Journal articles, John Crump (April 2015)

Journal articles, John Crump (April 2015)
137. Wong V, Holt K, Pickard D, Parkhill J, Page A, Feasey N, Kingsley R, Thomson N, Keane J, Harris D, Weill
F-X, Harris S, Mather A, Cain A, Hart P, Breiman RF, Watson C, Kariuki S, Heyderman RS, Okoro C,
Jacobs J, Lunguya O, Edmunds WJ, Chabalgoity JA, Kama M, Jenkins K, Dutta S, Marks F, Campos J,
Obaro S, MacLennan C, Parry C, Mulholland K, Dufour M, Sanaya RO, Isaia L, Crump JA, De Pinna E,
Nilles E, Thanh DP, Hogg G, Baker S, Dougan G. Phylogeographic analysis of the dominant multidrugresistant H58 clade of Salmonella Typhi identifies unappreciated inter-and intra-continental
transmission events. Nature Genet 2015; in press.
136. Crump JA. Building the case for wider use of typhoid vaccines. Vaccine 2015; in press.
135. Ao TT, Feasey NA, Gordon MA, Keddy KH, Angulo FJ, Crump JA. Global burden of invasive nontyphoidal
Salmonella disease. Emerg Infect Dis 2015; in press.
134. Kumarasamy N, Aga E, Ribaudo HJ, Wallis CL, Katzenstein DA, Stevens WS, Norton MR, Klingman KL,
Hosseinipour MC, Crump JA, Supparatpinyo K, Badal-Faesen S, Bartlett JA. Lopinavir/ritonavir
monotherapy as second-line antiretroviral treatment in resource-limited settings: week 104 analysis
of ACTG A5230. Clin Infect Dis 2015; in press.
133. Halliday JE, Allan KJ, Ekwem D, Cleaveland S, Kazwala RR, Crump JA. Endemic zoonoses in the tropics:
a major public health problem hiding in plain sight. Vet Rec 2015; 176: 220-5.
132. Naghavi M, Wang H, Lozano R, Davis A, Liang X, Zhou M, Vollset SE, Ozgoren AA, Abdalla S, Abd-Allah F,
Abdel Aziz MI, Abera SF, Aboyans V, Abraham B, Abraham JP, Abuabara KE, Abubakar I, Abu-Raddad
LJ, Abu-Rmeileh NM, Achoki T, Adelekan A, Ademi Z, Adofo K, Adou AK, Adsuar JC, Ärnlov J, Agardh EE,
Akena D, Al Khabouri MJ, Alasfoor D, Albittar M, Alegretti MA, Aleman AV, Alemu ZA, AlfonsoCristancho R, Alhabib S, Ali MK, Ali R, Alla F, Al Lami F, Allebeck P, AlMazroa MA, Al-Shahi Salman R,
Alsharif U, Alvarez E, Alviz-Guzman N, Amankwaa AA, Amare AT, Ameli O, Amini H, Ammar W,
Anderson HR, Anderson BO, Antonio CA, Anwari P, Apfel H, Argeseanu Cunningham S, Arsic
Arsenijevic VS, Artaman A, Asad MM, Asghar RJ, Assadi R, Atkins LS, Atkinson C, Badawi A, Bahit MC,
Bakfalouni T, Balakrishnan K, Balalla S, Banerjee A, Barber RM, Barker-Collo SL, Barquera S, Barregard
L, Barrero LH, Barrientos-Gutierrez T, Basu A, Basu S, Basulaiman MO, Beardsley J, Bedi N, Beghi E,
Bekele T, Bell ML, Benjet C, Bennett DA, Bensenor IM, Benzian H, Bertozzi-Villa A, Beyene TJ, Bhala N,
Bhalla A, Bhutta ZA, Bikbov B, Bin Abdulhak A, Biryukov S, Blore JD, Blyth FM, Bohensky MA, Borges G,
Bose D, Boufous S, Bourne RR, Boyers LN, Brainin M, Brauer M, Brayne CE, Brazinova A, Breitborde N,
Brenner H, Briggs AD, Brown JC, Brugha TS, Buckle GC, Bui LN, Bukhman G, Burch M, Campos Nonato
IR, Carabin H, Cárdenas R, Carapetis J, Carpenter DO, Caso V, Castañeda-Orjuela CA, Castro RE, CataláLópez F, Cavalleri F, Chang JC, Charlson FC, Che X, Chen H, Chen Y, Chen JS, Chen Z, Chiang PP, ChimedOchir O, Chowdhury R, Christensen H, Christophi CA, Chuang TW, Chugh SS, Cirillo M, Coates MM,
Coffeng LE, Coggeshall MS, Cohen A, Colistro V, Colquhoun SM, Colomar M, Cooper LT, Cooper C,
Coppola LM, Cortinovis M, Courville K, Cowie BC, Criqui MH, Crump JA, Cuevas-Nasu L, da Costa Leite I,
Dabhadkar KC, Dandona L, Dandona R, Dansereau E, Dargan PI, Dayama A, De la Cruz-Góngora V, de la
Vega SF, De Leo D, Degenhardt L, del Pozo-Cruz B, Dellavalle RP, Deribe K, Des Jarlais DC, Dessalegn M,
deVeber GA, Dharmaratne SD, Dherani M, Diaz-Ortega JL, Diaz-Torne C, Dicker D, Ding EL, Dokova K,
Dorsey ER, Driscoll TR, Duan L, Duber HC, Durrani AM, Ebel BE, Edmond KM, Ellenbogen RG, Elshrek
Y, Ermakov SP, Erskine HE, Eshrati B, Esteghamati A, Estep K, Fürst T, Fahimi S, Fahrion AS, Faraon EJ,
Farzadfar F, Fay DF, Feigl AB, Feigin VL, Felicio MM, Fereshtehnejad SM, Fernandes JG, Ferrari AJ,
Fleming TD, Foigt N, Foreman K, Forouzanfar MH, Fowkes FG, Paleo UF, Franklin RC, Futran ND,
Gaffikin L, Gambashidze K, Gankpé FG, García-Guerra FA, Garcia AC, Geleijnse JM, Gessner BD, Gibney
KB, Gillum RF, Gilmour S, Ginawi IA, Giroud M, Glaser EL, Goenka S, Gomez Dantes H, Gona P,
Gonzalez-Medina D, Guinovart C, Gupta R, Gupta R, Gosselin RA, Gotay CC, Goto A, Gouda HN, Graetz N,
Greenwell KF, Gugnani HC, Gunnell D, Gutiérrez RA, Haagsma J, Hafezi-Nejad N, Hagan H, Hagstromer
M, Halasa YA, Hamadeh RR, Hamavid H, Hammami M, Hancock J, Hankey GJ, Hansen GM, Harb HL,
Harewood H, Haro JM, Havmoeller R, Hay RJ, Hay SI, Hedayati MT, Heredia Pi IB, Heuton KR,
Heydarpour P, Higashi H, Hijar M, Hoek HW, Hoffman HJ, Hornberger JC, Hosgood HD, Hossain M,
Hotez PJ, Hoy DG, Hsairi M, Hu G, Huang JJ, Huffman MD, Hughes AJ, Husseini A, Huynh C, Iannarone M,
Iburg KM, Idrisov BT, Ikeda N, Innos K, Inoue M, Islami F, Ismayilova S, Jacobsen KH, Jassal S,
