7 sow Year overview

Autumn 1 – Students will:
Be introduced to classroom expectations
in MFL
Learn greetings, asking how someone is
and responding
Use the numbers 1-20
Learn the nouns for classroom equipment
Understand classroom commands
Learn how to say where I live
Use the numbers up to 30
Say what day of the week it is
Spell using the French alphabet
Autumn 2
Say where you live and ask someone
where they live
Spell using the French alphabet
Talk about your family
Say which things belong to you
Discuss your family and friends
Talk about your home
Describe where things are in a room
Spring 1
Talk about pets
Use adjectives to describe things
Ask questions
Express opinions
Understand and practise descriptions
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Strategies/ outcomes:
- Using prior knowledge
- Working out new meanings
- Comparing French and English
- Phonétique – the letters ‘c’, ‘I’, ‘y’,
‘ch’, ‘j’, ‘ge’, ‘gi’, ‘é’
- Gender of nouns
- Making nouns plural
- Asking how to say things in French
- Memorising numbers
- Using dans, à, en to say ‘in’
- Learning homework – greetings in
- Learning homework – classroom
- Matching up classroom language and
- Learning homework - numbers
- Learning homework – days of the week
- Learning homework – alphabet and
produce a poster
- -See SIMs
Strategies/ outcomes:
- Using clues to work out meaning
- Getting help with words
- Phonétiques – ‘è’, ‘a’, ‘à’, ‘-as’, ‘-at’,
‘u’, ‘s’, ‘z’
- The definite article (the)
- The indefinite article (a)
- Possessive adjectives
- The singular of the verbs avoir to
have and être
- Using prepositions sous and sur
- Complete a family tree using possessive
- Learning homework – my family
- Masculine/feminine/plural homework
using definite and indefinite articles
- Revision of all language covered so far
- -See SIMs
Strategies/ outcomes:
- Making adjectives agree (m/f/pl)
- Using est-ce que, intonation and
question words
- Understanding negatives (ne…pas)
- Using tu and vous
- Using qualifiers très and assez
- Learning homework – Animals and Pets
- Learning homework – Descriptions
- Learning homework – Asking questions
- Worksheet opportunities to reinforce
masc/fem/plu nouns and adjective
Use some everyday phrases
Spring 2
- Ask for and give the date
- Using correct greetings for special days
- Talking about birthday dates and presents
- Use adjectives to add interest
- Use higher numbers and prices
- Talk about clothes
Summer 1
- Describe yourself and other people
- Talk about the weather and seasons
- Talk about sport using the verb jouer
- Find out about les bandes dessinées (BD)
- Using regular –ER verbs
- Talk about family activities
- Say what you do at weekends
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Expressing opinions
Memorising vocabulary
Phonétique – the letters ‘ou, ‘oi’,
Learning homework – Preferences and
Revision of phrases to use for speaking
-See SIMs
Strategies/ outcomes:
- Use of the full present tense of être
- Learning homework – ask for and give
(to be) and avoir (to have)
the date
- Using plural forms of nouns and
- Learning homework - Say and write the
- Number 1-100
- Design a poster about a chosen special
- Spelling and pronouncing the
day that either the British or the French
- Word classes – nouns, verbs and
- Learning homework – learning numbers
- Developing listening skills
- Learning homework – language to
- Phonétique – the letters ‘ui’, ‘ille’
discuss clothes
- -See SIMs
Strategies/ outcomes:
- Using some regular –ER verbs
- Learning homework – language to
- Using quand (when) + a phrase in a
describe people
- Learning homework – weather and
- Using ‘high frequency’ words
(normalement, souvent, quelquefois)
- Regular French –ER verbs
- Translating from French to English
worksheet/learning hwk
- Practising speaking skills
- Writing using time phrases
- Phonétique – the letters ‘au’, ‘aux’,
- Learning homework – sports/activities
‘eau’, ‘eaux’, ‘am’, ‘an’, ‘em, ‘en’, ‘- -See SIMs
er’, ‘-et’, ‘-ey’, -‘ez’
Summer 2
- Using on + verbs
- Answering questions about free-time
- Learn about towns in France
- Understand and give information about a
- Understand and give directions
- Using the preposition à, à la, à l’, aux
- Talking about where you live
- Using il y a and il n’y a pas de
- Using the verb aller to go
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Strategies/ outcomes:
- Using le +day of the week/time of
- Learning homework – places in town
the day
- Learning homework – asking for and
- Irregular adjectives
giving directions
- the preposition à in all forms
- Worksheet to practise use of
- other prepositions devant (in front
of), derrière (behind), entre
- Worksheet to practise the word for ‘at’
and ‘to’
- some examples of reflexive verbs (je
- Learning homework – using the verb
form only)
aller (to go) – youtube clip to help
- asking questions using quell
students learn
- English and French spelling patterns
- Improving writing and speaking skills
- Phonétique – the letters ‘im’, ‘in’, ‘ir’