Research Question & Hypothesis 7 Module 1: Week 2 Soneral – Wyse Tax Dollars at Work Supplement 7 Instructions Working as a team, please use the following template to submit your research question. The rubric below will be used to evaluate your work. Please incorporate the specific suggestions from your instructor for full credit. 50 points total. Research Question (5 points) Articulate your research question: Why is this research question significant? Explain. Explain specifically how this research question will advance knowledge in the field. Hypothesis (5 points) Articulate your hypothesis: Is this hypothesis testable and feasible? Explain. Is the basis of the hypothesis defendable with substantive logic from the conclusions/evidence of its derivative paper? Explain. Is the hypothesis refutable (i.e. is an alternative hypothesis possible) based on evidence from its derivative paper? Explain. Null hypothesis (5 points) Articulate the null hypothesis: Is this null hypothesis rejectable by experimentation? Explain how. Experimental Variables (5 points) Identify the control, dependent and independent variables for your hypothesis and research question. Research Question & Hypothesis 7 Module 1: Week 2 Soneral – Wyse Tax Dollars at Work Supplement 7 Evaluation The following rubric will be used to evaluate the Research Question and Hypothesis, and is divided into three areas 1) Content, 2) Overall Quality, 3) Responsiveness to feedback Content (20 points total) _____ / 20 points. The responses to the questions under each category above are explicit and well articulated (5 points each). Responses are fully and accurately explained. Responses indicate that the team comprehends the paper used as the basis for the research question, and appropriately discerns future directions of the field. Responses indicate that the team can successfully apply knowledge of hypothesis testing to a novel research topic. Hypothesis, null hypothesis, identification of experimental variables, are appropriately identified. Feedback to team – Action steps: Overall Quality (20 points total) _____/20 points 20 = Team has identified a research topic, can formulate a question with a testable hypothesis and null hypothesis. Team can defend and refute the hypothesis with information from the primary literature, and can articulate alternative hypotheses. Team articulates the significance of the project to advancing the scientific community. 15 = Team has identified a research topic, can formulate a question with a testable hypothesis and null hypothesis, however further development in the primary literature is required for the student to accurately substantiate these hypotheses (e.g. determining what experimental data is already available, and whether the question is novel) 10 = Team has identified a research topic, can formulate a question, but further development is required to develop a hypothesis, null hypothesis, and predictions. 5 = Team has identified a specific research topic and its significance to the scientific community, but further development is needed to identify a specific testable research question within that topic. 2 = Team has a general idea of research interest but further development is needed to narrow the scope of the project. Feedback to team—Action steps: Responsiveness to Feedback (10 points total) _____/10 points 10 = Team meets with instructor face-to-face, incorporates all suggestions to improve the quality of the research question and hypothesis. 8 = Team meets with instructor face-to-face, and incorporates most of the suggestions to improve the quality of the research question and hypothesis. 6 = Team does not meet with instructor, but incorporates most of the written suggestions to improve the quality of the research question and hypothesis. 4 = Team does not meet with instructor and incorporates some of the written suggestions to improve the quality of the research question and hypothesis. 0 = Team does not meet with instructor, and incorporates none of the suggestions. Simply resubmits duplicate work with no improvements.