Jayaraman SP, Jensen PN, Jha V, Jiang G, Jiang Y, Jonas JB, Joseph J, Juel K, Kabagambe EK, Kan H, Karch
A, Karimkhani C, Karthikeyan G, Kassebaum N, Kaul A, Kawakami N, Kazanjan K, Kazi DS, Kemp AH,
Kengne AP, Keren A, Kereselidze M, Khader YS, Khalifa SE, Khan EA, Khan G, Khang YH, Kieling C, Kinfu
Y, Kinge JM, Kim D, Kim S, Kivipelto M, Knibbs L, Knudsen AK, Kokubo Y, Kosen S, Kotagal M,
Kravchenko MA, Krishnaswami S, Krueger H, Kuate Defo B, Kuipers EJ, Kucuk Bicer B, Kulkarni C,
Kulkarni VS, Kumar K, Kumar RB, Kwan GF, Kyu H, Lai T, Lakshmana Balaji A, Lalloo R, Lallukka T, Lam
H, Lan Q, Lansingh VC, Larson HJ, Larsson A, Lavados PM, Lawrynowicz AE, Leasher JL, Lee JT, Leigh J,
Leinsalu M, Leung R, Levitz C, Li B, Li Y, Li Y, Liddell C, Lim SS, de Lima GM, Lind ML, Lipshultz SE, Liu S,
Liu Y, Lloyd BK, Lofgren KT, Logroscino G, London SJ, Lortet-Tieulent J, Lotufo PA, Lucas RM,
Lunevicius R, Lyons RA, Ma S, Machado VM, MacIntyre MF, Mackay MT, MacLachlan JH, MagisRodriguez C, Mahdi AA, Majdan M, Malekzadeh R, Mangalam S, Mapoma CC, Marape M, Marcenes W,
Margono C, Marks GB, Marzan MB, Masci JR, Mashal MT, Masiye F, Mason-Jones AJ, Matzopolous R,
Mayosi BM, Mazorodze TT, McGrath JJ, McKay AC, McKee M, McLain A, Meaney PA, Mehndiratta MM,
Mejia-Rodriguez F, Melaku YA, Meltzer M, Memish ZA, Mendoza W, Mensah GA, Meretoja A, Mhimbira
FA, Miller TR, Mills EJ, Misganaw A, Mishra SK, Mock CN, Moffitt TE, Mohamed Ibrahim N, Mohammad
KA, Mokdad AH, Mola GL, Monasta L, Monis Jde L, Montañez Hernandez JC, Montico M, Montine TJ,
Mooney MD, Moore AR, Moradi-Lakeh M, Moran AE, Mori R, Moschandreas J, Moturi WN, Moyer ML,
Mozaffarian D, Mueller UO, Mukaigawara M, Mullany EC, Murray J, Mustapha A, Naghavi P, Naheed A,
Naidoo KS, Naldi L, Nand D, Nangia V, Narayan KM, Nash D, Nasher J, Nejjari C, Nelson RG, Neuhouser
M, Neupane SP, Newcomb PA, Newman L, Newton CR, Ng M, Ngalesoni FN, Nguyen G, Nguyen Nt, Nisar
MI, Nolte S, Norheim OF, Norman RE, Norrving B, Nyakarahuka L, Odell S, O'Donnell M, Ohkubo T,
Ohno SL, Olusanya BO, Omer SB, Opio JN, Orisakwe OE, Ortblad KF, Ortiz A, Otayza ML, Pain AW,
Pandian JD, Panelo CI, Panniyammakal J, Papachristou C, Paternina Caicedo AJ, Patten SB, Patton GC,
Paul VK, Pavlin B, Pearce N, Pellegrini CA, Pereira DM, Peresson SC, Perez-Padilla R, Perez-Ruiz FP,
Perico N, Pervaiz A, Pesudovs K, Peterson CB, Petzold M, Phillips BK, Phillips DE, Phillips MR, Plass D,
Piel FB, Poenaru D, Polinder S, Popova S, Poulton RG, Pourmalek F, Prabhakaran D, Qato D, Quezada
AD, Quistberg DA, Rabito F, Rafay A, Rahimi K, Rahimi-Movaghar V, Rahman SU, Raju M, Rakovac I,
Rana SM, Refaat A, Remuzzi G, Ribeiro AL, Ricci S, Riccio PM, Richardson L, Richardus JH, Roberts B,
Roberts DA, Robinson M, Roca A, Rodriguez A, Rojas-Rueda D, Ronfani L, Room R, Roth GA,
Rothenbacher D, Rothstein DH, Rowley JT, Roy N, Ruhago GM, Rushton L, Sambandam S, Søreide K,
Saeedi MY, Saha S, Sahathevan R, Sahraian MA, Sahle BW, Salomon JA, Salvo D, Samonte GM, Sampson
U, Sanabria JR, Sandar L, Santos IS, Satpathy M, Sawhney M, Saylan M, Scarborough P, Schöttker B,
Schmidt JC, Schneider IJ, Schumacher AE, Schwebel DC, Scott JG, Sepanlou SG, Servan-Mori EE,
Shackelford K, Shaheen A, Shahraz S, Shakh-Nazarova M, Shangguan S, She J, Sheikhbahaei S, Shepard
DS, Shibuya K, Shinohara Y, Shishani K, Shiue I, Shivakoti R, Shrime MG, Sigfusdottir ID, Silberberg DH,
Silva AP, Simard EP, Sindi S, Singh JA, Singh L, Sioson E, Skirbekk V, Sliwa K, So S, Soljak M, Soneji S,
Soshnikov SS, Sposato LA, Sreeramareddy CT, Stanaway JD, Stathopoulou VK, Steenland K, Stein C,
Steiner C, Stevens A, Stöckl H, Straif K, Stroumpoulis K, Sturua L, Sunguya BF, Swaminathan S, Swaroop
M, Sykes BL, Tabb KM, Takahashi K, Talongwa RT, Tan F, Tanne D, Tanner M, Tavakkoli M, Ao BT,
Teixeira CM, Templin T, Tenkorang EY, Terkawi AS, Thomas BA, Thorne-Lyman AL, Thrift AG,
Thurston GD, Tillmann T, Tirschwell DL, Tleyjeh IM, Tonelli M, Topouzis F, Towbin JA, Toyoshima H,
Traebert J, Tran BX, Truelsen T, Trujillo U, Trillini M, Tsala Dimbuene Z, Tsilimbaris M, Tuzcu EM,
Ubeda C, Uchendu US, Ukwaja KN, Undurraga EA, Vallely AJ, van de Vijver S, van Gool CH, Varakin YY,
Vasankari TJ, Vasconcelos AM, Vavilala MS, Venketasubramanian N, Vijayakumar L, Villalpando S,
Violante FS, Vlassov VV, Wagner GR, Waller SG, Wang J, Wang L, Wang X, Wang Y, Warouw TS,
Weichenthal S, Weiderpass E, Weintraub RG, Wenzhi W, Werdecker A, Wessells KR, Westerman R,
Whiteford HA, Wilkinson JD, Williams TN, Woldeyohannes SM, Wolfe CD, Wolock TM, Woolf AD, Wong
JQ, Wright JL, Wulf S, Wurtz B, Xu G, Yang YC, Yano Y, Yatsuya H, Yip P, Yonemoto N, Yoon SJ, Younis M,
Yu C, Yun Jin K, Zaki Mel S, Zamakhshary MF, Zeeb H, Zhang Y, Zhao Y, Zheng Y, Zhu J, Zhu S, Zonies D,
Zou XN, Zunt JR, Vos T, Lopez AD, Murray CJ. Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause
and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global
Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet 2015; 385: 117-71.
