Yarra Ranges Shire Council - Mornington Peninsula Marine Alliance

Mornington Peninsula Marine Alliance
Committee Meeting
Meeting No:
25th July 2013
Sealite P/L – Industrial Ave Somerville
Time: 12.30pm to 2.30pm
Attendees: Bruce Douglas ( Chair), Jeff Procter, Shane Murphy, Peter Horman, Stephen Snow (Yaringa)
Tim Phillips, William Barber Greg Martin ( Commodore MYC) Jeff McDonell ( Coast Guard)
Apologies: Ted Banks, Mal Hart
Note: Minutes to show attendees in bold
– (Initiating
Due Date
Welcome to guests
Port of Hastings Development Authority – Letter to Authority
July 2013
CEO seeking a meeting with the MPMA board members to discuss development strategies
and priorities in regard to precinct development, road and rail infrastructure upgrades,
possible future maritime infrastructure development.
1 The invitation to Mike to meet with the Board was endorsed and it was recommended
B. Douglas
July 2013
July 2103
that the PoHDA be invited to join the Alliance and nominate a representative to
attend meetings.
2 The Authority be advised that the Alliance is very concerned to ensure that land use
and planning controls for the Maritime precincts related to the port and ,ore
generally, should provide adequate coverage of the as of right permission to
undertake maintenance works and maintenance dredging
1 Credit Card Account and Statement Account - Bank Statements for the (May 1– to
July 1) period --- for consideration and adoption.
Account 145041760 – Statement Account
Statement Operating Account (143825909) – ( May 1 to July 1 ) note that there have been no
transactions in this account during the reporting period.
That the Accounts as presented were accepted.
Land use and Workforce Training REPORT WRAP-UP Shane Murphy
Shane Murphy to advise on any progress of presentation and adoption of the report
to the Council.
Shane Murphy
ACTION: Shane advised that all councillors had been issued with copies of the
report and invited to make submissions. No submissions have been received and so it
is reasonable to understand that the report has been accepted by Council. This report
will now be used as a framework document in the upcoming Planning Precinct review
Shane advised that this study brief has bee prepared and signed off and that
invitations to tender will be issued to short listed planning consultants. It is expected
that tenders will be required by end of August for the work to be undertaken before
the end of the current year.
Yaringa Development Proposal – Status
Stephen Snow ( Yaringa) reported the development proposal has now received consent fro
the Federal Minister for the Environment under the EPBC Act. He further advised that
Council resolved on Monday 22nd July to refer the matter of a development approval
determination to the State Minister for Planning and Environment, who will decide on the
matter having regard to the advice of a reference panel he is to establish.
Stephen advised that Yaringa is committed to the project and has commenced a number of
minor preparatory works and that value of the project is $100m.
July 2013
Stephen Snow
Bruce Douglas
That a letter of support for the proposal be sent from the Alliance to the
Mal Hart
Marine Businesses -- GROWTH REQUIREMENTS - This matter was raised at our
last meeting ( Item 4.3) following which a meeting was arranged with Bluescope to discuss
Factory space rental options for Marine Businesses.
These meetings with Bluescope have identified a number of unused redundant warehouse
assets, close to rail, B-Double road access and the wharf which may be able to be rented by
Marine Businesses for the short to medium term. MPMA members met Russell Gibbs from
Bluescope on the 12th April to inspect the facilities ranging form 3500sqm to 10,000sqm
under cover with hard standing. An inspection of the sites was undertaken with Chris Procter
( Sealite P/L)
Hart Marine indicated some interest in the potential use of the sites. For Noting and
feedback or follow up on the potential use of the sites.
Mal Hart was an apology for the meeting to day but is known to have a preference for
purchasing a suitable parcel of land rather than leasing. This view is also supported by
Sealite P/L.
Shane Murphy indicated that he understood the Bluescope is in discussions with the Po
HDA about the possible sale of a parcel of land for port development and that may offer
some opportunities for Hart Marine and others.
ACTION: That the Alliance follow up with PoHDA and Bluescope to support the benefit of the
sale of a suitable parcel of land for port development and that such a sale should have
Bruce Douglas
Shane Murphy
regard to the interests and economic benefits to local Maritime businesses who would
require proximate access to navigable water and arterial road and rail transport facilities.
Marine Precinct Planning Study
Shane Murphy advised on progress of preparations for the Marine Precincts Study. This
study will commence prior to the end of the year and will identify and bring forward specific
recommendations for land parcels to be proactively managed to provide marine trade
Shane Murphy
ACTION: For Noting and follow up . The Alliance will be represented by Bruce Douglas
acting as a member of the planning steering committee with Allan Cowley and Shane
Murphy. It was suggested that the Port of Hastings Development Authority should also be
invited to sit on the steering committee. It was suggested by Shane Murphy that a forum of
interested stakeholders would be held as part of the study process.
The board noted comments from Stephen Snow that this study should also consider the
critical importance of adequate provision for ongoing maritime infrastructure and dredging
maintenance because of the highly complex, slow and confusing process which has to be
followed by each individual entity wishing to undertake maintenance dredging (Yaringa has
spent $100k simply getting to the point of approval to undertake maintenance dredging).
Tim Phillips endorsed this concern and indicated that Queenscliff Marina faces the same
problems and would be interested in working together with the shire in any planning study if
simplified controls and process could be established for wider application.
