Microsoft Word - Recruitment Rules NPC Template Nov 24.doc

Recruitment Rules of the Texas A&M University Panhellenic Association
1. Each sorority member has a mutual bond, not only with members of her own
sorority, but also with all Greek-letter women and men. This means that a spirit
of cooperation and helpfulness exists among all sorority members, regardless of
their affiliation. This spirit of cooperation is incorporated by Panhellenic into
recruitment procedures, rules and policies in order that fairness and goodwill
prevail throughout all recruitment activities.
2. No disparaging remarks may be made by a sorority member about another
sorority or its members. Attempts may not be made to evaluate or rank another
sorority. This includes any discussion of sorority invitations. No sorority member
is qualified to tell a potential member about a sorority other than her own.
3. It is in accord with the dignity and good manners of sorority women not only
during recruitment, but throughout their membership:
a. To create friendly relations between sorority and non-sorority women.
b. To avoid publicity on Panhellenic matters which are not properly the
concern of nonmembers.
4. Chapter members, new members, alumnae, and agents (all persons within each
sorority’s place of residence during formal recruitment, including house
guardians) are bound by the Texas A&M University Panhellenic Council
Recruitment Rules and Policies, Bylaws and NPC Unanimous Agreements.
Statement of Positive Panhellenic Contact
a. We, the women of the Texas A&M University Panhellenic Association will
promote Panhellenic-spirited contact with all potential new members
throughout the year.
b. Oral bids, promises of pledging, and speaking of definite or indefinite future
meetings are prohibited during the summer and Formal Fall Recruitment. No
sorority member, new member, alumna, or agent may advise any potential
member or individual of chapter intent. Some examples are, but not limited
to, “I want you for my little sister; You belong here; See you tomorrow; I will
save this for you until bid day; We love you.” Expressions of welcome; "We’re
glad you are back "It's nice to see you again, "I'm glad you are here," are not
oral bids. The Panhellenic Advisor and/or Vice President of Recruitment shall
brief the potential members and chapters as to the seriousness of oral bidding
and advise them that sororities who give oral bids are breaking rules.
Chapters shall be informed of the severity and consequences of oral bidding
by Panhellenic during Work Week.
c. During the summer and Fall Formal Recruitment, letter writing, phone calls,
Skyping, text messages and e-mails to all high school senior women and any
other PNM are strictly prohibited. No member or new member may use any
online social networking tool to contact a PNM in any way including but not
limited to messaging, comments, wall posts, Facebook friend requesting or
accepting, following on Twitter, Instagram and Linked In. No PNM should be
tagged in a member or new member’s post, photo, or status regardless of the
content. Normal social contact be defined to begin May 1st. Panhellenic
Recruitment Team reserves the right to review online networking sites during
the summer and if it is found that members are having any contact with a
PNM an infraction will be filed. For this reason, members and new members
who have online social networking accounts may not “block” the Panhellenic
Recruitment Team.
d. Silence is established so that each potential member may decide for herself
which group she wishes to join.
Seven days prior to Formal Recruitment until after bids are picked up,
it is a violation for there to be any communication outside of Formal
Recruitment events between potential member and chapter members,
new members, alumnae, and agents of a sorority, or any mediator
between a potential member and an affiliate sorority, except those
permitted by Panhellenic.
ii. There shall be no contact of potential members or high school students
outside of normal social contact by individual sororities (new members,
actives, or alumnae) during the academic year and summer
proceeding formal Fall Recruitment. Normal social contact includes
interactions between co-workers, roommates, family members,
neighbors and close friends that would have occurred regardless of
recruitment. An example: If Sue of XYZ sorority works with PNM Jane,
then lunch is permissible as long as Sue does not promote XYZ as an
individual chapter.
iii. No sorority member may live with a potential member or be suitemates with a potential member during Work Week or Formal
Recruitment. Sorority members must find another place to live during
this period until after formal bids are issued.
iv. Chapter members, new members, alumnae, and agents of a sorority,
except those designated by Panhellenic, may not be in or near the
room where potential members will attend Convocation and/or sign the
Recruitment invitations and acceptance cards while the potential
members are present.
v. If, during the Period of Silence, it becomes necessary for a potential
member to contact a sorority member or for a sorority member to
contact a potential member, communication will be channeled through
vi. On the night of Preference Signing, sororities will be expected to be on
Strict Silence with members of other sororities, potential members, all
Recruitment Counselors, and the Panhellenic Officers from the end of
the last recruitment event until the preferential bid list from the chapter
arrives at the Panhellenic Recruitment Headquarters.
