LESC Technical File & Baseline Data Checklist


Energy Performance Contracts Handbook

Sample Document: LESC Technical File and Baseline Data


September 2014

LESC Technical File and Baseline Data Checklist

LESC Technical File & Baseline Data Checklist


LESC Technical File and Baseline Data Checklist




..................................................................................................................... 4


O BJECTIVES .......................................................................................................................... 4


V ERIFIABLE INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 4


E XTENT OF INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED .............................................................................. 4


A CCURACY OF INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 5


A SSEMBLING INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 5



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LESC Technical File and Baseline Data Checklist



1.1 Objectives

This checklist has been specifically developed for Local Energy Supply Contracts.

The objective of this checklist is to assist hosts (clients) identify the information it should provide to bidding ESCOs to enable them to efficiently develop their investment case (often referred to as an

Investment Grade Audit or Feasibility Study) as part of their tendering process.

It has two main components:

Technical file – technical information on the facility

Baseline data – energy use information that will provide the basis for calculations and the

Measurement & Verification plan. Utility price information may be included here, but ESCOs must use utility prices as specified in the RFQ documentation so that all savings are valued on a similar basis.

It is in the host’s interest that the information supplied be as accurate as possible, as that will reduce the ESCOs’ risk and help improve the competitiveness of the tenders. It is also in the host’s interest that the facility technical information ESCOs will require is ready for the ESCOs, as any delay to gather the information will slow down the tendering process. Providing a single comprehensive file to bidding

ESCOs will help ensure all ESCOs have access to the same information at the same time, helping avoid any disputes. It is in the national interest that information be provided to all tendering ESCOs as this will reduce ESCO tendering costs, resulting in a more competitive market.

1.2 Verifiable information

Information provided to the ESCOs may be ‘verifiable’ or ‘non-verifiable’. As their titles suggest, the former can be checked by the pre-selected candidates and they will assume full responsibility for it and the latter comprises historical data (such as occupancy levels, operating procedures etc.) which cannot be verified by the pre-selected candidates. You must identify all ‘non-verifiable’ information.

Any briefing information provided to the ESCOs should include a note to the effect that “The

Host/Client accepts no liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information classified as ‘verifiable’ in this document and the Tenderer is at liberty to verify any or all of such information. The Client will accept no liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information classified as ‘non-verifiable’ in this document following the earlier of either the date being one year after the Commencement Date under the Contract to be entered into between the Client and the successful Tenderer or, if no such Contract is entered into, one year from the date of issue of the

Invitation to Participate in Competitive Dialogue. Unless otherwise noted, the client should assume all information is verifiable.”

1.3 Extent of information to be provided

The more comprehensive the information provided to the ESCOs, the less groundwork each ESCO will have to do, the more accurate and comparable the tenders, and the tighter the price.

However, one will need to strike a balance between providing the information the ESCOs can reasonably expect and spending time providing additional information they are unlikely to require. All items in this checklist do not have to be provided, it is essentially a matter of judgement as to what

ESCOs are likely to require. In forming this judgement you should consider things from an ESCO’s


LESC Technical File and Baseline Data Checklist perspective: are they likely to use this information to identify and quantify energy savings? You can always discuss with any advisors you have. You should try to avoid omitting information that is likely to be required because you regard as too much trouble to gather or because you don’t have the resources to do so. However, you may wish to focus your efforts on the more critical information.

You should also feel free to include information not identified here, but which you consider to be appropriate.

1.4 Accuracy of information

As much of this information will contribute to the final contract, it must be accurate. Most information required is factual in nature, although some statements, such as plant condition, may involve judgement. If there is some doubt about the facts, such as when a building was refurbished or the accuracy of any energy data, then this should be clearly stated (perhaps as a footnote reference). Any areas which involve judgement should be stated as opinions. If information is coming from other sources, and you cannot rely on these, you may wish to include a disclaimer.

1.5 Assembling information

We suggest pulling electronic files into a folder with appropriate file names and reference numbers that can be distributed to the shortlist of tendering ESCOs. Paper records that cannot be scanned should be stored in a single location for reference by the ESCOs when they come to site. Where information is contained in a document, such as a consultant’s report, you simply refer to the report rather than providing a separate briefing document. Other information, particularly where different data sources may conflict, you may wish to compile into a briefing document.

Use the checklist to identify what is available, adding and deleting as appropriate. Provide this to the



LESC Technical File and Baseline Data Checklist


General Briefing Information Checklist

Item Details Filename &


Access Requirements *

Health & Safety


Site Security




General Site Information

Buildings List Building name, address, year built, floor area

Site plan

Opening hours

Building names and locations. Route of existing/proposed district heating network as appropriate.

For each area (building) to be supplied by the

LESC, identify the associated opening hours.

Note any seasonal variations (e.g. in term / out

Client restrictions during operation of term) and holidays.

Client restrictions such as fuel delivery times, access routes, etc.

Client restrictions during construction

Client restrictions that will impact construction costs or may require temporary installations.

Examples include works being undertaken in summer or on a phased basis.



* Details here may also need to be as per Schedule 1 ‘Client Requirements’ of the Sample

Document: Invitation to Participate in Competitive Dialogue and Descriptive Document.


