SS2 ECONOMICS CHRISTMAS TERM Wk WAEC TOPICS 1. Review of Equilibrium price 2. Price legislation IGSCE TOPICS Review of Equilibrium price • • • • • CONTENT WAEC CURRICULUM OBJ • Market price, market quantity and equilibrium point At the end of the lesson students should be able to: • Solve problem on Equilibrium Price legislation Price floor Price ceiling Effects of price floor Effects of price ceiling • • • • • • • 3a. b. 4. 5. Labour Force and labour market Demand for and supply of labour Scale of production. Elasticity of demand • Occupation and wages • Demand for labour and supply of labour Scale of production How market works (demand • • • • • Occupation Labour force Labour market Concept of wages Wage differences • Scale of production • Internal economies of scale • External economies of scale • Diseconomies of scale • • Demand elasticity Types of demand • • • Define price legislation Explain price floor State reasons for price floor Explain price ceiling State reason for price ceiling The graphics to illustrate price floor and price ceiling Explain the effect of price ceiling and price floor Define labour Define labour force Define labour market • Define economies of scale • Define internal economies of scale • State various factors on internal economies of scale • State various factors on external economies of scale • Explain Diseconomies of scale aid factors responsible • Define price elasticity of demand IGSCE CURRICULUM OBJ At the end of the lesson students should be able to: • Provide solutions to problems on Equilibrium • • • • Describe occupation Describe wages Explain wage differences Discuss reasons for differences in wages • Define scale of production Describe internal economies of scale Explain external economies of scale Explain causes of Diseconomies of scale • • • • Explain what is meant by demand Elasticity elasticity) • • 6. Elasticity of supply How market works (elasticity of supply) • • • 7. Unemployment Unemployment • • • • Elasticity Calculation of demand Elasticity Graphs of types of demand Elasticity Elasticity of supply Types of elasticity of supply Calculation of elasticity of supply Meaning of unemployment Causes of unemployment Cost of unemployment Calculation of rate of unemployment • Explain various types of demand elasticity and their graphs • Calculate various coefficients of Elasticity of demand • Define elasticity of supply • Explain various types of elasticity of supply • Calculate various types of elasticity of supply and their graphs • • • • • 8. Inflation Inflation • • • • • • • Meaning of inflation Causes of inflation Types of inflation Cost of inflation Effects of inflation Solution to problems of inflation Deflation and causes of deflation • • • • • Define unemployment State various causes of unemployment Explain various types of unemployment Suggest solution to problems of unemployment Calculate the rate of unemployment Define inflation State various causes of inflation Highlight various types of inflation Explain the effects of inflation Suggest solutions to problems of inflation • Describe various types of Elasticity with graphs • Ascertain various types of demand elasticity in a given situation • Explain what is meant by elasticity of supply • Describe various types of elasticity of supply with graphs • Ascertain various types of elasticity in a given situation • Explain what is meant by unemployment • Describe various causes of unemployment • Describe various types of unemployment • Describe various cost of unemployment • Explain what is meant by inflation • Explain various causes of inflation • Identify various types of inflation • Describe various cost of inflation • Suggest solution to problems of inflation 9. Retail price index (RPI) Retail price index • • 1011 National income National income • • • • 12 Meaning of retail price index Calculation of retail price index Meaning of national income Concepts of GDP, GNP, NND, NNI Approaches to measurement of national income Problems of measuring national income • • • • • • • Describe retail price index State the formula for calculating RPI Calculate RPI • • • • Define national income Explain GDP, GNP, NNP and NNI Explain the various methods of measuring national income Describe various problems of measuring national income • • • • Explain retail price index State the formula for measuring Calculate RPI Give comments on calculation being made Describe national income Explain GDP, GNP, NNP and NNI Explain various methods of measuring national income Describe importance of national income Revision SS2 ECONOMICS EASTER TERM Wk 1. WAEC TOPICS Production possibility curve IGSCE TOPICS • • • • • CONTENT WAEC CURRICULUM OBJ Meaning of PPC Analysis of PPC Assumptions made on PPC Importance of PPC Relationship between At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: • Define PPC • Explain how PPC is put in place • Make graphical illustration of IGSCE CURRICULUM OBJ At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: PPC and opportunity cost 2. Concept of productivity Concept of productivity • • • 3. Cost concept Concept of cost • • • • 4. Revenue concept Concept of revenue and profit • • • • • • 5. Market and market structures Market structures • • • • Meaning of productivity and product Concepts of TP, AP and MP Graphical illustration of TP, MP and AP PPC • State various importance of PPC to Household firms and government • State various assumptions made on PPC • Define productivity and product • Explain concepts of TP, AP and MP • Calculate TP, MP and AP with graphical illustration Measuring of cost Types of cost and their graphs Calculation of TC, AC, MC etc Graphical illustration of relationship among TC, AC, VC, MC etc • • Meaning of revenue Calculation of revenue Types of revenue Concept of profit Calculation of profit Profit maximizing revenue determination Meaning of market Types of market Pure market Imperfect market • • • Define cost Explain TC, AC, MC, VC etc Analyze with graphs the relationship among MC, AC, TC and VC Calculate TC, AC, VC, MC etc • • • • Define revenue Calculate revenue Explain various types of revenue • • • • Define a market Highlight various classes of market Explain perfect market and • • • • • • What is meant by productivity and product Describe