Argillite Elementary School Site Based Decision Making Council Minutes of the Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 26, 2014 4:00 p.m. Location: Library/Media Center Members Present: Tom Crump, Chairperson Clare Nemeth, Co-Chair Jackie Martin Donna Bentley Meredith Hall Felicia Burnham Members Absent Guests and Staff Present: Bette Parks, Secretary I. OPENING COMMENTS Welcome by Tom Crump. Bette Parks called roll. II. READING AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA Following distribution and review Tom Crump recommended Council accept the August 26, 2014 Agenda as written. Felicia Burnham made the motion to accept. Meredith Hall seconded the motion. Council reached consensus to accept the Agenda as written. III. ANNOUNCEMENTS The last day for Automaticity to be turned in to Dean Oakes is Friday, August 29. Enduring Skills must also be finished and in. On this same date the 4th and 5th grades are sponsoring a Back to School Dance. Each grade level will have thirty minutes for dancing. The annual Coin Drive begins Tuesday, September 2. MAP testing also begins this day and continues through Friday, September 19. Fall Picture Day is Wednesday, September 3. The first nine weeks Midterm ends on Monday, September 8. The Fall Book Fair begins on September 8 and ends on Friday, September 12. Tuesday, September 9 is Snack with Grandparents Day. Kindergarten will have theirs from 1:00 – 1:30, First Grade’s will be 1:30 – 2:00, and Second Grade will have theirs from 2:00 – 2:30. That is also Book Fair Family Night and Open House from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. There will be a fire drill at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 10 at 8:30 a.m. Grades 3- 5 will have their Snack with Grandparents on Friday, September 12 from 1:00 – 2:00. On Monday, September 15, midterms go home, Explore Plan begins, and there will be a Staff Meeting after school. Fourth Grade students will provide the Constitution Day Program at 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday, September 16. On Friday, September 19, 4th grade students will be attending the annual Agriculture Day. The Greenup County Board of Education will meet at GCHS at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, September 22. 1 Movie Night is Friday, September 26. Spirit Week begins on Monday, September 29 and there will be a Staff Meeting after school. IV. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Tom Crump recommended that the Minutes of the August 5, 2014 meeting be approved as written. Donna Bentley made the motion. Jackie Martin seconded it. The minutes were approved as written by consensus of Council. V. BUDGET/ACTION ITEMS Budgets/Action Items Tom Crump distributed all budgets. SBDM The carryover was $5,553.00 with a total of $40,367. The amount encumbered for salaries is $17,788, and the remainder is $22,315.00. The Greenup County Board of Education allocated $1,500.00 for Carrie Glass, Donetta Griffith, and Stacey Spears to use for Academic Team supplies and conference. TITLE 1 Individual items were explained. $34,000.00 for the Journeys Reading Series and $10,000.00 for Go Math consumables along with teacher supplies and copy paper will come out of this fund. ESS This $7,491.58 will transfer into Flex Focus which will help with Professional Learning, as that amount is $1,766.99. TEXTBOOKS Tom Crump explained that this is the first time in years that we have received Textbook money. This $7,930.67 will go with ESS funds to help pay on textbooks. Tom Crump announced that he has two new computers available for teachers to view in the front office. If they like them, there will be one for each classroom. He asked the teacher representatives what they would like to get this year if there is money to make it possible. Clare Nemeth stated that student desks are badly needed. Donna Bentley stated that she would like special pod desks. Tom Crump stated that the 40 minis in the Computer lab will be given to the fifth grade for their students and he will order two carts for the stations and charging in each classroom. Tom Crump asked Jackie Martin what the Primary might need. She responded that first grade is good and will ask the other K - 3 teachers about their needs. Tom Crump stated that Roxanne Jacobs will be inducted into the Academic Team Hall of Fame in mid-September. (She was the AES Community Problem Solving Coach in 2012 when our students won second place in the International Conference.) Following review and reflection Tom Crump recommended the budgets be accepted “as is”. Meredith Hall made the motion and Jackie Martin seconded it. Council reached consensus to accept budgets as is. VI. DELEGATIONS There were none at this time. 2 VII. COMMITTEE/PROGRAM REPORTS Lighthouse Committee Jackie Martin reported that the staff is breaking into committees and they will meet this week. All staff members are on two of these committees. The team wants continuation and flow throughout the school. VIII. OLD BUSINESS Donna Bentley asked Tom Crump if the carpet in the hallway will be removed. He stated that he hasn’t received word about the front office changes as yet, but will put a runner down. Donna Bentley added that since On Demand Writing is in our Professional Learning Plan we need to set that up. She said she would like to see it divided into K – 2 and 3 – 5 District wide, as this would give all schools a common ground. Tom Crump stated that she and Stacey Spears need to speak with Traysea Moresea about the District wide training coming up. IX. X. XI. NEW BUSINESS There was none at this time. ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting will be at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 23, 2014, in the AES Library Media Center. ADJOURNMENT Clare Nemeth made the motion to adjourn. Donna Bentley seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ___________________ Chairperson ___________________ Secretary 3