Energy Load Data


Heat load information

Historical heating fuel supply data (up to 3 years, as detailed as possible, ideally quarter hourly)

Historical heat generator output data (up to 3 years, as detailed as possible, ideally quarter hourly)

Historical heat load data if different from heat output (e.g. individual building heat loads if on district heating network)

In the absence of heat load data, consider alternative information that will support heat load calculations, e.g. floor areas, year of construction and activity of respective buildings.

Details Filename &





LESC Technical File and Baseline Data Checklist

Item Details Filename &


Factors changing heat load profile, such as Energy

Conservation Measures implemented in the last 3 years, those in hand, and any planned (refer to Section 5 for more details)

Heat driver data / factors driving heat use (e.g. occupancy, heating degree days, etc.)

Electrical load information

Site electrical load profile data (half hourly, available from electricity supplier)

Factors changing electrical load profile, such as Energy

Conservation Measures implemented in the last 3 years, those in hand, and any planned.

Electricity driver data / factors driving electricity use (e.g. occupancy, cooling degree days, etc.) Will only be required if LESC electrical generator is likely to exceed facility electrical load at times.


Energy System Information


Heating system information

Sketch / schematic identifying existing installation and associated metering infrastructure.

Sketch / schematic identifying proposed installation, measurement boundary connection points and associated metering infrastructure (e.g.if a biomass boiler is being installed, will the existing boilers be operated and maintained by the ESCO; if district heating, at which side of the building heat exchangers will energy be measured).

Existing district heating piping and instrumentation diagram.

List of existing heat generators (boilers and burners), fuel type, rated output, age and condition. Manufacturers’ manuals if available.

Heat uses at supply points (e.g. lthw, dhw, swimming pool) and associated supply temperature requirements, including any seasonal variations.

Provide details of backup systems, such as local boilers or

DHW electric immersions, if the main system is undergoing maintenance or as efficient local heat sources in times of low heat load (e.g. a district heating system might be shut down in the summer if local DHW immersions can meet requirements).

Details Filename








LESC Technical File and Baseline Data Checklist

Item Details Filename



Existing heat generator maintenance records, including combustion efficiency test results.

Existing heating system supply and return water temperature logs (from BMS).

Where ESCO will be responsible for pumping water through an existing DH system, provide details of system, static operating pressure, any records of system pressure drops, design flow rates, current method of control.

Where ESCO will be responsible for pumping water through an existing DH system, provide full details of pumps and motors, associated pump curves.

Electrical system information

Sketch / schematic identifying existing installation and associated metering infrastructure.

Sketch / schematic identifying proposed installation, measurement boundary connection points and associated metering infrastructure.


Other Information Checklist

Items below may include some repetition of above, and is a general catch-all.

Item Details Filename &


Energy Management

Energy surveys or

Feasibility Studies

Any previous, relevant energy surveys or feasibility studies (may need to remove confidential information, such as budgetary costs).




Completed measures

List of previous energy projects that affected either the efficiency of the heat heating system or the heating load (last 3 years, longer for major investments).


Completed upgrades


List of completed upgrades to heating system (last 3 years,

Filename &




LESC Technical File and Baseline Data Checklist longer for major investments).

Capital programme

Suggested measures

List of major capital expenditures planned or deferred on building services/energy infrastructure.

Register of opportunities and/or management suggestions of areas of potential savings.

Energy management targets or plans

Any targets or specific plans that will reduce heat load on the upgraded system.

Utilities Measurement, Monitoring & Baseline Data

Number of steam Preferably schematic. Identify meters if applicable and locations recording / logging arrangements.

Number of heat meters and locations

EU Emissions

Trading Scheme


Preferably schematic. Identify recording / logging arrangements.

Existing CHP data Fuel in, metered energies out.

Differentiate between metered and calculated heat out. Note if heat out is metered before or

Renewables data

(Wind, solar, biomass)

Technical Information after any heat dump fans.

Details of renewable technologies connected. Metered generation.

Drawings - mechanical, electrical, etc.

Asset register


Facility mechanical, electrical and plumbing drawings (.DWG or

.VSD formats where possible).

Equipment manufacturer, specifications, age, condition and maintenance records (Ideally all assets should be tagged).

Control drawings (e.g. BMS screenshots), sequence of operation (e.g. Description of system control) and equipment schedules.

Item Details

Heating systems Schematic diagram.

Filename &




LESC Technical File and Baseline Data Checklist

Power distribution info

Asset register - onsite generation

Existing contracts List of existing operation, maintenance or service contracts that may impinge on the LESC

Maintenance / upgrade requirements

Maintenance and Capital equipment back log


Schematic diagram of power distribution systems.

Equipment list/inventory of emergency generator and CHP assets and hours of operation if available. Include age, type, output,

Oil/gas system combustion test reports

Pressure vessel test reports

Ground surveys to establish suitable

DH route

Borehole testing reports previously completed

Other reports or maintenance records that may be of use.


Last two annual combustion test reports for oil/gas combustion systems.

Last two annual pressure vessel test reports for steam systems.

May include identification of existing services that will affect civil works.

For ground source heat pump projects.

Health & Safety

Site safety risk register

Asbestos register

