Mar 30 - Rowan County Schools


Lesson Plans

Kristen Hood

Rowan County Middle School

March 26, 2012- March 30, 2012

Chapter 9/10


I can describe Europe’s geography.


I can identify changes within Europe after the fall of the Western

Roman Empire.


I can explain the growth of the Frankish empire and the corresponding spread of Christianity.


I can analyze feudalism and its structure.


I can describe the way of life on medieval manors and in medieval towns.


I can explain the role of knights and the code of chivalry that they followed.


I can compare and contrast feudal societies of Europe and Japan.


I can analyze the impact early feudalism in Europe and Japan had on current cultures.

Special Needs Modifications

 Extra time allowed for assignments.

 Reduction/Modifications of assignments

 Reader/scribe

 Paraphrasing

Monday, March 26, 2012

 Learning Target: I can analyze feudalism and its structure.

 Complete page 314-315 review questions on feudal Europe.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

 Learning Target: I can compare and contrast feudal societies of Europe and Japan.

 Complete a re-teaching activity over lesson 3 Chapter 9.

 Read and complete questions on the comic strip- Middle Ages.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 (2 day lesson)

 Learning Target: I can identify a role (king/queen, lord, knight, serf) in feudal Europe and how it impacted society.

 Bell Ringer: What role was at the top of feudal society? At bottom?

 Hands-on Activity with role cards

 Reflection (last 10 minutes)

 Share reflections and discuss how their role impacted society.

What did it really mean to be “bound to the soil?”

What did the knights do on behalf of the lords/kings?

 How might you think your role affected the people of Europe

mentally, physically and emotionally?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

 Learning Target: I can identify a role (king/queen, lord, knight, serf) in feudal Europe and how it impacted society.

 Bell Ringer: What role was at the top of feudal society? At bottom?

 Hands-on Activity with role cards

 Reflection (last 10 minutes)

 Share reflections and discuss how their role impacted society.

What did it really mean to be “bound to the soil?”

What did the knights do on behalf of the lords/kings?

How might you think your role affected the people of Europe

mentally, physically and emotionally?

Friday, March 30, 2012

 Learning Target: I can identify the role of the Catholic Church in Medieval


 Bell Ringer: What was the only institution to survive the fall of Rome?

 Chapter 10: lesson 1- The Role of the Catholic Church

 Group Activity: Church layout and roles


 Textbook, McDougal Littell: World History

 Smart Board

 Construction paper

 Post-it paper

 Magazines/newspapers

 United Streaming

 Artifacts

 Primary/Secondary Sources

 Smart Response Clickers
