MEMBER QUESTIONNAIRE Demographic Information: Name:_________________________________________________ Street:_________________________________________________ Town, Zip:______________________________________________ Phone:________________________Cell______________________ Date of Birth:____________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________ Primary Occupation:_____________________________________ Personal Physician:_______________________________________ ________________________________ Current Member Responsibilities: Interior Structural Firefighter? Yes____ No____ Pump Operator? Yes____No____ Exterior Hoses and Ladders? Yes____No____ Driver? Yes____No____ Traffic Control? Yes____No____ Administration? Yes____No____ Rescue? Yes____No____ EMT/Other Medical Training? Yes____No____ HAZMAT Team? Yes____No____ Diving/Water Rescue Team? Yes____No____ SCBA Certified? Yes____No____ Other Training or FD Duties?_________________________ Exposure History: In the past 12 months, how many times have you been exposed to the following contaminants? Heavy Smoke:______________________________ Burning Plastics:____________________________ Fuel Spills:_________________________________ Chemical Spills:_____________________________ Blood/Body Fluids:__________________________ Other:_____________________________________ ____________________________________ Social History: Do you smoke? Yes____No____Packs per day?__________ Do you drink alcohol? Yes_____No_______ Number of alcoholic beverages per week:________________ Do you use other drugs such as Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroin, Amphetamines? Yes______No______ Have you ever entered a drug or alcohol treatment program? Yes______No______ Do you engage in a regular exercise program? Yes______No______ If so, list activities:__________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Current Medications:________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Have you ever suffered from, been diagnosed with or treated for: Disorders of eyes, ears, nose or throat? Yes____No_____ Dizziness, fainting, seizures, migraines, headaches, strokes, TIA, brain tumor or aneurysm? Yes____No_____ Shortness of breath, persistent hoarseness or cough, bronchitis, pleurisy, asthma, emphysema, TB or other chronic respiratory disorder? Yes____No_____ Hypertension, heart disease, including palpitations, arrhythmia, rheumatic fever, murmurs, chest pains, heart attack, angina, congestive heart failure of other disorder of heart of blood vessels? Yes____No____ Hernia, digestive or liver problems? Yes____No____ Kidney, bladder, prostate, urinary or reproductive disorders? Yes____No____ Thyroid, or other hormonal disorder? Yes____No____ Do you have Diabetes? Yes____No____ Disorder of back, spine, neck bones, arthritis, gout, muscle or nerve disease or amputation? Yes____No____ Cancer, blood disorders, leukemia, congenital disorders, anemia, AIDS, skin diseases? Yes____No____ Anxiety, depression or mental illness? Yes____No____ Do your have a family history (parents or brothers? sisters of heart attack or sudden death before age 55? Yes____No___ Have you been hospitalized or had surgery? Yes____No____ Have you ever had a military rejection, deferment or discharge because of health? Yes____No____ Did you ever make a claim for disability benefits or workman’s compensation? Yes____No____ Have you been fasting for the last 8 hours? Yes____No____ For any medical history question answered yes, give explanation below including dates of treatment, hospitalization, surgery:______________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, all answers and statements are true and complete and were correctly recorded before I signed my name below. I also certify that I have reviewed the Notice of Privacy Practices and understand my rights with regards to the use of my protected health information. I understand that this examination does not take the place of an annual examination by my personal physician. Medical History: Do you have any allergies? Yes_______No_________ If so, please list:____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Date:_____________ Candidate’s signature:_______________________________ Examiner’s signature:________________________________ Physical Examination Name:____________________________________ Height in shoes: __________Feet________Inches Weight (clothed)_____________________Pounds Blood Pressure: _________/_________ Heart Rate:____________ Cardiovascular: S1 S2 Regular Rhythm? Norm____Abn___ Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Pharynx? Norm____Abn___ Skin, Lymph Nodes, Varicose Veins, Peripheral Arteries? Norm____Abn___ Nervous System (reflexes, gait, paralysis)? Norm____Abn____ Lungs? Norm____Abn____ Abdomen (including scars and hernias)? Norm____Abn____ Genitourinary System? Norm____Abn____ Endocrine System? Norm____Abn____ Musculoskeletal System (spine, joints, Amputations, deformities)? Norm____Abn____ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ For all members over age 40, have you had a digital rectal exam and stool guaiac in the past year? Yes___No___ For all female members, have you had a PAP smear in the past year? Yes___No___ For females over 40, have you had a mammography in the past year? Yes___No___ For all members over 50, have you had a colonoscopy in the past 3 to 5 years? Yes___No___ Based on this evaluation the candidate has the following medical problems: 1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ 3. ___________________________________ 4. ___________________________________ 5. ___________________________________ Based on this evaluation, the candidate should be referred for the following further studies: 1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ 3. ___________________________________ 4. ___________________________________ 5. ___________________________________ Pulmonary Function Test:____________________ Candidate________________________________ is medically cleared to participate in all aspects of firefighting duties including the use of the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus? Yes_________No___________ Pending further studies the above named firefighter is conditionally classified in the following manner: Audiometry:_______________________________ A.______________________________________ EKG:____________________________________ (Interior Structural Firefighter) Vision: Right eye_____Left eye____ Both______ _________________________________________ Details of “Yes” answers and supplementary remarks:__________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ B._____________________________ (Exterior only, No SCBA) C._____________________________ (Administrative Only) Special conditions or restrictions:______________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Examiner’s Name:__________________________ Examiner’s Signature:_______________________ Date:______________ Physical Examination