what`s on offer?

TRC is inviting applications for a new training opportunity aimed at independent producers who are
beginning to look seriously at international markets for their TV programmes.
Taking the first step towards pitching to an overseas broadcaster can be a daunting experience, even
for creative companies with a strong record of securing UK commissions. Our New Horizons programme
is designed to provide delegates with knowledge and guidance that will benefit both the individual and
their business.
TRC has extensive expertise and connections based on more than 10 years of helping Scottish indies to
succeed in winning international business, encouraging them to target new territories and to look
abroad for growth. We know about the demand and the risks, the perceived barriers and the real
opportunities. We’d like to share that knowledge with talented individuals who are ready to dip their
toe in overseas waters.
New Horizons is a pilot programme for TV production companies that currently have limited or no
experience of international markets. The scheme will provide a good understanding of the main markets
for TV content, the types of programmes that sell in different territories, plus the basics of international
co-production and intellectual property rights. In addition, high-end training workshops will enhance
participants’ skills in concept development, narrative techniques and effective pitching.
The content throughout the programme will equip delegates with a substantial understanding of world
markets, particularly the US factual market. You will also learn about some of the financial and business
arrangements that are best thought through at the early stages of a project.
There will be challenging and highly practical workshops on how to present yourself as well as your
proposal. Commissioners don’t just buy ideas – they buy into the people who pitch them and make
New Horizons sessions will include:
US cable channels - Bang up to date analysis of this market – who’s buying, who isn’t and what
is saleable. Delivered by a leading US producer who has developed, commissioned and exec
produced some of the biggest hits on US cable in recent years.
From Paper to Pitch - an intensive two day practical workshop taking a real idea and working
it through development to a finished pitch.
Pitching yourself - a practical and intensive workshop on how instantly to engage
commissioners, letting them know concisely and quickly who you are and why they would
benefit from dealing with you (The sixty second sell).
The World’s your Oyster - a session with one of the biggest content distributors in the world,
BBC Worldwide. What’s selling and where throughout the world?
The Money - insights into international rights deals, financing structures, contracts and
distribution agreements
If you can make it there - the USA is the single biggest market for UK-produced content, but
it’s not easy to crack. This session brings home a Scot working at VP level at a US broadcaster,
to provide an insider’s insight into the US East Coast Factual market including - how best to
approach US commissioners, the culture of broadcasting in the States and the approaches that
will give you the best possible chance to sell.
 You’ll never walk alone – a session explaining what other help Scottish companies can call on
to access overseas markets. Senior reps from Scottish Development International join
delegates to set out what they can offer to support your international ambitions.
Programme sessions will be held at TRC’s Glasgow offices on the following dates:
16 Sept
21 & 22 Oct
17 Nov
9 Dec
No session in Jan
17 Feb
23 Mar
Please confirm you are able to attend on all of the session dates .
New Horizons is open to Scottish independent production companies that aspire to doing business
overseas. We welcome applications from candidates who will use this opportunity to help them achieve
that goal. We expect a highly competitive selection process with candidates chosen on the basis of
talent, a clearly stated commitment to professional development, and an ability to show how this
opportunity fits their company’s international aspirations.
Being selected onto New Horizons represents a significant investment in you. In return, you will be asked
to provide TRC with feedback on your progress both during and for 6 months after your participation in
the scheme. We also ask that you support TRC’s wider knowledge network by contributing your own
expertise to our other training programmes. This could involve:
Becoming role models to others by providing encouragement and support to help them
fulfil their potential in Scotland’s independent production sector.
Disseminating the knowledge gained on the scheme across your company.
Sharing your knowledge and expertise by contributing as a speaker to other TRC schemes
for less experienced talent
Acting as hosts to emerging talent taking part in TRC's training schemes by providing a
placement or internship opportunity within your company
Please confirm your agreement to the above commitment which forms part of the application
criteria. ☐
To apply, complete the application form below and attach the following:
A synopsis of your company including key programmes produced (and tx network)
Your CV
A statement making the case for taking part and how New Horizons fits with your
company’s international aspirations
Finally, please also complete our equality monitoring form.
The deadline for applications is 12 noon on Wednesday 19 August 2015. Applications will be assessed
by a selection panel and successful candidates will be advised of the panel’s decision on Monday
24 August.
New Horizons is funded by TRC and its partners
Your name
Telephone number
Mobile number
Email address
Company Name
Industry sector
Company Address
Telephone number
Website address
Your position in the company
Length of time with the company
Company director(s)
Number of years trading in Scotland
No. of staff employed in Scotland:
Full time staff
Contracted staff
Annual Turnover
Below £0.5m
Between £0.6m - £1m
Over £1m
Checklist – have you included all the information required?
Synopsis of your company, key programmes,
Your CV
Case for taking part in New Horizons
Confirm you can attend on all of the session dates
Do you agree to provide feedback and commit to our knowledge network?
Have you completed our equality monitoring form?
Email your application form and supporting documents to apply@trcmedia.org by
12 noon on Wednesday 19 August 2015.
TRC is committed to playing its part in ensuring that the broadcasting and digital media sector
in Scotland has a workforce that is representative of the communities from which it is drawn.
We are committed to equality and fairness for all irrespective of race, colour, creed, ethnic
origin, gender/gender reassignment, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, disability or
Our Equality Policy expresses our firm commitment to promoting diversity and addressing
inequality of opportunity. TRC believes in giving every individual the chance to achieve their
Monitoring the demographics of our applicants enables us to identify areas for improvement,
remove any barriers to entry, and helps us create opportunities to improve the reach and
access of our training programmes.
To help us achieve this, we would be grateful if you could complete this monitoring form. The
information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence and is not part of the
selection process. Thank you.
ETHNICITY | Please indicate which best describes your ethnic group or background
British Polish
Gypsy / Traveller
Any other white ethnic group, please write in box
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
☐ Any mixed or multiple ethnic groups, please
write in box
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British
☐ Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British
☐ Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British
☐ Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British
☐ Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British
Other, please write in box
Click here to enter text.
African, Caribbean or Black
☐ African, African Scottish or African British
☐ Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean British
☐ Black, Black Scottish or Black British
Other, please write in box
Click here to enter text.
Other ethnic group
☐ Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British
Other, please write in box
Prefer not to say
Click here to enter text.
MONITORING DISABILITY | Do you consider yourself to have a disability or a
long-term health condition?
☐ Yes
If yes, please indicate your type of disability
☐ Hearing
☐ Learning difficulties
☐ Long term illness
☐ Manual dexterity or co-ordination
☐ Mental Health
☐ Mobility
☐ Reduced Physical Capacity
☐ Speech
☐ Visual
☐ Other
☐ Prefer not to say
GENDER MONITORING | How would you describe yourself?
☐ Female
☐ Male
☐ Prefer not to say
SEXUAL ORIENTATION | Which of the following best describes how you think of
Gay Man
Gay Woman / Lesbian
Heterosexual / Straight
Prefer not to say
AGE RANGE | Please tick the age bracket you are in:
Prefer not to say
Thank you!