TP, AP and MP Make graphical analysis of TP, AP and MP What is meant by cost Describe TC, MC AC, VC etc Analyze the relationship among the costs Solve problems on cost concept Describe revenue Explain how profit is calculated • Determine the revenue of a firm at which profit is maximized • Describe a market • Explain perfect market and conditions for its existence • Monopolistic market • • 6. Price and Qty determination of various types of market Equilibrium position of various types of market • How to determine the profit maximizing level of a market at – (a) Short Run (b) Long run • • • • 7. (a) International Trade (b) Basis for international trade (c) Concepts and calculations of BOT, TOT and BOP (a) Foreign Trade (b) Trade Specialization • • • • • 8. Public finance Fiscal policy and taxation • • • • • Meaning of international Trade Reasons for international trade Bans for international trade Concepts of BOT, TOT and BOP Difference between home trade and foreign trade • • Meaning of public finance How government generates revenue Various government expenditures Meaning of Tax Types of tax • • • • conditions for perfect market Explain imperfect market and its types Give conditions for imperfect market Explain what is meant by short Run Explain the meaning of long run Describe how profit is maximized in each market both Short Run and Long Run Make a graphical analysis of the above situation Define international trade Highlight reasons for foreign trade Explain concepts of BOT, TOT and BOP Differentiate between Home Trade and foreign trade • Describe imperfect market and conditions for its existence • Describe short run and long run situation of a firm Analyze how profit is maximized at short and long run for various market • • • • • • • • Define public finance List government sources of income List various government expenditures Define taxation Describe direct and • • • Describe international trade Explain term international specialization Explain the law of Absolute cost advantage and comparative cost advantage Make analysis of these laws Explain what is meant by fiscal policy Explain how government uses fiscal policies to control the economy Describe budget and • Budget and budgeting recurrent and capital items • • • • 9. 10. Effects and principles of taxation Effects of taxation • • Various effects of taxation Principle/qualities of a good tax system • • indirect tax State the use of taxation Highlight the effects of taxation Explain recurrent and capital expenditures Describe recurrent and capital revenues State the effects of • taxation State and explain qualities of a good tax system budgeting and types of budget Describe the effects of taxation on the populace Revision INTEGRATED SS 2 ECONS SUMMER TERM WK WAEC TOPIC IGCSE TOPICS CONTENT WAEC CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES IGCSE CURRICULUM OBJEDTIVES At the end of the lessons, students should be able to: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1/2 Population and population Census. Population • Meaning of Population • Population Growth • Factors Affecting population • Population Census • Population Pyramid • Population Structure • Define Population • Explain factors affecting population • Define Population Census • Highlight importance of population census • Highlight problems of population census in West Africa. 2. (a) Malthus Population Theory (a) Malthus Population • Malthus Theory of Population • Analyze Malthus population Theory • Describe trends in population growth. • Understand what is meant by dependency ratio • Analyze birth, death and migration rates • Analyze problems and consequence of population growth for developing nations. • Describe Age, Sex, and Occupational Distribution 3 4. 5. 6 7 Theory • Age, Sex, Occupation (b) Population (b) Population and Geographical Distribution Distribution. Distribution Nature and • Nature of Nigeria structure of Economy Nigerian Economy • Structure of Nigerian Economy. Agriculture Agriculture • Meaning of Agriculture • Agricultural system • Importance of Agriculture • Problems of Agricultural Development • Solutions to problem Industries and • Meaning of firms and Industrialization industries • Location and localization of industries • Meaning of industrialization • Trends in global industrial development Economic Growth Economic • Meaning of Growth and Development Growth and • Meaning of Development Economic • Conditions for a Development developed Economy • Characteristics of under developed economy. Economic Planning - • Meaning of Economic Planning • Objectives of Economic planning • Types of Economic planning • State its relevance to West Africa countries • Explain the nature of Nigeria economy. • Discuss the structure of Nigeria Economy. • Define Agriculture • State various importance of agriculture • Highlight problems of agriculture in West Africa • Suggest solutions to problems • Define firm and industry • Understand Location and Localization of industries • Highlight importance of industries to Economic • Highlight problems of industries in West Africa • Explain the implication of the abort on the economy. • Explain what is meant by agriculture • Describe the relevance of agriculture to global industrial growth. • Describe industries and industrialization • Explain impact of industries on the world economy. • Define Growth • Explain what is meant by • Define Development growth • Differentiate between Growth and • Explain what is meant by Development development • State the conditions for developed • Describe features of a Nation developed and • Highlight features of a developing underdeveloped nation. nation. • Define Economic Planning • Cure objective of Economic planning • Explain various types of economic Planning. • Discuss various importance of 8 Economic Integration 9 Revision Economic integration • Importance of Economic Planning. • Meaning of Economic integration • Types of Economic Integration • Importance of Economic integration economic planning. • Define Economic Integration • Describe various types of integration • Explain the importance of integration. • Explain what is meant by Economic integration. • Describe various types of Economic integration • Discuss the impact of various Economic integration on global economy.