131. Crump JA, Wu X, Kendall MA, Ive PD, Kumwenda JJ, Grinsztejn B, Jentsch U, Swindells S. Predictors and
outcomes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteremia among patients with HIV and tuberculosis coinfection enrolled in the ACTG A5221 STRIDE study. BMC Infect Dis 2015; 15: 12.
130. Prasad N, Sharples KJ, Murdoch DR, Crump JA. Community prevalence of fever and relationship with
malaria among infants and children in low-resource areas. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2015; in press.
129. Sjölund-Karlsson M, Howie R, Rickert R, Newton A, Gonzalez-Aviles G, Crump JA. Plasmid-mediated
quinolone resistance in isolates of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi, USA. Int J Antimicrob Agents
2015; 45: 88-90.
128. Rubach MP, Maro VP, Bartlett JA, Crump JA. Etiologies of illness among patients meeting Integrated
Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness District Clinician Manual criteria for severe infections in
northern Tanzania: implications for empiric antimicrobial therapy. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2015; 92: 45462.
127. Mavura DR, Masenga EJ, Minja E, Grossmann H, Crump JA, Bartlett JA. Initiation of antiretroviral
therapy in HIV-infected adults with skin complaints in northern Tanzania. Int J Dermatol 2015; 54: 6873.
126. Crump JA, Heyderman RS. Invasive Salmonella infections in Africa. Trans Royal Soc Trop Med Hyg
2014; 108: 673-675.
125. Crump JA. Updating and refining estimates of typhoid fever burden for public health action. Lancet
Glob Health 2014; 2: e551-3.
124. Myat TO, Prasad N, Thinn KK, Win KK, Htike WW, Zin KN, Murdoch DR, Crump JA. Bloodstream
infections at a tertiary referral hospital in Yangon, Myanmar. Trans Royal Soc Trop Med Hyg 2014;
108: 692-8.
123. Thompson CN, Kama M, Baker S, Acharya S, Bera U, Clemens J, Crump JA, Dawainavesi A, Dougan G,
Edmunds WJ, Fox K, Jenkins K, Khan MI, Koroivueta J, Levine MM, Martin LB, Nilles E, Pitzer VE, Singh
S, Raiwalu RV, Mulholland K. Typhoid fever in Fiji: a reversible plague? Trop Med Int Health 2014; 19:
122. Samia N. Naccache SN, Federman S, Veerarghavan N, Zaharia M, Lee D, Samayoa E, Bouquet J,
Greninger AL, Luk K-C, Enge B, Wadford DA, Messenger SL, Genrich GL, Pellegrino K, Grard G, Leroy E,
Schneider BS, Fair JN, Martinez MA, Isa P, Crump JA, DeRisi JL, Sittler T, Hackett J, Miller S, Chiu CY.
SURPI: sequence-based ultra-rapid pathogen identification in clinical metagenomic samples. Genome
Res 2014; 24:1180-92.
121. Vanderburg S, Rubach MP, Halliday JEB, Cleaveland S, Reddy EA, Crump JA. Epidemiology of Coxiella
burnetii infection in Africa: a OneHealth systematic review. PLoS Neglect Trop Dis 2014; 8: e2787.
120. Moon AM, Biggs HM, Rubach MP, Crump JA, Maro VP, Saganda W, Reddy EA. Evaluation of in-hospital
management for febrile illness in northern Tanzania before and after 2010 World Health Organization
guidelines for the treatment of malaria.
PLoS ONE 2014; 9: e89814.
119. Sjölund-Karlsson M, Howie, Crump JA, Whichard JM. Fluoroquinolone susceptibility testing of
Salmonella enterica: detection of acquired resistance and selection of zone diameter breakpoints for
levofloxacin and ofloxacin. J Clin Microbiol 2014; 52: 877-84.
118. Reddy EA, Njau BN, Morpeth SC, Lancaster KE, Tribble AC, Maro VP, Msuya LJ, Morrissey AB, Kibiki GS,
Thielman NM, Cunningham CK, Schimana W, Shao JF, Chow SC, Stout JE, Crump JA, Bartlett JA,
Hamilton CD. A randomized controlled trial of standard versus intensified tuberculosis diagnostics on
treatment decisions by physicians in northern Tanzania. BMC Infect Dis 2014; 14: 89.
117. Biggs HM, Lester R, Nadjm B, Mtove G, Todd JE, Kinabo GD, Philemon R, Amos B, Morrissey AB,
Reyburn H, Crump JA. Invasive Salmonella infections in areas of high and low malaria transmission
intensity in Tanzania. Clin Infect Dis 2014; 58: 638-47.
116. Crump JA. Time for a comprehensive approach to the syndrome of fever in the tropics. Trans Royal Soc
Trop Med Hyg 2014; 108: 61-2.
115. Biggs HM, Hertz JT, Munishi OM, Galloway RL, Marks F, Saganda W, Maro VP, Crump JA. Estimating
leptospirosis incidence using hospital-based surveillance and a population-based health care
utilization survey in Tanzania. PLoS Neglect Trop Dis 2013; 7: e2589.
114. Parry CM, Basnyat B, Crump JA. The management of antimicrobial resistant enteric fever. Expert Rev
Anti Infect Ther 2013; 11: 1259-61.
