English Skills Exercise 1: FOCUS Conventions of Punctuation Focus 24-27 Use punctuation to set off complex parenthetical phrases Recognize and delete unnecessary commas based on a careful reading of a complicated sentence (e.g., between elements of a compound subject or a compound verb joined by and) Use apostrophes to indicate simple possessive nouns. Recognize inappropriate uses of colons and semicolons. Text Language is more than just words. People Questions communicate through inflection, body language, tone, and facial expressions. Translators have the difficult job of translating words on a page; they do not have 1 the benefit of non-verbal cues. But how does a 1. Which is the best choice? Why? A. NO CHANGE B. a page, they C. a page they D. a page yet translator translate not only words but meaning? And what are the benefits of translation? The biggest responsibility of a Spanish translation services provider is to convey not only information, but also 2. Which is the best choice? Why? A. NO CHANGE B. information but also, C. information but also D. information but, also 2 emotion. There are many words used to express emotion. Just as there are many emotions, finding the right words can be very difficult. Translation services try to provide the best they can, but is it enough? What 3. Which is the best choice? Why? A. NO CHANGE B. texts’ C. texts D. texts’s 4. Which is the best choice? Why? A. NO CHANGE B. equivalent and, vice versa C. equivalent, and, vice versa D. equivalent and vice versa 5. Which is the best choice? Why? A. NO CHANGE B. works and, will C. works and will D. works, and, will 6. Which is the best choice? Why? A. NO CHANGE B. foreign workers who C. foreign workers—who tools does a translator need when looking at a piece of text? A good translator will read over the entire text first. Then they will begin to see beyond the words and into the text's meaning. Spanish translators need to 3 choose their words carefully. They will translate sentence by sentence while trying to stay as close to the emotional feeling as they can. This is very tedious work since there are words in Spanish that do not have an English equivalent, and vice versa. After a few 4 drafts, they will find enough similarities in the two works, and will hopefully convey the meaning of one 5 text in another language. Today, translators are needed more than ever. They are needed to close cultural gaps that exist at the workplace, in the school system, and in their own neighborhoods. English to Spanish translations and translators are used to speaking to large groups of foreign workers, who are 6 desperately seeking employment in America. D. foreign workers who, Translation services are busier than ever translating documents from different countries, since many 7. Which is the best choice? Why? A. NO CHANGE B. countries since, C. countries; since D. countries since 8. Which is the best choice? Why? A. NO CHANGE B. symposiums translators C. , symposiums translators D. symposiums; translators 9. Which is the best choice? Why? A. NO CHANGE B. profits, that wouldn’t otherwise exist C. profits that wouldn’t otherwise exist D. profits that wouldn’t otherwise exist, 7 companies now conduct business internationally. When these companies hold company meetings and symposiums, translators are needed to help people get 8 to their seminars, to restaurants, and to their hotels. Needless to say, translators play an important part in business, helping companies expand their markets to include the global community. This means happy clients from other countries and profits, that wouldn’t otherwise exist, for the 9 companies. Bob H. Dunaway, a translator for IBM 10 says, “Anyone thinking about going into business in our globally connected world should seriously study a second language. The job market in this area will only grow from here.” 10. Which is the best choice? Why? A. NO CHANGE B. for IBM, C. for IBM— D. for IBM;