Feedback on Parks Vic Review of Mooring arrangements – Camerons Bight
Tim Phillips advised that the issue of the threatened removal of swing moorings from
Camerons Bight by Parks Vic has now been resolved with the decision being made to allow
existing moorings to remain for the foreseeable future, but no new moorings to be allowed.
The Alliance had submitted a letter to Parks Vic supporting the retention of all existing
ACTION: For Noting
Mornington Safe Harbour
Greg Martin ( Commodore MYC) provided an update on the status of planning for the safe
harbour. He indicated that the council has not supported the marina development aspects of
the Safe Harbour and that the efforts of the Harbour Precinct Working Group was frustrated
by the unreasonable attitude held by the MEA. He indicted that Parks Vic officers were also
disappointed in the attitude and position of the MEA, which is that there should be no new
infrastructure in the Mornington Bay area.
In regard to the restoration of the Mornington Pier, Greg indicated that work is progressing
well ( KV Johnson) is the contractor and the outer shields are installed on the existing inner
section of jetty. He indicated that work on the inner shields is underway. He also said that
tenders will be called in the coming month for the repair of the outer section of pier.
Greg was very complimentary of the support recently shown by the shire coastal planners in
helping to resolve issues around upgrade of facilities for disabled sailors.
Greg advised that the club is host the 2014 Optimist National titles which will involve some
300 boats and generate $500k income to the local economy.
Greg also informed members of the Youth Scholarship program that the club ran last year
that saw 8 young students given sponsored membership of the club with mentoring support.
These students were given focused training in boat handling, water safety, sailing and race
management and Greg believes the program is a success. He indicated that 8 places was a
few too many and a drain in their limited resources and that this year the program will offer 4
spaces. The club’s Rear Commodore (Graeme Alexander) is managing the program.
Marine Culture
Stephen Snow and Tim Phillips both stated that there is no evidence as yet that the shire
has embraced a Marine Culture in spite of the fact that it is virtually surrounded by water and
contains 10% of the Victorian Coastline. This view ( they argued) is supported by marine
business experience which shows little ( if any) support for or awareness of the importance
and value of the sector.
ACTION: Noted - Shane Murphy offered the view that this perception is slowly changing and Shane Murphy
the shire’s support of the Alliance is evidence of that. He said that the support for the
Bruce Douglas
Alliance would continue for the time being and that efforts should continue to promote
awareness through publications and the Internet.
It was also suggested that a symposium might be worthwhile to try and garner greater
stakeholder engagement in maritime issues.
Coast Guard
Jeff McDonell outlined the flotilla’s current priorities and advised of a recent restructure of the
group’s management at Hastings which he says will do much to reinvigorate the body. Plans
include building a promotion trailer that can be used for marine education in the field and as
a support resource in emergency management. He said that they are also developing a
grant application for a new RIB which they hope can be stationed at Yaringa.
For the future Jeff said that the Flotilla is hoping to generate enough support to establish a
new unit on Phillip Island.- in response to demands for rescue and assistance in that area of
Western Port Bay
Point Nepean Infrastructure
Peter Horman asked about the status of upgrades to the Pier at Point Nepean.
Tim Phillips indicated that he was not aware of any commitments and that it would be
unlikely in advance of a business proposal justifying the need. He said that PV was currently
undertaking an expression of interest for future uses of the Point Nepean park complex but
he was not aware of any specific submissions that may have been made.
Relocation of the Wooden Boat Shop to Point Nepean including a marine museum and the
relocation of the Dive Industry hub would be suitable activities.
Martha Cove
Peter Horman queried the status of development of dry boat storage at Martha Cove.
Bruce Douglas advised that the planning permit for the development includes a provision for
a dry boat storage facility it simply requires a proponent. It should be noted that this or
indeed and other development aspect of Martha Cove will not be resolved until the matter of
liquidation of the complex assets by the banks is finalised.
Sealite P/L
Jeff Procter advised that his company has now completed the establishment of a new facility
in the USA and this is progressing well. He also said the company was developing a site in
England and that both these sites will greatly assist in the company’s capacity to service its
international clients.
He advised that in England the council is proactively clearing the land and installing
infrastructure for the redevelopment of old and disused industrial coastal land and keenly
seeking business interests to come and build new companies.
Jeff said that the company has supplied the Turkish govt with all the marine navigation lights
and monitoring equipment for shipping in the Bosphorus Channel and has won an order
from Bangladesh for harbour navigation lighting supply.
Queenscliff Marina
Tim Phillips advised the board that the Queenscliff Marina is moving ahead and becoming
quite a centre of activity. Dry storage areas are full and some wet berths are available. They
are required to undertake a highly intensive routine dredging cycle to maintain marina
Tim advised that he thought the marina management may have incorrectly priced the
storage and wet berths being to low and too high respectively and this was causing the skew
in demands for facilities there.
Moth Foil World Championships (Sailing)
Tim advised that Sorrento would be histing the Moth World championships in 2015. This
event would be held in January and the support of the Alliance would be appreciated.
Crib Point Engineering – Land Transfer from Shire
Shane Murphy advised that the final steps are now underway for the sale of the road reserve
to CPE. The sale has been agreed by both parties and sees the resolution of an issue that
has been outstanding for some 27 years. The Alliance has been assisting CPE in
discussions with the Shire staff on the elements of the transfer.
Meeting Closed:
Next Meeting:
AGM – 13th September
The Baths Restaurant, Sorrento Foreshore, Pt Nepean Rd
Bruce Douglas - Executive Officer
Time: 12.30pm