113. Hertz JT, Munishi OM, Sharp JP, Reddy EA, Crump JA. Comparing actual and perceived causes of fever
among community members in a low malaria transmission setting in northern Tanzania. Trop Med Int
Health 2013; 18: 1406-15.
112. Crump JA, Morrissey AB, Nicholson WL, Massung RF, Stoddard RA, Galloway RL, Ooi EE, Maro VP,
Saganda W, Kinabo GD, Muiruri C, Bartlett JA. Etiology of severe non-malaria febrile illness in northern
Tanzania: a prospective cohort study. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2013; 7: e2324.
111. Rubach MP, Halliday JEB, Cleaveland S, Crump JA. Brucellosis in low-income and middle-income
countries. Curr Opinion Infect Dis 2013; 26: 404-12.
110. Fiorillo SP, Diefenthal HC, Goodman PC, Ramadhani HO, Njau BN, Morrissey AB, Maro VP, Saganda W,
Kinabo GD, Mwako MS, Bartlett JA, Crump JA. Chest radiography for predicting etiology of febrile
illness among inpatients in Moshi, Tanzania. Clin Radiol 2013; 68: 1039-46.
109. Gray KD, Cunningham CK, Clifton DC, Afwamba IA, Mushi GS, Msuya LJ, Crump JA, Buchanan AM.
Prevalence of mycobacteremia among HIV-infected infants and children in northern Tanzania. Ped
Infect Dis J 2013; 32: 754-6.
108. Biggs HM, Galloway RL, Bui DM, Morrissey AB, Maro VP, Crump VP. Leptospirosis and HIV co-infection
among febrile inpatients in northern Tanzania. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2013; 13: 572-80.
107. Crump JA, Decamp M, Barry M, Sugarman J. Reflecting on short-term international service-learning
trips. Acad Med 2013; 88: 10-11.
106. Bouley AJ, Biggs HM, Stoddard RA, Morrissey AB, Bartlett JA, Afwamba IA, Maro VP, Kinabo GD,
Saganda W, Cleaveland S, Crump JA. Brucellosis among hospitalized febrile patients in northern
Tanzania. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2012; 87: 1105-11.
105. Clifton DC, Ramadhani HO, Msuya LJ, Njau BN, Kinabo GD, Buchanan AM, Crump JA. Predicting
mortality for pediatric inpatients where malaria is uncommon. Arch Dis Child 2012; 97: 889-94.
104. Buchanan AM, Nadjm B, Amos B, Mtove G, Sifuna D, Cunningham, Crump JA, Reyburn H. Utility of rapid
antibody tests to exclude HIV-1 infection among infants and children aged <18 months in a lowresource setting. J Clin Virol 2012; 55: 244-9.
103. Fiorillo SP, Landman KZ, Tribble AC, Mtalo A, Itemba DK, Ostermann J, Thielman NM, Crump JA.
Changes in HIV risk behavior and seroincidence among clients presenting for repeat HIV counseling
and testing in Moshi, Tanzania. AIDS Care 2012; 24: 1264-71.
102. Jennings C, Harty B, Granger S, Wager C, Crump JA, Fiscus SA, Bremer JW. A cross-platform analysis of
HIV-1 RNA data generated by a multi-center assay validation study with wide geographic
representation. J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50: 2737-47.
101. Crump JA. Rapid diagnostic tests for a coordinated approach to fever syndromes in low-resource
settings: reply to author. Clin Infect Dis 2012; 55: 611-2.
100. Lofgren SM, Kirsch EJ, Maro VP, Morrissey AB, Msuya LJ, Kinabo GD, Saganda W, Diefenthal HC,
Ramadhani HO, Wheat LJ, Crump JA. Histoplasmosis among hospitalized febrile patients in northern
Tanzania. Trans Royal Soc Trop Med Hyg 2012; 106: 504-7.
99. Bartlett JA, Ribaudo H, Wallis C, Aga E, Katzenstein DK, Stevens W, Norton M, Klingman K, Hosseinipour
M, Crump JA, Supparatpinyo K, Ive P, Kallungal, Kumarasamy N. Lopinavir/ritonavir monotherapy
after virologic failure of first-line antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings. AIDS 2012; 26:
98. Crump JA, Ramadhani HO, Morrissey AB, Saganda W, Mwako MS, Yang L-Y, Chow S-C, Njau BN, Mushi
GS, Maro VP, Reller LB, Bartlett JA. Bacteremic disseminated tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa: a
prospective cohort study. Clin Infect Dis 2012; 55: 242-50.
97. Freel SA, Picking RA, Ferrari G, Ding H, Ochsenbauer C, Kappes JC, Kirchherr J, Soderberg K, Weinhold
KJ, Cunningham CK, Denny T, Crump JA, Cohen MS, McMichael AJ, Haynes BF, Tomaras GD. Initial HIV1 antigen-specific CD8+ T cells in acute HIV-1 inhibit transmitted founder virus replication . J Virol
2012; 86: 6835-46.
96. Bonsignori M, Montefiori DC, Wu X, Chen X, Hwang K-K Tsao C-Y, Kozink DM, Parks RJ, Tomaras GD,
Crump JA, Kapiga SH, Sam NE, Kwong PD, Kepler TB, Liao H-X, Mascola JR, Haynes BF. Two distinct
broadly neutralizing antibody specificities of different clonal lineages in a single HIV-1-infected donor:
implications for vaccine design. J Virol 2012; 86: 4688-92.
95. Crump JA, Sugarman J. Examining the scale and outcomes of global health fellowship programs in the
United States. J Grad Med Educ 2012; 4: 261-2.
94. Crump JA. Typhoid fever and the challenge of non-malaria febrile illness in sub-Saharan Africa. Clin
Infect Dis 2012; 54: 1107-9.
93. Hertz JT, Munishi OM, Ooi EE, Howe S, Lim WY, Chow A, Morrissey AB, Bartlett JA, Onyango JJ, Maro VP,
Kinabo GD, Saganda W, Gubler DJ, Crump JA. Chikungunya and dengue fever among hospitalized
febrile patients in northern Tanzania. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2012; 86: 171-7.
92. Crump JA, Tuohy MJ, Morrissey AB, Ramadhani HO, Njau BN, Maro VP, Reller LB, Procop GW.
Performance of nucleic acid amplification following extraction of 5mL of whole blood for the diagnosis
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteremia. J Clin Microbiol 2012; 50: 138-41.
91. DeCamp M, Crump JA, Rodriquez J, Richardson G, Barry M, Sugarman J. Tb in a global health exchange
program. J Gen Intern Med 2012; 27: 7.
90. Crump JA, Sugarman J. Guidelines for international service learning programs. Developing World
Bioethics 2011; 11: 170.
