CHEYNEY UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE DISTANCE EDUCATION PROPOSAL FORM For proposing that courses can be taught as a distance-education course Proposal writer: Department: Course name: Course number: Lecture hours: Studio/lab hours: Course description in catalog: PART ONE Please define the following proposal with respect to two important characteristics. First, indicate the type of requested submission (Please refer to the Minimum Requirements Rubric). Second, indicate whether his proposal is requesting a full or expedited review. Type of submission (Please indicate): Distance-Learning Course On-Line Course Hybrid Course Type of review: Full Expedited Note: Only pre-existing courses are eligible for expedited reviews. Courses that have not been taught at the university within four-semesters of the proposal should go through the Full review process. If requesting an expedited review, please submit evidence of it being taught within the last four semesters. PART TWO Please answer the following questions about your distance-education course. 1) Does this course already exist in the university catalog as a non-distance-education course (i.e., lecture or lab)? If so, please provide a copy a sample syllabus of the non-distance-education course. If so, how significantly is the content of the course being changed to accommodate the distance-education mode of instruction? If so, will a new syllabus be used? If so, will the course requirements be modified for distance-education teaching? 2) Are there faculty available to teach the course who are qualified in the distance education delivery method as well as the subject matter of the course, or will faculty have to be hired and/or current faculty receive training or professional development in order for the course to be offered? 3) Will there be opportunity for interaction between instructor and student? What form will those interactions take? If this is an online course, will the instructor make arrangements to meet with the students face-to-face during the course of the semester? 4) What form of technology will be used for purposes of distance-education course management? Are the teaching faculty members well-versed in the course management technology or software? 5) Will this distance education course be an exclusive course offering or will it alternate with the face-to-face lecture/lab course? 6) If this is a new course, what impact will this course offering have on other courses offered within your department and the offerings of course in other departments? Does the change mean that the course will now be more similar to courses in other departments? 7) Will this course be offered on a regular basis? If so, what is the impact of the proposed changes on the students who currently take this course? 8) Is the course being changed from a required course in a major to an elective, or vice versa? If the course will now be required for the major, what effect does that have on the credits required for graduation in your major? Have you filled out a program revision form? 9) Will all aspects listed on the distance-education minimum requirements rubric be met, satisfied, and available to students at the start of the course? If any, what aspects will not be satisfied as indicated on the rubric? Please explain why this is so. 10) Will there be a prerequisite for the course? PART THREE Below supply a one-paragraph justification explaining why this distance-education course is needed. This justification will be included in the action sheet that is forwarded to the Provost and the Academic Affairs Council should the course be approved by the committee, and will serve to explain why your proposal should be implemented. PART FOUR Please attach the new syllabus, course calendar of assignments, and course assignments handout for the distance-education course (See rubric), and minutes from a departmental meeting indicating departmental approval of the course. You may attach any other materials you think would be helpful in considering your proposal. University Wide Curriculum Committee Distance Education Course Minimum Requirements The following content lists the minimum requirements that any and all distance education courses must adhere to when being hosted at Cheyney University. These requirements were approved by the Curriculum Committee on February 16, 2009. Distance education has three categorizations that are recognized at Cheyney University. The first category is a distance learning course. A distance learning course consists of a course in which real time teaching content is relayed to remote sites; this may or may not include a live audience at the host institution. The second category is an online course. An online course consists of a course in which more than 80% of a course is being handled via distance education or online. The third category is a hybrid-course. A hybrid course consists of a course in which an equal amount of instruction is delivered online and face-to-face. COURSE BANNER Upon selecting Course Design in the Control Panel, the Course Banner option will appear. It is required that the standardized course banner designed for online courses be used for the course. o Cheyney Distance Education Custom Banner COURSE MENU News A permanent ‘News” announcement that relays the Course Welcome is required. The ‘Course Welcome’ must include: Staff Information Contact Information E-mail address Work Phone Office Hours Office Location Content The “Content’ must be created and defined by “Weeks.” The ‘Content’ should reflect all readings, assignments, evaluations, and tasks that are to be included each week. The “Content” must include a “Week Zero” or “Week 0” module that includes the following: Syllabus Course Expectations Course Calendar of Assignments; this printout/handout must include a chronological listing of the assignments in the course that are due and their due dates. Course Documents Assignments Detailed instructions for each assignment A rubric for evaluating each assignment Communication The Send Email Option must be present Discussions Course Troubleshooting Thread; this tread should serve as means of communication between teacher to student or student to student about issues pertaining to course assignments, submission of assignments, and other issues pertaining to the course. External Links Institution home page ( Library Tools Desire 2 Learn (D2L) assistance webpage (this page needs to be created) Upon selecting Manage Tools in the Control Panel, the Tool Availability option will appear. It is strongly suggested that in the Control Panel, the following tools must be available: Announcements Communications Area Discussion Board Drop Box / Assignments E-mail Grade Book My Grades Roster Staff Information Tools Area * It is also strongly recommended that you remove all unused tools to prevent students from inappropriately submitting course relevant work or failed attempts to contact the instructor. GRADES A comprehensive grade book must be created and visible to the students on the first day of the course. TERM BANK Course Welcome – A general statement from the instructor that: (1) welcomes the students to the course, and (2) that relays the goals of the course, (3) the major assignments for the course, (3) grading system (i.e., a point system, percentage system, a holistic grading system, etc.), (4) the unique aspects of the Desire 2 