1. Strict silence is defined as abstention from verbal, nonverbal,
written, print, text message, and electronic communication or
communicating through a third party. If potential new
members live in a residence hall with a sorority member, only
casual greetings and contact are permitted.
II. Statement of Adherence to NPC Unanimous Agreements and Policies
Regarding Recruitment
All NPC member organizations represented at the Texas A&M University
Panhellenic Association believe in strictly adhering to NPC Unanimous
Agreements and policies. All groups will follow these valued and nonnegotiable policies during the recruitment process.
Statement of “No Frills Recruitment”
NPC has a policy on no-frills recruitment and encourages Panhellenics to
incorporate this concept into all recruitment styles. Nonessential features
should be removed from the process, and the focus of membership
recruitment should be on the values of each organization and the
conversation with potential new members.
1. Recruitment parties of the Texas A&M University Panhellenic Association
shall consist of maximum conversation time, tables with displays pertaining
to the event and water for potential new members. Only Greek letters or
chapter name may be used outside as decoration. Skits, videos, food, or
costumes should not be included in recruitment, except:
a. Skits will only be permitted on Sisterhood Night.
b. Videos will only be permitted on Philanthropy Day and Preference
c. Costumes will only be permitted on sisterhood night with the
exception of one member dressing in a costume for the sole
purpose of promoting the chapter’s philanthropy on Philanthropy
Day rather than engaging in a skit.
d. Only un-garnished iced water may be served outside and during
events during Rounds I, II, and III. Garnished drinks may only be
served during Preference events. Examples of drinks that are
permissible on preference evening include: sparkling grape juice,
lemonade, and iced tea. Chapters may not serve food at any
events. A chapter may use a plain white tablecloth on their water
table outside of the house.
2. Attire and Decorations for each recruitment round will be designated by
Panhellenic as follows:
a. Round I (Opening Day) Attire: Every chapter will be responsible for
ordering a Panhellenic-issued t-shirt with their specific sorority listed
(ex: Sorority ABX’s shirt will say Alpha Beta Chi in plain lettering). Tshirts will be uniform for all chapters; the only variation will be the
sorority name on the shirts. Recruitment Team will select the shirt
colors ahead of time. The chapters can each choose their own
bottoms, shoes, and accessories for Round I.
b. Round I (Opening Day) Decorations: A sorority-oriented theme may be
carried out through the display that may include pins, colors, flowers,
symbols, scrapbooks, photographs, and other printed materials
concerning the sorority. There may be singing, but no organized
entertainment, skits, or costumes.
c. Round II (Philanthropy Day) Decorations: A sorority-oriented theme
may be carried out through the display that may include pins, colors,
flowers, symbols, scrapbooks, photographs and other printed materials
concerning the sorority. There may be singing and/or videos, but
entertainment is limited to a philanthropy project. Financial obligations
will be provided to PNMs by Panhellenic and chapters are not
responsible for doing so during the formal recruitment process.
d. Round III (Sisterhood Night) Decorations: Backdrops, scenery and
musical arrangements may be used for optional entertainment.
Content is at the discretion of the sorority, but men's fraternity letters
may not be worn during formal skits. Indoor displays and room
decorations are allowed.
e. Round IV (Preference Night) Decorations: Backdrops, scenery, and
musical arrangements may be used for optional entertainment.
Content is at the discretion of the sorority, but men's fraternity letters
may not be worn during formal skits. Entertainment is at the discretion
of the sorority. Indoor displays and room decorations are allowed.
f. Bid Day: Outside decorations shall consist of one banner and sorority
letters. Music, including bands, will be permitted outside with musical
entertainment ending at 9pm.
3. Panhellenic sororities are not to exceed $10,000.00 in the purchase,
rental, and donation of any new decorations for all periods of formal
membership recruitment. These new decorations are classified as
anything that is visible to the potential new member during Formal
Recruitment Week.
