Bell Work: Chapter 3 - Leon County Schools

Bell Work
October 26
As the ice age ended and the climate warmed, many nomads
move into areas with mild climate and fertile land. People
began to stay in one place and grow grains and vegetables.
Gradually farming replaced hunting and gathering as the main
source of food. At the same time, people began to domesticate
animals. This change in the way people lived marked the
beginning of the Neolithic Age. Neolithic is a Greek word that
means “new stone”.
October 27
Because of farming and domestication of
animals, Neolithic people began to take part in
economic activities other than farming.
Specialization occurred for the first time.
Specialization is the act of training for a specific
October 28
The Bronze Age
3000 B.C to 1200 B.C
Craftspeople discovered that mixing copper and
tin made bronze. Bronze became widely used
between 3000 B.C. and 1200 B.C. This period is
known as The Bronze Age.
October 29
Monarchy- Type of government where the
country is led by a king and/or queen.
Shrine-A holy place. Neolithic people decorated
their shrines with pictures of gods and
October 30
Systematic Agriculture-the organized growing
of food on a regular basis. Humans moved from
hunting and gathering to systematic agriculture
in the Neolithic Age.