Directions- Look your notebook and make sure everything is complete. Write a C in column to right if work is complete. Write an I in column if it is incomplete and a M in column if missing. MAKE SURE you look at the bottom of this document. Page Number 40 41 42 43 44 Page 45 Number 46 40 47 41 48 42 49 43 50 44 51 52 45 53 46 54 47 55 48 56 49 57 50 58 51 59 52 60 53 61 62 54 63 55 64 56 65 57 66 58 67 68 59 69 60 70 61 71 62 72 73 63 74 64 75 65 76 77 66 78 67 79 68 80 69 81 70 82 71 83 84 72 85 73 86 74 87 75 76 What should be on that page C, I or M Do know questions about cycle and cell cycle flipbook Guided reading on cell cycle Flash write on DNA DNA marshmallow activity What should be on that page C, I or M Mice Probe Mendel’s experiments Blank Do know questions about cycle and cell cycle flipbook Clone/Twin DNA packet Guided reading on cell cycle Do Flash now slip peaon plants write DNA(genotypes) ½ sheet notes genetic vocab DNA marshmallow activity Spongebob Genetics packet Mice Probe Punnett squares PP notes Mendel’s experiments blank Blank Clyde and Clare Clone/Twin DNA packet blank Genetics class Do now slipsurvey pea plants (genotypes) Probe AND Questions you created ½ sheet notes genetic vocab from reading Teacher noteslevels of organization Spongebob Genetics packet in the body Picture of how nerve impulse travels copied from the board AND your Nerve impulse story Punnett squares PP notes Our Nerves guided reading and questions from the text blank BLANK Clyde and Clare Articles about nervous system (candy on the brain packet) blank Quick write about the brain Genetics class survey Parts of the nervous system reading from text Probeagree ANDdisagree Questions you from reading ½ sheet probe oncreated circulatory system Teachersystem notes-reading levels of in the text body Circulatory andorganization questions from AND heart colored diagram with labels SlipPicture that fillsofinhow blanknerve aboutimpulse blood flow travels copied from the board AND your Flipbook heart story Nerveofimpulse BLANK Our Nerves guided reading and questions from the text Pulse rate lab BLANK Quick write….list everything you know about the respiratory system Articles about nervous system (candy on the brain packet) Respiratory textbook notes Quick write about the brain BLANK Partsmodel of theofnervous reading from text Syringe breathingsystem lab ½ sheet agree disagree probe on circulatory system Dig. System anticipation guide Circulatory system reading and questions from the text AND heart Dig system packet colored diagram with labels BLANK Peristalsis demo Slip that fills in blank about blood flow BLANK Flipbook of heart “Gut Instinct” packet BLANK Do Pulse now slip about rate lab bones and muscles Bones and muscles packet Quick write….list everything you know about the respiratory system Do now slip about forensics Respiratory textbook notes Forensics lab BLANK BLANK Syringe Senses (eye)model packetof breathing lab anticipation guide Do Dig. nowSystem about the eye (describe parts and their functions based on what you remember from the text) EyeDig dissection systempacket packet BLANK BACK SECTION 77 OF NOTEBOOK Peristalsis demo – 78 BLANK Cell79 Cycle and “Gut Genetics unitunit goals, study guide, 2 SWYK and reference vocab sheet Instinct” packet 80 Do now slip about bones and muscles Nervous, circulatory and respiratory system unit-unit goals, SWYK nervous system ,SWYK Cir. system, SWYK Resp. system Dig. System,bones/muscles and the eye unit goals, SWYK dig system,SWYK bones and muscles, SWYK the eye, Jeopardy sheet