89. McLellan JS, Pancera M, Carrico C, Gorman J, Julien J-P, Khayat R, Louder R, Pejchal R, Sastry M, Dai K,
O’Dell S, Patel N, Shahzad-ul-Hussan S, Yang Y, Zhang B, Zhou T, Zhu J, Boyington JC, Chuang G-Y,
Diwanji D, Georgiev I, Kwon YD, Lee D, Louder MK, Moquin S, Schmidt SD, Yang Z-Y, Bonsignori M,
Crump JA, Kapiga SH, Sam NE, Haynes BF, Burton DR, Koff WC, Walker LM, Phogat S, Wyatt R,
Orwenyo J, Wang L-X, Arthos J, Bewley CA, Mascola JR, Nabel GJ, Schief WR, Ward AB, Wilson IA,
Kwong PD. Structure of HIV-1 gp120 V1V2 domain with broadly neutralizing antibody PG9. Nature
2011; 480: 336-45.
88. Tomaras GD, Binley JM, Gray ES, Crooks ET, Osawa K, Moore PL, Tumba N, Tong T, Shen X, Yates NL,
Decker J, Wibmer CK, Gao F, Alam SM, Shaw GM, Easterbrook P, Abdool-Karim S, Kamanga G, Crump
JA, Cohen M, Mascola JR, Haynes BF, Montefiori DC, Morris L. Polyclonal B cell responses to conserved
neutralization epitopes in a subset of HIV-1-infected individuals. J Virol 2011; 85: 11502-19.
87. Wu X, Zhou T, Zhu J, Zhang B, Georgiev I, Wang C, Chen X, Longo NS, Louder M, McKee K, O’Dell S,
Perfetto S, Schmidt SD, Shi W, Wu L, Yang Y, Yang Z-Y, Yang Z, Zhang Z, Bonsignori M, Crump JA, Kapiga
SH, Sam NE, Haynes BF, Simek M, Burton DR, Koff WC, Doria-Rose N, Connors M, NISC Comparative
Sequencing Program, Mullikin JC, Nabel GJ, Roederer M, Shapiro L, Kwong PD, Mascola JR. Focused
evolution of HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies revealed by crystal structures and deep sequencing. Science
2011; 333: 1593-602.
86. Bonsignori M, Hwang KK, Chen X, Tsao CY, Morris L, Gray E, Marshall DJ, Crump JA, Kapiga SH, Sam NE,
Sinangil F, Pancera M, Yongping Y, Zhang B, Zhu J, Kwong PD, O'Dell S, Mascola JR, Wu L, Nabel GJ,
Phogat S, Seaman MS, Whitesides JF, Moody MA, Kelsoe G, Yang X, Sodroski J, Shaw GM, Montefiori D,
Kepler TB, Tomaras GD, Alam SM, Liao HX, Haynes BF. Analysis of a clonal lineage of HIV-1 envelope
V2/V3 conformational epitope-specific broadly neutralizing antibodies and their inferred unmutated
common ancestors. J Virol 2011; 85:9998-10009.
85. Keddy KH, Sooka A, Letsoalo ME, Hoyland G, Chaignat C-L, Morrissey AB, Crump JA. Sensitivity and
specificity of typhoid rapid antibody tests for laboratory diagnosis of typhoid fever at two sub-Saharan
African sites. Bull World Health Organ 2011; 89: 640-7.
84. Crump JA, Gove S, Parry CM. Management of adolescents and adults with febrile illness in resourcelimited areas. BMJ 2011; 343: d4847.
83. Sjölund-Karlsson M, Joyce K , Blickenstaff K, Ball T, Haro J, Medalla FM, Fedorka-Cray P, Zhao S, Crump
JA, Whichard JM. Antimicrobial susceptibility to azithromycin among Salmonella enterica isolated in
the United States. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2011; 55: 3985-9.
82. Prabhu M, Nicholson WL, Roche AJ, Kersh GJ, Fitzpatrick KA, Oliver LD, Massung RF, Morrissey AB,
Bartlett JA, Onyango JJ, Maro VP, Kinabo GD, Saganda W, Crump JA. Q fever, spotted fever group and
typhus group rickettsioses among hospitalized febrile patients in northern Tanzania. Clin Infect Dis
2011; 53: e8-15.
81. Biggs HM, Bui DM, Galloway RL, Stoddard RA, Shadomy SV, Morrissey AB, Bartlett JA, Onyango JJ, Maro
VP, Kinabo GD, Saganda W, Crump JA. Leptospirosis among hospitalized febrile patients in northern
Tanzania. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2011; 85: 275-81.
80. Crump JA, Morrissey AB, Ramadhani HO, Njau BN, Maro VP, Reller LB. Controlled comparison of
BacT/ALERT MB system, manual MYCO/F LYTIC procedure, and ISOLATOR 10 system for detection of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteremia. J Clin Microbiol 2011; 49: 3054-7.
79. Crump JA, Sugarman J. Guidelines for global health training. Health Affairs 2011; 30: 1215.
78. Crump JA, Ramadhani HO, Morrissey AB, Msuya LJ, Yang L-Y, Chow S-C, Morpeth SC, Reyburn H, Njau
BN, Shaw AV, Diefenthal HC, Bartlett JA, Shao JF, Schimana W, Cunningham CK, Kinabo GD. Invasive
bacterial and fungal infections among hospitalized HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected children and
infants in northern Tanzania. Trop Med Int Health 2011; 16: 830-7.
77. van Ingen J, Tortoli E, Selvarangan R, Coyle MB, Crump JA, Morrissey AB, Dekhuijzen PN, Boeree MJ, van
Soolingen D. Mycobacterium sherrisii sp. nov.; a slow growing nonchromogenic species. Int J Syst Evol
Microbiol 2011: 61: 1293-8.
76. Prabhu M, McHome B, Ostermann J, Itemba D, Njau B, Thielman N; KIWAKKUKI-Duke VCT Study Group.
Prevalence and correlates of intimate partner violence among women attending HIV voluntary
counseling and testing in northern Tanzania, 2005-2008. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2011; 113: 63-7.
75. Waters RC, Ostermann J, Reeves TD, Masnick MF, Thielman NM, Bartlett JA, Crump JA. A costeffectiveness analysis of alternative HIV re-testing strategies in sub-Saharan Africa. J Acquir Immune
Defic Syndr 2011; 56: 443-52.
74. Crump JA, Sugarman J. In response to ‘Global health training: one way street?’ Am J Trop Med Hyg 84:
506. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2011; 84: 507.
73. Crump JA, Medalla FM, Joyce KW, Krueger AL, Hoekstra RM, Whichard JM, Barzilay EJ, Emerging
Infections Program NARMS Working Group. Antimicrobial resistance among invasive nontyphoidal
Salmonella enterica isolates in the United States, National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring
System, 1996-2007. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2011; 55: 1148-54.