4. Two hours before the first party of each day is scheduled to begin, all
chapter members must be on the row and inside of their houses. All set
up outside (chairs, tents, tables, letters, etc.) must be completed before the
two hour window starts. This rule excludes chapter delegates and
5. Men shall be prohibited from participation in membership recruitment
events and Bid Day activities.
a. Professional service men and deliverymen, with proper identification,
are allowed in the houses. In addition, men can help individual
sororities set up (build props, move furniture, supply proper, etc.) for
the recruitment events until two hours prior to the beginning of the
day's events and may not return until at least one hour following the
end of the very last party of the day.
6. Fines may be assessed for the following if the action is repetitive or
disruptive of the Recruitment process. Fines will be assessed in the
amounts listed in Appendix I of the document Appendices to the
Recruitment Rules of the Texas A&M University Panhellenic Association.
Documentation of fines will be presented to the Panhellenic delegate of
each chapter daily, within one hour of the conclusion of all parties.
a. All chapter members are required to remain in their chapter houses
until the Vice President of Recruitment notifies each chapter VP
membership/recruitment that all PNMs have been released from the
row. This rule excludes chapter delegates and alternates.
b. All chapters are required to have their bid list or list of potential new
members invited to the next period of parties turned in by the specified
time. CPC will grant an extension in the due date and time of final party
or bid lists if there is a delay in the previously published schedule.
c. If a sorority’s “Recruitment Phone” is called at any time by
Panhellenic, and there is no response, Panhellenic will call a second
phone number that must be provided by the sorority. A response must
be made by the sorority on the second attempt.
d. Potential New members may not take any item out of the chapter
house at any given time during formal recruitment. Examples: water
cups, pens, Greek letters, programs, etc.
e. A chapter house may not exceed the designated time limit of a
party at any time during the recruitment process.
f. A chapter member may not cross the designated threshold of her
chapter house during a party at any time during the recruitment
g. A chapter may order catering to be delivered after the chapter’s last
scheduled party for that day.
i. NOTE: Catering deliveries are allowed, with proper ID, on the row
during the round 2 scheduled break and after the end of the last
scheduled party for each chapter house. If food is delivered for the
entire chapter, it is the chapter’s responsibility to have advisors or
alumnae present during the food delivery.
7. During Work Week, all composites in a chapter house that contain any
members involved with CPC, Recruitment Team, or who are Rho Gammas
must be covered up completely.
8. An active may not attend any recruitment events unless her name is
indicated on her sorority's roster. Only active chapter members may
participate in entertainment, whether performing or accompanying, during
Recruitment Week. Five alumnae may be present on the floor at any onerecruitment event during Formal Recruitment. Only active chapter
members may pick up or participate in conversations with potential new
members during formal recruitment. Alumnae interaction should be limited
to casual greetings and farewells.
9. Chapters under total, or chapters not achieving quota the previous year,
will be eligible to have additional non-chapter collegians or alumnae. Each
situation will be determined on an individual basis, subject to final approval
by the Panhellenic Advisor(s) and Vice President for Recruitment.
10. Nametags must denote anyone other than a TAMU active.
11. Chapter members may stand along the width of the doors of their houses
for entrances and exits. All event activities must end at the door. Chapters
whose doors open inward and chapters whose doors open outward will be
allowed a three-foot space beyond their threshold. A maximum of four (4)
members, including the chapter delegate and alternate delegate, may
stand outside the door to hold the doors open and/or greet the PNMs
during entrances and exits. Event time does not end until all sorority
members are inside of the house with the doors closed.
Statement of Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding
1. The Texas A&M University Panhellenic Association will uphold and use the
MRABA for each potential new member interested in joining a women’s
fraternity, whether during formal or informal recruitment. We agree to all
policies/steps pertaining to the MRABA.
2. It is the chapter’s responsibility to obtain and complete the necessary
paperwork from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and/or Panhellenic
regarding women joining during Open Recruitment.
i. Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreements (MRABAs)
should be obtained from the Department of Greek Life and submitted
48 hours following bid acceptance.
ii. Hazing Compliance and Grade Release forms should be submitted to
the Department of Greek Life. This form must be received for a
chapter to receive a woman’s grades.
3. Bids refused must be reported to Panhellenic within 24 hours of Bid Day.
Statement of Values-Based Recruitment
We, the members of Texas A&M University Panhellenic Association, pledge
to promote the following practices during membership recruitment:
1) Consider values-based conversations.
2) Choose recruitment activities and behaviors that reflect the core values of
our organizations.
