Terms of Reference


UNICEF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States


6 May – 31 Dec 2013



Statistically sound and internationally comparable data are essential for developing evidence-based policies and programmes, as well as for monitoring countries’ progress toward national goals and global commitments. UNICEF places a high priority on the availability of recent and reliable information for monitoring the situation of children, young people and families and for developing evidence-based policies and programmes. MICS and TransMonEE are two important initiatives to provide internationally comparable data for monitoring countries’ progress towards national goals and global commitments.

MICS - MICS enables countries to produce statistically sound and internationally comparable estimates of a range of indicators in the areas of health, education, child protection, water and sanitation and HIV and AIDS. For many countries, MICS surveys are among the most important sources of data used for situation analyses, policy decisions and programme interventions, and for influencing the public opinion on the situation of children and women. During 2013-2015, UNICEF will support the fifth round of MICS surveys. It will, therefore, be important to have all the key MICS materials translated or edited in Russian in 2013. These materials include, but are not limited to:



Reporting templates

Tabulation plans

Workshop presentations

Dissemination materials

For examples of MICS materials, you can visit www.childinfo.org/mics4.html.

TransMonEE - Transformative Monitoring for Enhanced Equity database captures a vast range of data relevant to social and economic issues relevant to the situation and wellbeing of children, young people and women in countries of CEE/CIS. The data represent a particularly useful tool for governments, civil society organization, funding institutions and academia in considering their decisions, policies, programmes and agendas. The database is updated every year thanks to the collaboration of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) in the countries of CEE/CIS.

In 2013, the following TransMonEE (TM) related documents will need to be translated or edited:

Final tables

Country profiles

Country analytical reports

Network meeting presentations

For examples of TM materials, you can visit www.transmonee.org.




 To provide professional written/oral translations from English into Russian and Russian into

English, mainly around social, economic, statistical, legal themes.

To check translation for clarity and understanding, taking into consideration the nuances of the original text, ensuring compliance with UNICEF terminology, spelling and typographical errors, correct use of syntax forms and idioms, so that the phrasing and vocabulary used in documents sound natural, always maintaining accurate punctuation.

To perform stylistic editing (tailoring language to specific audiences, finding the right balance between readability and clarity): a) Structural editing (checking the structure of the text, editing headings); b) Content editing (checking the translation of factual and logical errors); c) Checking for consistency (checking the translation for consistency of terminology used).


Expected outputs

Completed electronic versions of translated documents required by UNICEF specified in the individual work orders, according to the individually set deadlines.

Editing includes stylistic, structural and content editing, tailoring language, checking the physical structure of the text, translation of factual and logical errors, and consistency in terminology.

 The total value of the contract, based on the volume of translation materials, may vary subject to requirement.


Types of services and rates

No Item Description

1 Written translation, including editing from English into Russian

Proposed Rate per No of

Words 1 (USD)

2 Written translation, including editing from Russian into English

3 Urgent 2 written translation, including editing from English into


4 Urgent written translation, including editing from Russian into


5 Editing in English

6 Editing in Russian

7 Urgent editing in English

8 Urgent editing in Russian

9 Translation of power point presentations from Russian into


1 Rates should be VAT exempt


More than 8 pages within the same day


10 Translation of power point presentations from English into


10 Simultaneous translation from English into Russian (per hour)

11 Simultaneous translation from English into Russian (per day)

12 Simultaneous translation from English into Russian (per half day)

13 Simultaneous translation from Russian into English (per hour)

14 Simultaneous translation from Russian into English (per day)

15 Simultaneous translation from Russian into English (per half day)



 Relevant academic background in translation and high competence in editing in both English a and Russian (for individuals)

 Writing and analytical skills. Mastery of English and Russian for the use of social, economic, statistical, legal terminology

 Relevant experience in working with the social items and international organizations, and knowledge of UNICEF abbreviations and terminology is desirable

Knowledge of Windows and office applications.


Duration of Contract

6 May - 31 December 2013

7. Payment terms

Payments will be made upon satisfactory completion of work and submission of Invoice, as agreed with the supervisor. The volume of translation materials may change as per requirements, therefore the total value of the contract will vary accordingly.

UNICEF reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, if work/outputs is incomplete, not delivered or for failure to meet deadlines (fees reduced due to late submission: 20 days - 10%; 1 month -20%; 2 months -30%; more 2 months – payment withhold). All materials developed will remain the copyright of UNICEF and UNICEF will be free to adapt and modify them in the future.


How to apply

Qualified organisations/companies are requested to email the following documents to ksukiasyan@unicef.org

by 27 April 2013 with the subject line ‘Application for translation services’.

Cover letter with references to relevant experience and qualifications

Proposed rates for the above-mentioned services in a table format

 Copies of registration of the organisation/company and bank account details.

Note: Only the selected applicant will be contacted.

