One unifying theme is the theory of evolution by natural selection

1. One unifying theme is the theory of evolution by natural selection. The
theory of evolution states that organisms change over time (generations).
Another unifying theme of biology is that all living organisms are composed
of cells and cells are the smallest unit of all living creatures.
2. Biosphere->Community->Population->Organism
3. The properties of life emerge from a complex organization because it can be
broken down all the way to the molecular level. For humans it goes from cells
to tissue to organ to system to body, each part is a part of a higher structure.
4. One dynamic process is the cycling of nutrients and another process is the
flow of energy from the sun to producers and consumers.
5. Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus and eukaryotic cells do. Prokaryotic
cells are much simpler than eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells form bacteria
and archaea while eukaryotic cells include all other forms of life.
6. The basic structure is a double helix and the function of DNA is to provide
guidance for the production of new proteins and gives us our biological traits
which get passed on from one generation to the next.
7. The dilemma of reductionism is that we cannot reduce complex systems
down to similar components, and we cannot explain a higher level of
8. The goal is to model the dynamic behavior or the whole biological system.
a. High Throughput technology
b. Bioinformatics
c. Interdisciplinary research teams
9. Regulatory mechanisms are important because they control the output of a
process through enzymes and make sure the chemical process’s are
accelerated with a catalyst.
10. The three domains of life are bacteria, archaea, and eukarya. Bacteria and
archaea are prokaryotes. Eukarya is divided into three more kingdoms,
which are plantae, fungi and animalia.
11. All things on earth function by the same universal rules and laws. And all
forms of life have common unifying features but these organisms are very
diverse. Life on earth is extremely diverse, yet there is unity.
12. He observed variation in individuals in a population that had many of the
same traits. His second observation was overpopulation, which brought
fiercer competition and survival of the fittest.
13. They have a tree like form because many species were derived from one
species and evolved over millions of years to be adapted to a specific niche.
14. Discovery science is based on discovering things in nature and hypothesis
based science is about explaining things in nature.
15. Quantitative is a numerical measure and qualitative is more of a description
of certain aspects.
16. Inductive reasoning works from specific observations to broad
generalizations and theories and deductive reasoning works from a general
understanding to the more specific.
17. A hypothesis is a statement that makes a prediction based on certain
observations and provides a way of testing that prediction. It is in essence a
way of asking a question in a way that it can be tested. A hypothesis that has
been tested over and over can be made into a theory and so on.
18. In a controlled experiment the scientist is only testing one factor at a time.
19. The everyday meaning of theory is an inkling or a thought. But a scientific
theory is something that is has been tested time and time again and is almost
certainly true.
20. Science is influenced by social and cultural values because new ideas come
up in science all the time and scientists are inclined to study about things that
at the time are popular or in demand.
21. Technology applies scientific knowledge for a specific reason and science is
the discovery of new things. Technology is the product of science and science
and technology work hand in hand.