Biology I

Name __________________________________ Block: _____ Midterm Exam Date: ____________
Midterm Guided Review
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. This will help you review key
information found on the midterm. See me with any questions you have regarding content.
Introduction to Biology
Chapter 1: Introduction to Biology
Appendix A: Science Skills, Appendix B: Science Safety, Appendix C: Metric System
1. Define hypothesis and a null hypothesis. What would a t-test with a value of .006 tell you about
the null hypothesis?
2. List the 8 characteristics of life.
3. Explain the following the following descriptive statistics and what they measure: Mean, Range,
Standard Deviation, and p-Value.
Chapter 2: Chemistry of Life (Sections 1 and 2)
4. Give the location, charge and mass of the three subatomic parts (protons, neutrons and electrons)
of an atom.
5. Explain ionic and covalent bonding.
6. Name and describe following properties of water: cohesion, adhesion, and surface tension.
7. Draw a Bohr model of water; make sure to note the positive and negative ends.
8. Explain the ranges found on the pH scale and what those ranges represent.
9. Describe the concentration of ions for an Acid vs. a Base.
Chapter 2: Chemistry of Life (Sections 3 and 4)
10. Give the function and monomer for each of the following organic compounds: Carbohydrates,
Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic Acids.
11. Give the chemical formula for the following functional groups: alcohol, aldehyde, amine, and
(carboxylic) acid.
12. What is an enzyme and how does it work? Describe why it is compared to a lock and key.
Microscopes, Bacteria and Viruses
Appendix D: Use of the Microscope
Chapter 19: Bacteria and Viruses
Chapter 40 (Section 1): Infectious Disease
13. List and draw the three shapes of bacteria.
14. Explain the process of Gram staining and what the different colors represent.
15. List one similarity and one difference between eubacteria and archeabacteria.
16. What parts make up a typical virus?
17. Compare lytic to lysogenic cycles in viral replication.
Cells Structure and Function
Chapter 7: Cell Structure and Function
18. List the three parts of the cell theory.
19. Name and give the function of the cytoplasm and 5 other organelles within a eukaryotic cell.
20. List one similarity and one difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
21. Explain the relationship between osmosis and diffusion.
22. What happens to the cells when placed in a hypertonic, hypothec or isotonic solution?
23. Compare Active Transport and Facilitated Diffusion.
Cell Growth and Division
Chapter 10: Cell Growth and Division
24. What problems does growth cause for cells? Why do cell remain so small in size?
25. Diagram, label, and describe the following stages of the cell cycle: Interphase, Prophase,
Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase.
26. How is the cell cycle regulated?
27. How are cancer cells different from other cells?