Guidelines for the GRE Test for Peace & Conflict Studies The test shall comprise of one hundred MCQs. Four or more options shall be given for each question. The candidates shall be required to encircle the right option of each question. Followings are the main topics, which shall be covered in the test. 1. Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies 21% 2. Research Methodology 6% 3. Global Affairs 5% 4. Peace and Security 11% 5. International Organizations 14% 6. South Asian Affairs 5% 7. International Relations 15% 8. International Law 10% 9. Major International Disputes/Conflicts 5% 10. Pakistan’s Foreign Relations 8% TOTAL 100 OUTLINE 1. Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies a. Theories of peace and conflict resolution b. Conflict analysis c. Founders of peace studies e.g. Johan Galtung, John Paul Lederach etc. d. Nonviolence and non-violent resistance 2. Research Methodology (RM) a. RM definitions b. Concepts: Variables, Hypothesis etc. c. Research Design d. Reviewing literature e. Sampling; basis, types, sampling error f. Data collection; types and collection techniques g. Documents Analysis; content analysis. 3. Global Affairs: Personalities and issues concerned with peace and conflict in the world. 4. Peace and Security a. Peacekeeping b. Arms Control & Disarmament c. Regionalism 5. International Organizations: ASEAN, BRICS, EU, MERCOSUR, UN, SAARC, World Bank etc. 6. South Asian Affairs a. Indian global aims and objectives b. Emerging options for Pakistan c. US withdrawal from Afghanistan 7. International Relations a. Key concepts in IR b. The Cold War c. US War on Terror and its fallouts on Afghanistan and Pakistan 8. International Law a. History of international law b. Key features of international law relating to peace c. International Court of Justice 9. Major International Disputes and Conflicts a. The two world wars of the twentieth century b. The Cold War c. India-Pakistan conflict d. The conflict in Middle East e. Non-state terrorists 10. Pakistan’s Foreign Relations a. Pak-Afghan relations b. India-Pakistan relations c. Pak-Iran relations d. Pakistan and the Middle East e. Pak-US Relations