RODMAN SEMINARS S TU D E N T I N S TR U C T O R A P P L I C A T I O N I N S TR U C T I O N S The Rodman Seminars Program allows Rodman Scholars to take part in learning experiences without the formality of a traditional class. Its purpose is to allow scholars to explore interesting and useful topics to complement their academic education, or just for the joy of learning. Recently, student-led seminars were introduced to allow scholars to learn from each other and share their knowledge about topics they are passionate about. The student instructors’ experience in the topic, commitment and interest in leading the seminar, and the development of the syllabus will be taken into consideration in this application. INSTRUCTIONS Please email the Rodman Academic Chair with the subject line: [Course Title] Rodman Seminar, and attach: 1) This application. 2) Syllabus, along with details for each class, perspective assignments, grading policy, and attendance policy 3) [optional] Itemized budget, if additional materials are required. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION For each instructor: Instructor Major(s) / Areas of Study Year Email Phone Local Address PLEASE BRIEFLY ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. 1) Why are you passionate about this topic? 2) What are some relevant experiences that make you a qualified instructor for this topic?