72. Ostermann J, Reddy EA, Shorter MM, Muiruri C, Mtalo A, Itemba DK, Njau B, Bartlett JA, Crump JA,
Thielman NM. Who tests, who doesn't, and why? Uptake of mobile HIV counseling and testing in the
Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. PLoS ONE 2011; 6: e16488.
71. Scott LE, Crump JA, Msuya E, Morrissey AB, Venter WF, Stevens WS. Abbott RealTime HIV-1 m2000rt
viral load testing: manual extraction versus the automated m2000sp extraction. J Virol Methods 2011;
172: 78-80.
70. Crump JA, Ramadhani HO, Morrissey AB, Saganda W, Mwako MS, Yang L-Y, Chow S-C, Morpeth SC,
Reyburn H, Njau BN, Shaw AV, Diefenthal HC, Shao JF, Bartlett JA, Maro VP. Invasive bacterial and
fungal infections among hospitalized HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected adults and adolescents in
northern Tanzania. Clin Infect Dis 2011; 52: 341-8.
69. Crump JA, Sugarman J, and the Working Group for Ethics in Global Health Training (WEIGHT). Ethics
and best practice guidelines for training experiences in global health. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2010; 83:
68. DuBois A, Crump JA, Keswick BH, Slutsker L, Quick RE, Vulule JM, Luby SP. Determinants of use of
household-level water chlorination products in rural Kenya, 2003–2005. Int J Environ Res Public
Health 2010; 7; 3842-52.
67. Buchanan AM, Muro FJ, Gratz J, Crump JA, Musyoka AM, Sichangi MW, Morrissey AB, M'rimberia JK,
Njau BN, Msuya LJ, Bartlett JA, Cunningham CK. Establishment of hematologic and immunologic
reference values for healthy Tanzanian children in the Kilimanjaro Region. Trop Med Int Health 2010;
15: 1011-21.
66. Emmett SD, Cunningham CK, Mmbaga BT, Kinabo GD, Schimana W, Swai ME, Bartlett JA, Crump JA,
Reddy EA. Predicting virologic failure among HIV-1-infected children receiving antiretroviral therapy
in Tanzania: a cross-sectional study. J Acquir Immune Defic Synd 2010; 54: 368-75.
65. Reddy EA, Shaw AV, Crump JA. Community acquired bloodstream infections in Africa: a systematic
review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis 2010; 10: 417-32.
64. Nadjm B, Amos B, Mtove G, Ostermann J, Chonya S, Wangai H, Kimera J, Msuya W, Mtei F, Dekker D,
Malahiyo R, Olomi R, Crump JA, Whitty CJM, Reyburn H. A prospective study of indications for
antimicrobials in children admitted to hospital in an area of intense P. falciparum transmission. BMJ
2010; 340: c1350.
63. Lofgren SM, Stevens WS, Bartlett JA, Crump JA. Reply to 'Quantification of HIV-1 RNA on Dried Blood
Spots' AIDS 24:475-6. AIDS 2010; 24: 785-786.
62. Crump JA, Mintz ED. Global trends in typhoid and paratyphoid fever. Clin Infect Dis 2010; 50: 241-6.
61. Shao HJ, Crump JA, Ramadhani HO, Uiso LO, Ole-Nguyaine S, Moon AM, Kiwera RA, Woods CW, Shao JF,
Bartlett JA, Thielman NM. Early versus delayed fixed dose combination
abacavir/lamivudine/zidovudine in patients with HIV and tuberculosis in Tanzania. AIDS Res Hum
Retroviruses 2009; 25: 1277-85.
60. Shorter MM, Ostermann J, Crump JA, Tribble AC, Itemba DK, Mgonja A, Mtalo A, Bartlett JA, Shao JF,
Schimana W, Thielman NM. Characteristics of HIV voluntary counseling and testing clients before and
during care and treatment scale-up in Moshi, Tanzania. J Acquir Immune Defic Synd 2009; 52: 648-54.
59. Lofgren SM, Morrissey AB, Chevallier CC, Malabeja AI, Edmonds S, Amos B, Sifuna DJ, von Seidlein L,
Schimana W, Stevens WS, Bartlett JA, Crump JA. Evaluation of a dried blood spot HIV-1 RNA program
for early infant diagnosis and viral load monitoring at rural and remote health care facilities. AIDS
2009, 23: 2459-66.
58. Crump JA, Scott LE, Msuya E, Morrissey AB, Kimaro EE, Shao JF, Stevens WS. Evaluation of the Abbott
m2000rt RealTime HIV-1 assay with manual sample preparation compared with the ROCHE COBAS
AmpliPrep/AMPLICOR HIV-1 MONITOR v1.5 using specimens from East Africa. J Virol Methods 2009;
162: 218-22.
57. Tribble AC, Hamilton CD, Crump JA, Mgonja A, Mtalo A, Ndanu E, Itemba DK, Landman KZ, Mayhood MK,
Ndosi EM, Shao JF, Bartlett JA, Thielman NM. Missed opportunities for diagnosis of TB-HIV co-infection
in Moshi, Tanzania. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2009; 13; 1260-6.
56. Morpeth SC, Ramadhani HO, Crump JA. Invasive non-Typhi Salmonella disease in Africa. Clin Infect Dis
2009; 49: 606-11.
55. Tillekeratne LG, Thielman NM, Kiwera RA, Chu HY, Kaale L, Morpeth SC, Ostermann J, Mtweve SP, Shao
JF, Bartlett JA, Crump JA. Morbidity and mortality among a cohort of HIV-infected adults in a
programme for community home-based care in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania (2003-2005). Ann
Trop Med Parasitol 2009; 103: 263-73.
54. Johnson OO, Benjamin DK, Benjamin Jr DK, Schimana W, Tillekeratne LG, Crump JA, Landman KZ,
Kinabo GD, Mmbaga BT, Msuya, LG, Shao JF, Swai ME, Cunningham CK. Total lymphocyte count and
World Health Organization pediatric clinical stage as markers to assess need to initiate antiretroviral
therapy among HIV-infected children in Moshi, northern Tanzania. Ped Infect Dis J 2009; 28; 493-7.
53. Crump JA, van Ingen J, Morrissey AB, Boeree MJ, Mavura DR, Swai B, Thielman NM, Bartlett JA,
Grossman H, Maro VP, van Soolingen D. Invasive disease caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria in
Tanzania. Emerg Infect Dis 2009; 15: 53-5.
52. Mayhood MK, Afwamba IA, Odhiambo CO, Ndanu E, Thielman NM, Morrissey AB, Shao JF, Pence BW,
Crump JA. Validation, performance under field conditions, and cost-effectiveness of Capillus HIV1/HIV-2 and Determine HIV-1/2 rapid HIV antibody assays using sequential and parallel testing
algorithms in Tanzania. J Clin Microbiol 2008; 46: 3946-51.
