as a biographical subject, you will research the following:
1) Origin Story – Not just where and when your figure was born (though that is relevant), but what are hir
2) Struggles – We have all struggled at one time or another, in one way or another. What were/are some
major struggles in hir life?
3) Accomplishments – Be specific. Accomplishments do not only come in the form of awards and titles.
What is admirable about your figure?
4) Flaws – No one is perfect, and it is important to acknowledge both the good and the bad in everyone
and everything. For this to be an HONEST biography, the flaws must not be omitted.
5) Legacy – What has your figure done that has/will outlast hir life? What changes have been made as a
result? What will inspire future generations?
Your biography must be between 4-6 double spaced pages in length. Please label each section using the
(bolded) titles above.
You must use at least 5 legitimate, trustworthy, well-researched, neutral sources. Your sources may be print
or web, but must be published. Please embed your MLA citations when you paraphrase or quote source
material and include a Works Cited list at the end.
We will go to the library on Tuesday, September 16 and Thursday, September 18 to aid in your research, but
you are expected to do outside research on your own.
Your final biography is due on:
Monday, September 19
by 8:00
pm on
The system will NOT accept submissions made from 8:01pm on, so please leave ample time to submit in case
of technical difficulties. Early submissions will be accepted.
Please see me in advance of the due date with any questions, concerns, and/or need for clarification.