Part 1

Honors - Tides and Moon Phases
This assignment will be due January 10(A)/11(B)
Class time will be given on Jan 2,4 (A); Jan 3,7 (B)
RECORD THE ASSIGNED MONTH AND YEAR __________________________
Students will:
1. Research and compile tide data for a one-month period for Pensacola, Florida, Anchorage, Alaska, and
Portland, Maine.
2. Create continuous tide charts for each location.
3. Find and print maps of each tidal basin.
4. Research and compile moon phase data for the one-month period that tidal data was compiled.
5. Overlay moon phase data with tide data in order to attempt to recognize a pattern/relationship between
phases, tides, and tidal basins.
Directions: You will need to create a tide chart for three locations: Pensacola, Florida, Anchorage, Alaska, and
Portland, Maine. You will then need to research and compile moon phase data for the one-month period that
tidal data was compiled. Lastly, overlay moon phase data with tide data in order to attempt to recognize a
pattern/relationship between phases, tides, and tidal basins.
Part 1
1. Open ‘Tide Data’ Excel Spreadsheet located on Mrs. Wright’s website.
2. Copy and paste the data from each location for the month you have been assigned into a blank excel
3. Select the data from Pensacola. Insert line graph. (Choose first option)
4. Insert your name where the Series 1 legend is.
5. Right click on vertical axis numbers along left side of graph.
6. Click ‘Format Axis’
7. Under where it says “Horizontal Axis Crosses”, click on “Axis Value” and type in the lowest number
displayed in your data on the vertical axis.
8. Click Close.
9. Right click on horizontal axis numbers along bottom of graph.
10. Click ‘Format Axis’
11. Click on “Specify Unit Interval” and type in the number 12.
12. Uncheck box that says “Multi-level Category Labels”.
13. Click close.
14. Click on “Layout”. Insert Title (above chart), Horizontal (choose below axis title), and Vertical Axis
(rotated) labels. Don’t forget to include units.
15. Repeat with the other two locations.
Part 2
1. Print out your graphs for each location after copying them into Word (use the landscape feature).
2. Using a pencil, neatly write in the dates that correspond with the times.
3. Go to the following website to find historical data of the moon phases:
4. Scroll down to the correct year for your data.
5. Find the date and time for each of the 4 main phases of the moon (new, first quarter, full, last quarter).
6. Using a colored pencil, draw in the phases of the moon onto the graph for each location. Make a key.
Part 3
1. Print a map of all three locations so you will be able answer the conclusion questions. You should have
three maps.
Part 4 - Conclusion Questions
Questions must be typed and answered completely.
1. Is there a relationship between the phase of the moon and the level of the tides? Explain your answer using
the data.
2. Is there a relationship between the shape of the tidal basin and the level of the tides? You will need to
research the locations to determine the shape of the basin. Explain your answer using the data.
**REMINDER: Make sure you not only answer the question, but explain why you came to the conclusion that
you did. You also need to make sure you use SPECIFIC examples from the data and the charts you created.
3 tidal graphs with Moon phases. All units labeled on graphs.
3 Maps, location identified
Conclusion Question #1 – answered completely with details and examples
Conclusion Question #2 – relationship to the shape of the basin and the tidal
ranges explained completely
Point Value
Total points earned