Rodman Council Minutes October 20, 2010

Rodman Council Minutes October 20, 2010
First Year Representative elections:
o 5 running – chose to elect 3
o Matt, Tristan, Ellen
Website updates
o Received many Rodman pictures/profiles, etc that will be up on the site
o Need rest of profile info from Rod council
o Working on implementing the rest of the new content
o Adwait needs to be admin on the Rod Council listserve
Lecture series
o Emma’s working on this year’s lecture series
o Still want it to be a RodSem
 Make sure higher level of participation required to be a better RodSem
o New theme: perhaps natural disaster oriented, look for other new option
o Ensure high publicity despite RodSem status
o Try to find a capstone speaker before theme is set
o Work on assembling a team to get this going
Update/feedback on rodsems
o Music – has gotten negative feedback: too much computing, not enough music
o Personal Finance – mostly positive feedback, lack of deep discussion
o For future: try to make sure teachers know what we’re looking for beforehand, perhaps
more discussion or activity-based rod-sems
Advising session
o Not enough publicity, try to have another one later because the first years didn’t really
know about it
o Trick-or-treating
 Reps need to collect about 15 bags of candy per class
Class Activates
o Allocate each class $100-$150 for activities for the rest of the year, so reps should be
thinking of what they want to do with that
o Third years should wait – already did an event
Social Stuff
o Tailgate in Natasha’s room before the game on Saturday 32 East
 Food, drinks, provided
 3:00 pm
o T-Shirts
 We have a design
 Will be sent out soon
o Semi-formal
 Check on costs – we got some emergency money from Professor Cahen
 Co-sponsored with Echols
o Got dome-room dinner night from Echols!
 April 21
Fundraising initiative update
o Working on Logo, video and annual report
 Got some cool logo ideas
 Compiling video clips
o Watch for emails about the telethon in a few weeks (Start of November)
Entrepreneurship Chair updates
o Networking Fishing Event
 Learn how to network
 Seminar to teach Rodmans?
 Potential to collaborate with Jeff Society
Rodsquad update
o Getting ready to schedule audits
o Have money to buy equipment, need people to know it’s going to be used
 Need a few more people to be certified so the program can continue after Reed
and Jamie graduate
New Programs Coordinator update
o Focus on more faculty interaction – project for first year reps?
 Potential Rodman faculty reception – students can invite professors they want
 Or other social event with professors
o Team of first years to help Roy with this
o Biweekly or weekly rodman minutes email
Research Coordinator Update
o Looking for grants to fund existing projects (like ENGR projects)
o Also grants for new projects starting with groups of Rodmans