Certificate of Exemption Submission Form To be completed by the Contract Sponsor This Certificate authorises an exemption to the requirements of Clause 24 of the Procurement Policy and Clause 7 of the Procurement Procedure. Requirement Details Faculty / Division: [Insert Name of Faculty & School or Division & Unit] Responsible Officer: [Insert Name] Outline Procurement Requirement: [Brief Outline of Requirement] Estimated Purchasing Value: [Insert Value] Proposed Supplier: [Insert Name of Supplier] Exemption Required From: (please tick appropriate box) Obtaining three quotes for purchases between $25,000 and $300,000 A public expression of interest/tender process for purchases greater than $300K Reasons for Seeking Exemption [Provide a description of: 1. The reason for the exemption request in accordance with clause 24 of the Procurement Policy (for examples refer attached); and 2. The proposed revised procurement method.] Comments by Manager Procurement Services [Insert Comments] Approved By: ___________________________________ Date: __________________________ Kean Selway Vice-President (Enterprise) For Supply Chain and Procurement Use Only: Certificate Number CE Extract of Procurement Procedure (clause 24): 24. Where an exemption to a particular procurement requirement outlined in this policy or the Procurement procedure is necessary or a Sponsor area wishes to source the goods and services from only one supplier or not from a contracted supplier, then a Certificate of Exemption form must be submitted to the Procurement Services Manager who will make a recommendation to the VPE. The VPE may grant an exemption to the procurement requirements outlined in Schedules A to F of the Procurement procedure where: a) there is only one supplier in Australia, where specialist expertise is required, or where the goods and services can only be supplied by a particular supplier and no reasonable alternative or substitute goods and services exist b) no submissions from a quotation or tender process are received from suppliers, or submissions do not conform to the request documentation, or are deemed to be unsuitable c) the goods and services cannot be obtained in time under the required processes because they are urgently required (‘urgent’ is a term generally applied to a health, security or safety consequence or unforeseen event or occurrence and not to a lack of planning or foresight) d) the goods and services are either replacement parts from an original supplier, an extension of the original goods and services, or a continuing service for existing equipment and software upgrades or licensing (i.e. where a change in supplier would necessitate the procurement of goods and services that do not meet current operability or changeability requirements) e) the goods and services are a prototype f) the Victorian Universities Procurement Forum (VUPF) Open Use provisions or access to a Whole of Government or other approved purchasing scheme contract have been utilized g) the procurement of goods and services is specified as part of a government grant or similar arrangement h) in accordance with the Campus Planning Committee terms of reference, the procurement of architectural services for capital projects is up to $10 million (GST exclusive) in value i) movement from an information technology intellectual property software ownership default position is required j) a lesser process is to be conducted when normally another process would apply (e.g. the use of a select tender process when an open tender process would normally be required) k) the use of an alternative supplier in a category of activity that is covered by a contracted supplier/s l) exceptional circumstances exist as determined by the VPE. An exemption only applies to the process of market engagement and does not excuse the procurement activity from other approval processes. Exemptions are not required for: purchases that are compliant with policy or procedure; expenditure on goods or services from all Federal, State or Territory public sector entities (including statutory authorities and government business enterprises); purchases produced from the labour of correctional enterprises; purchases from disability enterprises and other businesses that primarily exist to provide employment for people with a disability or provide goods or services on a not for profit basis; purchases funded by grants, loans or sponsorship from external persons/organisations where the external person/organisation nominates a supplier from whom the purchase is to be made; works of art; periodicals, textbooks and books of reference including supplements to such publications that are to be included in the University library collection; engagement of solicitors or barristers where expertise is required to support the University Solicitor’s Office or where there is a requirement to represent the University in a court related matter. For Supply Chain and Procurement Use Only: Certificate Number CE