51. Seshadri C, Uiso LO, Ostermann J, Diefenthal H, Shao HJ, Chu HY, Asmuth DM, Thielman NM, Bartlett JA,
Crump JA. Low sensitivity of T-cell based detection of tuberculosis among HIV co-infected Tanzanian
inpatients. East African Med J 2008; 85:442-9.
50. Crump JA, Sugarman J. Ethical considerations for short-term experiences by trainees in global health.
JAMA 2008; 300; 1456-8.
49. Landman KZ, Ostermann J, Crump JA, Mgonja A, Mayhood MK, Itemba DK, Tribble AC, Ndosi EM, Chu HY,
Shao JF, Bartlett JA, Thielman NM. Gender differences in the risk of HIV infection among persons
reporting abstinence, monogamy, and multiple sexual partners in northern Tanzania. PLoS ONE 2008;
3: e3075.
48. Gupta SK, Keck J, Ram PK, Crump JA, Miller MA, Mintz ED. Analysis of data gaps pertaining to
enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infections in low- and medium- human development index countries,
1984-2005. Epidemiol Infect 2008; 136: 721-38.
47. Ram PK , Crump JA, Gupta SK, Miller MA, Mintz ED. Analysis of data Gaps Pertaining to Shigella
infections in low- and medium human development index countries, 1984-2005. Epidemiol Infect
2008; 136: 577-603.
46. Crump JA, Kretsinger K, Gay K, Hoekstra RM, Vugia DJ, Hurd S, Segler SD, Megginson M, Luedeman LJ,
Shiferaw B, Hanna SS, Joyce KW, Mintz ED, Angulo FJ, Emerging Infections Program FoodNet and
NARMS Working Groups. Clinical response and outcome of infection with Salmonella Typhi with
decreased susceptibility to fluoroquinolones: a United States FoodNet multi-center retrospective
cohort study. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2008; 52: 1278-84.
45. Morpeth SC, Thielman NM, Ramadhani HO, Hamilton JD, Ostermann J, Kisenge PR, Shao HJ, Reller LB,
Itemba DK, Sam NE, Bartlett JA, Shao JF, Crump JA. Effect of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
prophylaxis on antimicrobial resistance of fecal Escherichia coli in HIV-infected patients in Tanzania. J
Acquir Immune Defic Synd 2008; 47:585-91.
44. Crump JA, Ram PK, Gupta SK, Miller MA, Mintz ED. Analysis of data gaps pertaining to Salmonella
enterica serotype Typhi infections in low- and medium- human development index countries, 19842005. Epidemiol Infect 2008; 136; 436-48.
43. Ramadhani HO, Thielman NM, Landman KZ, Ndosi EM, Gao F, Kirchherr JL, Shah R, Shao HJ, Morpeth SC,
McNeill JD, Shao JF, Bartlett JA, Crump JA. Predictors of incomplete adherence, virologic failure and
viral drug resistance among HIV-1-infected persons receiving antiretroviral therapy in Tanzania. Clin
Infect Dis 2007; 45: 1492-8.
42. Morpeth SC, Crump JA, Shao, HJ, Ramadhani HO, Kisenge PR, Moylan CA, Naggie S, Caram LB, Landman
KZ, Sam NE, Itemba DK, Shao JF, Bartlett JA, Thielman NM. Predicting CD4 lymphocyte count <200
cells/mm3 in an HIV-1-infected African population. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2007; 23:1230-6.
41. Srikantiah P, Vafokulov S, Luby SP, Ishmail T, Earhart K, Khodjaev N, Jennings G, Crump JA, Mahoney FJ.
Epidemiology and risk factors for endemic typhoid fever in Uzbekistan. Trop Med Int Health 2007; 12:
40. Crump JA, Mendoza CE, Priest JW, Glass RI, Monroe SS, Dauphin LA, Bibb WF, Lopez MB, Alvarez M,
Mintz ED, Luby SP. Comparing serologic response against enteric pathogens with reported diarrhea to
assess the impact of improved household drinking water quality. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2007; 77: 13641.
39. Landman KZ, Thielman NM, Mgonja A, Shao HJ, Itemba DK, Ndosi EM, Tribble AC, Shao JF, Bartlett JA,
Crump JA. Antiretroviral treatment literacy among HIV voluntary counseling and testing clients in
Moshi, Tanzania, 2003 to 2005. J Int Assoc Physicians AIDS Care 2007; 6: 24-6.
38. Kibiki GS, Thielman NM, Maro VP, Sam NE, Dolmans WM, Crump JA. Hookworm infection of the
duodenum associated with dyspepsia diagnosed by esophagoduodenoscopy. East African Med J 2006;
83; 363-6.
37. Landman KZ, Kinabo GD, Schimana W, Dolmans WM, Swai ME, Shao JF, Crump JA. Capacity of health
care facilities to deliver HIV treatment and care services, northern Tanzania, 2004. Int J STD AIDS
2006; 17: 459-62.
36. Srikantiah P, Girgis FY, Luby SP, Jennings G, Wasfy M, Crump JA, Hoekstra RM, Anwer M, Mahoney FJ.
Population-based surveillance of typhoid fever in Egypt. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2006; 74: 114-9.
35. Thielman NM, Chu HY, Ostermann J, Itemba DK, Mgonja A, Mtweve S, Bartlett JA, Shao JF, Crump JA.
Cost-effectiveness of free HIV voluntary counseling and testing through a community-based AIDS
service organization in northern Tanzania. Am J Public Health 2006; 96: 114-9.
34. Chu HY, Crump JA, Ostermann J, Oenga RB, Itemba DK, Mgonja A, Mtweve S, Bartlett JA, Shao JF,
Thielman NM. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of clients presenting for HIV voluntary
counseling and testing in Moshi, Tanzania. Int J STD AIDS 2005; 16; 691-6.
33. Crump JA, Otieno PO, Slutsker L, Keswick BH, Rosen DH, Hoekstra RM, Vulule JM, Luby SP. A cluster
randomized controlled trial of household-based flocculant-disinfectant drinking water treatment for
diarrhea prevention in the setting of highly turbid source water in rural western Kenya. Brit Med J
2005; 331: 478-81.
32. Chambers ST, Sanders J, Patton N, Ganly P, Birch M, Crump JA, Spearing RL. Reduction of exit-site
infections of tunneled intravascular catheters among neutropenic patients by sustained-release
chlorhexidine dressings: results from a randomized controlled trial. J Hosp Infect 2005; 61: 53-61.
31. Crump JA, Okoth GO, Slutsker L, Ogaja DO, Keswick BH, Luby SP. Effect of point-of-use disinfection,
flocculation, and combined flocculation-disinfection on drinking water quality in western Kenya. J
Appl Microbiol 2004; 97: 225-31.
