ANNEX 1 Reporting Format Year: 2015 (September) Recipient Institution: World Vision (PNG) Trust and World Vision Australia OVERALL TARGETS FOR ENTIRE GRANT ACTUAL ANNUAL EXPENDI TURES BASELINE PROPOSED ANNUAL TARGETS ANNUAL BUDGET 6 WDMCs have identified water ways and areas and infrastructure that are vulnerable to inland flooding. 0 6 3,300 5 (due to changes in target communiti es) 3,567 6 Ward Disaster Management Plans have been updated with preparedness and response plans for inland flooding. 0 6 3,300 5 3,567 6 WDMCs have conducted disaster and climate change risk awareness in their communities. 0 6 3,300 5 3,567 ACTUAL ANNUAL RESULTS PROGRESS TOWARDS TARGETS The project conducted 4 DRR & CCA refresher training for WDMCs and interested community members between June and August 2015. Part of this training was the identification of water ways and areas and infrastructure that are vulnerable to inland flooding. In total 573 people, including 25 WDMC members, have been trained, all from the 10 target communities along the Ramu River, which experienced major flooding in March this year. 6 WDMCs (consisting of 5 members each) identified water ways and areas and infrastructure that are vulnerable to inland flooding through a participatory mapping exercise during the training. The updated risk maps are used as an attachment to the WDRM Plans, and will also be digitized and placed at a public place in each of the wards. Following the training, the project assisted 6 WDMCs in updating their Ward Disaster Management Plans with preparedness plans for flooding, as well as corresponding alert levels and response plans. This was done in consultation with the OCCD, PDMO, and LLG and District officials through a 2-day disaster risk management planning workshop held in August at the Usino LLG chamber. Also, First Aid Training has been completed. 30 community members, 3 each from each of the 10 sites, have been trained as Community First Aiders. Procurement of First Aid Kits is in progress. The project has carried out Disaster Risk Management, Climate Change, and Inland Flooding awareness sessions in 10 communities and one Community School. 10 community awareness sessions have been conducted, plus 4 school awareness sessions. A total, of 353 adults have actively participated in the awareness, with 202 males and 166 females. In addition, a total of 649 students have participated in DRR awareness activities, including 324 boys and 271 girls. The 4 schools are Waput, Koroba and Dumpu Primary School in Usino LLG 10 communities have adopted Disaster Risk Management measures to protect their livelihoods from flooding and other prevalent risks. 0 10 18,810 0 0 and Karani Primary School in Bundi LLG. Previously developed IEC materials have been used developed by NDC and World Vision. The sessions were implemented by the project team, actively supported by the WDMCs. Assessments have been done in each of the 10 target sites, resulting in a list of recommended adaptation measures for each community. Currently, the project is prioritizing the proposed adaption measures in coordination with the WDRM Plans, considering the budget allocations of the project. Together with each community the project team will decide which adaptation measures will be supported through the project resources. By the end of September, the project aims to have an agreed plan for implementing adaptation measures for each community. The project has already done an infrastructure assessment of the classrooms of Koroba Elementary and Primary schools in ward 10, Usino LLG, which have been severely damaged during the March 2015 flooding. In order to protect the school building from future damage caused by flooding, the project will start building a concrete floor for the Elementary classroom in October 2015. The project is also planning the procurement of 15 -20 litres jerry cans for storage of water for households identified as at risk to water shortage.