3) Engage in conversations that include topics related to our core values.
4) Make informed choices about potential new members.
5) Educate potential new members about the chapter’s values, and connect
to these values.
Statement of Automatic Reset of Total
1. To allow groups to achieve parity as quickly as possible at the
conclusion of primary recruitment, The Texas A&M University
Panhellenic Association shall automatically reset total within 72 hours
after Bid Day. Total will be determined by the Median Chapter Size
2. An updated chapter roster is due the first day of Work Week by 5 PM
to the Panhellenic Administrative Secretary. Chapters will work with
Panhellenic to verify roster total.
3. Following Formal Recruitment, an updated chapter roster must be on
file with the Panhellenic Administrative Secretary within 72 hours of Bid
Day. From that point forward, if a change in membership roster
occurs, chapters will let the Administrative Secretary know of the
change within 48 hours.
Panhellenic Recruitment Team, Delegates, and Counselors
Member-fraternities shall select candidates for Recruitment Counselors in
the number needed according to criteria set by the Panhellenic Recruitment
Team. Recruitment Counselors and Alternates shall be selected from these
candidates through interviews with the Panhellenic Recruitment Team. Every
chapter should submit the designated amount of applicants and each chapter will
be equally represented.
Panhellenic Delegates and Alternates shall serve as Liaisons between
their respective chapters and the Recruitment Team. It is the duty of the
Panhellenic Delegate to observe, attend, and assist in Panhellenic Recruitment
VIII. Potential New Member Qualifications and Guidelines
1. A potential new member must attend the maximum number of available
Formal Recruitment parties for which she has received and accepted
invitations. If a potential new member does not do this, she shall be
withdrawn from recruitment.
2. If a potential new member wishes to withdraw from recruitment, she must
fill out an official withdrawal form.
3. A primary quota shall be utilized for freshmen who shall be defined as any
student who graduated from high school the semester immediately before her
first semester at Texas A&M University.
4. A secondary quota shall be utilized for upperclassmen who will be
entering into her sophomore year of college. An upperclassman shall be
defined as any student who graduated from high school prior to 2015. Any
upperclassman who is entering into her junior or senior year will not be
configured into this separate quota and will instead be considered as an
addition to chapter total.
Appendices to the Recruitment Rules of the Texas A&M University Panhellenic
Appendix I - Fines
1. Fines for actions found in violation of the Recruitment Rules of the
Texas A&M University Panhellenic Association may be assessed as
a. For each chapter member found outside the house two hours
before the first party of each day or before all PNMs have been
released from the row and reported to CPC, a fine of $20.00 per
member shall be issued to the chapter for each occurrence. This
rule excludes chapter delegates and alternates.
b. An initial fine of $20.00 is issued for being one minute late when a
bid list or a list of potential new members invited to the next period of
parties is late. Thereafter, an additional $20.00 fine will be issued for
every additional fifteen minutes late for the remainder of the week.
c. If there is no response on the second attempt made by Panhellenic
to contact a sorority’s “Recruitment Phone” or alternate contact, the
sorority will be fined $20.00.
d. An initial fine of $50.00 is issued if a potential new member takes
an item out of the chapter house at any given time during formal
recruitment. Thereafter, an additional $100.00 fine will be issued for
every other item taken out of the chapter house during formal
recruitment. Examples: water cups, pens, Greek letters, programs,
e. An initial fine of $50.00 is issued if a chapter house exceeds the
designated time limit of a party. Thereafter, an additional $100.00
fine is issued to the chapter for every other occurrence the time limit
is exceeded for the remainder of the week.
f. An initial fine of $50.00 is issued if a chapter member crosses the
designated threshold of her chapter house during a party. Thereafter,
an additional $100.00 fine is issued to the chapter for every other
occurrence the threshold is crossed for the remainder of the week.
g. An initial fine of $50.00 is issued for the first occurrence of a food
delivery before the last scheduled party of the chapter; thereafter an
additional $100.00 fine is issued to the chapter for every other
occurrence for the remainder of the week.
h. If professional service men, deliverymen, or men helping set up for
individual sororities are reported to CPC as being inside the chapter
house after the two hour window has begun or less than one hour
after the end of the last party of the day, an initial fine of $50.00 will
be issued for the first occurrence; every occurrence afterwards
throughout the week is a $100.00 fine each.