Cell Structure test

Cell Structure test:
1. In what tissue in the body would you find many mitochondria? Why?
2. Studying an unknown tissue under a microscope, you discover that the individual cells have
multiple green organelles in it; you can conclude that it is ___________ tissue. Hypothesize why
this is the case?
3. Would you expect to find chloroplasts in a plant roots? Explain your answer.
4. Cite evidence as to why the cells in your digestive track have many lysosomes.
5. In two neighboring animal skin cells, one was mutated which resulted in the absence of
centrioles in the cytoplasm. Hypothesize what the future holds for these two cells.
6. Why do plant cells have different organelles than animal cells?
Each question is worth 2 points.
Cell Structure test answers (in short):
Muscle, sperm, etc. These are all cells that require lots of energy.
Any green tissue from a plant. This tissue has many chloroplasts
No, no sunlight, no photosynthesis, no need for chloroplasts.
Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes; needed in the digestive track
The one with centrioles will normally go thru mitoses/cell division and the other one with the
mutation would not be able to divide and would eventually just die.
6. Plants perform photosynthesis (Chloroplast). Cell shape and structure instead of skeleton (Large
central vacuole and cell wall.)