30. Crump JA, Luby SP, Mintz ED. The global burden of typhoid fever. Bull World Health Organ 2004; 82:
29. Srikantiah P, Lay JC, Hand S, Crump JA, Campbell J, Van Duyne MS, Bishop R, Middendor R, Currier M,
Mead PS, Molbak K. Salmonella enterica serotype Javiana infections associated with amphibian
contact, Mississippi, 2001. Epidemiol Infect 2004; 132: 273-81.
28. Ole-Nguyaine S, Crump JA, Kibiki GS, Kiang K, Taylor J, Schimana W, Bartlett JA, Shao JF, Hamilton JD,
Thielman NM. HIV-associated morbidity, mortality, and diagnostic testing opportunities among
inpatients at a referral hospital in northern Tanzania. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2004; 98: 171-9.
27. Fadeel MA, Crump JA, Mahoney FJ, Nakhla IA, Mansour Bob AM, Reiad B, El Melegi D, Sultan Y, Mintz ED,
Bibb WF. Rapid diagnosis of typhoid fever by ELISA assay detection of Salmonella serotype Typhi
antigens in urine. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2004; 70: 323-8.
26. Crump JA, Corder JR, Henshaw NG, Reller LB. Development, implementation, and impact of acceptability
criteria for serologic tests for infectious diseases. J Clin Microbiol 2004; 42: 881-3.
25. Crump JA, Braden CR, Dey ME, Hoekstra RM, Rickelman-Apisa JM, Baldwin DA, de Fijter SJ, Nowicki SF,
Koch EM, Bannerman TL, Smith FW, Sarisky JP, Hochberg N, Mead PS. Outbreak of Escherichia coli
O157 infections at multiple county agricultural fairs: a hazard of mixing cattle, concession stands, and
children. Epidemiol Infect 2003; 131: 1055-62.
24. Crump JA, Reller LB. Two decades of disseminated tuberculosis at a university medical center: the
expanding role of mycobacterial blood culture. Clin Infect Dis 2003; 37: 1037-43.
23. Crump JA, Barrett TJ, Nelson JT, Angulo FJ. Reevaluating fluoroquinolone breakpoints for Salmonella
Typhi and for non-Typhi salmonellae. Clin Infect Dis 2003; 37: 75-81.
22. Shane AL, Tucker NA, Crump JA, Mintz ED, Painter JA. Sharing Shigella: risk factors for a
multicommunity outbreak of shigellosis. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003; 157: 601-3.
21. Crump JA, Tanner DC, Mirrett S, McKnight CM, Reller LB. Controlled comparison of BACTEC 13A,
MYCO/F LYTIC, BacT/ALERT MB, and ISOLATOR 10 systems for detection of mycobacteremia. J Clin
Microbiol 2003; 41: 1987-90.
20. Crump JA, Youssef FG, Luby SP, Wasfy MO, Rangel JM, Taalat M, Oun SA, Mahoney FJ. Estimating the
incidence of typhoid fever and other febrile illnesses in developing countries. Emerg Infect Dis 2003;
9: 539-44.
19. Crump JA, Griffin PM, Angulo FJ. (Letter) Putting Salmonella contamination in perspective- Reply. Clin
Infect Dis 2003; 36: 934-5.
18. Crump JA, Bopp CA, Greene KD, Kubota KA, Middendorf RL, Wells JG, Mintz ED. Toxigenic Vibrio
cholerae serogroup O141-associated cholera-like diarrhea and bloodstream infection in the United
States. J Infect Dis 2003; 187: 866-8.
17. Crump JA, Griffin PM, Angulo FJ. Bacterial contamination of animal feed and its relationship to human
foodborne illness. Clin Infect Dis 2002; 35: 859-65.
16. Jernigan DB, Raghunathan PL, Bell BP, et al. Investigation of bioterrorism-related anthrax, United States,
2001. Emerg Infect Dis 2002; 8: 1019-28.
15. Crump JA, Sulka AC, Langer AJ, Schaben C, Crielly AS, Gage R, Baysinger M, Moll M, Withers G, Toney DM,
Hunter SB, Hoekstra RM, Wong SK, Griffin PM, van Gilder TJ. An outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7
infections among visitors to a dairy farm. N Engl J Med 2002; 347: 555-60.
14. Crump JA, Murdoch DR, Baker MG. Emerging infectious diseases in an island ecosystem: the New
Zealand perspective. Emerg Infect Dis 2001; 7: 767-72.
13. Crump JA. Lyme disease: Pitfalls in diagnosis. North Carolina Med J 2000; 61: 318-20.
12. Crump JA, Murdoch DR, Chambers ST, Aickin DR, Hunter LA. Female genital schistosomiasis. J Travel
Med 2000; 7: 30-2.
11. Crump JA, Collignon PJ. Intravascular device-associated infections. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2000;
19: 1-8.
10. Crump JA, McLay CL, Chambers ST. Ciguatera fish poisoning. Postgrad Med J 1999; 75: 678-9.
9. Crump JA, Collignon PJ. Diagnosis and treatment of atypical pneumonia in critically ill patients. Cur
Anaes Crit Care 1999; 10: 2-7.
8. Crump JA, McLay CL, Chambers ST. (Letter) Ciguatera fish poisoning. N Z Med J 1999; 112: 282-3.
7. Crump JA, Chambers ST, Acland RH, McKinney MR, Murdoch DR, MacFarlane MR. Successful management
of pain syndrome due to Angiostrongylus cantonensis by implantable spinal cord stimulator. Aust NZ J
Med 1999; 29: 565.
6. Elliot N, Crump J, McGuire A, Bagshaw S, Chambers S. Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour towards HIV
infection among family planning attendees: changes between 1991 and 1997. N Z Med J 1999; 112:
5. Crump JA, Tyrer MJ, Lloyd-Owen SJ, Han LY, Lipman MC, Johnson MA. Miliary tuberculosis with
paradoxical expansion of intracranial tuberculomas complicating HIV infection in a patient receiving
highly active antiretroviral therapy. Clin Infect Dis 1998; 26: 1008-9.
4. Wilkinson D, Pillay M, Crump J, Lombard C, Davies GR, Sturm AW. Molecular epidemiology and
transmission dynamics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in rural Africa. Trop Med Internat Health 1997;
2: 747-53.
3. Taheri S, Crump J, Samarasinghe D, Weir W. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Meeting at
Manson House, London, 18 April 1996. Clinical Case Reports. TB or not TB? Trans Roy Soc Trop Med
Hyg 1997; 91: 241-4.
2. Wilkinson D, Crump J, Pillay M, Sturm AW. Nosocomial transmission of tuberculosis in Africa
documented by restriction fragment length polymorphism. Trans R Soc of Trop Med Hyg 1997; 91:
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presentation of Castleman’s Disease. J Intern Med 1995; 238: 81-4.