Learn (D2L) course shell, and (5) the resources made available in the External Links. Course Assignments Handout – A complete summary of the requirements for the course assignments, which includes due dates, submissions requirements, and grading rubric. Course Troubleshooting Thread - A tread that serves as means of communication between teacher to student or student to student about issues pertaining to course (i.e., assignments, submission of assignments, etc.). This portion of the website is intended to serve as a virtual office hours and must be visited and, when appropriate, responded to three days throughout the normal business week. Course Calendar of Assignments – A document that includes a chronological listing of the assignments in the course that are due and their due dates. The course calendar of assignments must be available as a separate viewable document on Desire 2 Learn (D2L) in the course information portion of the course; however, the instructor may also redundantly include its content in the syllabus. Course Calendar of Assignments Course Calendar of Assignments – A document that includes a chronological listing of the assignments in the course that are due and their due dates. The course calendar of assignments must be available as a separate viewable document in Desire 2 Learn (D2L); however, the instructor may also redundantly include its content in the syllabus. The pages that follow are a sample of that document. Sample Course Calendar of Assignments HRM 223 Course Calendar of Assignments Due Dates Chapter Title and Activities Mon.//Wed Chapter # 8/27 Course and Syllabus Quiz 9/10 Case Study 1 Due -GM & Discussion Board Question 9/15 Test 1: Chapters 1-3 Case Study 2 Due - Establishing Controls & Discussion Board Question 1-3 Case Study 3 Due - Not Enough Slot Machines & Discussion 7 9/17 2 4 9/19 9/30 Board Question 10/1 Research Topic Submission Due for Approval 8 10/3 Test 2: Chapters 4-8 4-8 10/6 Case Study 4 Due - Managing a Hotel Overseas & Discussion Board Question 10 10/8 Test 3: Chapters 9-11 10/21 Case Study5-Better Funding for State Tourism Orgs. 14 10/24 Annotated Bibliography for Research Topic Due 15 10/29 Test 4: Chapters 12-17 12-17 11/10 Test 5: Chapters 18-20 18-20 11/12 Research Topic Paper Due 11/17 Group Report on Progress Due (Discussion Board) 11/19 Groups Report on sub topic Due (Discussion Board) 12/1 Group Presentation of Projects 12/3 Group Presentation of Projects 9-11 Course Assignments Handout Course Assignments Handout – A complete collection of the guidelines and expectations for all evaluated work in the course, which includes due dates, submissions requirements, and grading rubric among other things. The pages that follow are a sample document. Sample Guidelines For An Assignment Assignment #1 This assignment is tentatively due February 3rd. Unsatisfactory performance on this assignment will impact your Participation grade. 1. Each student is responsible for submitting 6 unique APA style references of journal articles for psychological experiments. It is important that the submitted references are for articles relevant to your research project and that they are different from your partners. NOTE: The careful reader should be able to determine an article’s relevance to your research project by carefully reading the abstract. Points will be deducted for submitting articles irrelevant to your research project. 2. The journal articles should be identified by using the Electronic Databases available to you via Cheyney’s L.P. Hill Library. a. For access to most psychological experiments, the following EBSCO Host databases must be used (click the radial button for each of the following): i. Academic Search Complete ii. PsycINFO iii. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection iv. PsycArticles NOTE: You should review and use your discretion with regard to adding additional databases to search for articles relevant to your research project. 3. Provide evidence that you completed this assignment by submitting a list of the references in APA format. It is encouraged that you conduct the literature/electronic database search with your partner(s) to avoid redundancy because you may not share any journal articles. a. In the event that you find a book, chapter, dissertation abstract, or literature review relevant to the research topic of your interest, you can print the abstract and submit it with this assignment. However, its submission will not qualify as submitting a psychological experiment. b. APA Format is as follows for a journal article with two authors: i. *Barnes, C., & Noble, R. (2004). First-impression management: How to get the faculty position you are not qualified for. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 1, 187-211. 4. List the references in order of their relevance to your project and/or your interest in reading and obtaining the article; that is, after having read the abstract. Assignment#1 Checklist: Identify Eight Relevant Research Articles Advanced Experimental: RPS 411 Dr. Barnes Dr. Barnes’ Pet Peeves ______ It must have your first & last name in the heading; right-aligned ______ It must have the appropriate “References” heading* Article Requirements ______ It must include at least 8 journal articles ______ It must be double spaced ______ It must be indented/formatted according to APA Format*: ______ It must be relevant to your research topic Article#1 ______ It must list all authors in proper APA Format ______ It must list the article & journal name in proper APA Format ______ It must satisfy all other APA relevant requirements* ______ It must include a printout of the abstract from the database ______ It must be relevant to your research topic Article#2 ______ It must list all authors in proper APA Format ______ It must list the article & journal name in proper APA Format ______ It must satisfy all other APA relevant requirements* ______ It must include a printout of the abstract from the database ______ It must be relevant to your research topic Article#3 ______ It must list all authors in proper APA Format ______ It must list the article & journal name in proper APA Format ______ It must satisfy all other APA relevant requirements* ______ It must include a printout of the abstract from the database ______ It must be relevant to your research topic Article#4 ______ It must list all authors in proper APA Format ______ It must list the article & journal name in proper APA Format ______ It must satisfy all other APA relevant requirements* ______ It must include a printout of the abstract from the database ______ It must be relevant to your research topic Article#5 ______ It must list all authors in proper APA Format ______ It must list the article & journal name in proper APA Format ______ It must satisfy all other APA relevant requirements* ______ It must include a printout of the abstract from the database ______ It must be relevant to your research topic Article#6 ______ It must list all authors in proper APA Format ______ It must list the article & journal name in proper APA Format ______ It must satisfy all other APA relevant requirements* ______ It must include a printout of the abstract from the database ______ It must be relevant to your research topic Submission Requirements ______ It must be submitted via digital dropbox form with the abstracts ______ It must be submitted by 2:30 pm on the due date (See page 1)