AP Español/Spanish 2014-15 Asignación del verano/Summer

AP Español/Spanish 2014-15
Asignación del verano/Summer Assignment
Señora Gaudet
Información Básica/Basic Information
¡Me alegro de que hayas decidido tomar la clase de AP Español!
Las tareas del verano han sido seleccionadas para que los estudiantes se involucren más profundamente en
escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir en español. Completa todas las tareas y actividades en español.
Por favor, recuerda que no es aceptable usar traductores electrónicos como “Google translate” u otros programas de
traducción. Cualquier tarea completada con un traductor no sólo obstaculizará su aprendizaje, sino también resultará
en un cero. Usa un buen diccionario en línea, como http://www.spanishdict.com/ o www.wordreference.com.
Las tareas del verano contarán como su primera nota de 100 puntos. La fecha de entrega para las tareas #2 y #4 es
el 14 de julio y han de ser entregadas por correo electrónico. Pueden entregar las otras actividades el primer día de
I’m happy that you have decided to take AP Spanish!
The summer assignments have been selected to get students more deeply involved in listening, speaking, reading
and writing in Spanish. Complete all assignments and activities in Spanish!
Please remember that it is unacceptable to use Google Translate or other computer-assisted translation sites or
programs. Any assignment completed using a translator will not only hinder your learning, but also result in a zero for
the assignment. Instead, make use of a good online dictionary, like http://www.spanishdict.com/ or
The summer assignment will count as your first 100 point grade. #2 and #4 are due by July 14th and are to be
submitted by email. The other activities are due on the first day of school.
1. Vocabulary – Memorize the list of vocabulary terms. Spelling and correct accent placement count! You can find
them at this link: http://quizlet.com/42154013/ap-summer-vocabulary-assignment-flash-cards/
You will have a vocabulary test on these words on Friday, August 22nd. There is no assignment to turn in.
A good way to learn the words is by going to the:
 “speller” tab – you’ll hear the word in Spanish and see the English definition. Then type the word you hear.
 “learn” tab
– you’ll see the English word, then type the word in Spanish.
There are other tabs that will help you learn and practice – give them a try!
2. Listening & Speaking – Go to http://www.laits.utexas.edu/spe/index.html
 At the top of the page, look at the pull-down menu for Advanced A, then select #4: Story about an animal or
 First take a look at the menu item at the bottom of the far right of the screen. Then click to read the related
vocabulary, related phrases and related grammar points for this task:
Key vocabulary for this task
Example phrases for this task
Grammar points for this task
AP Español/Spanish 2014-15
Asignación del verano/Summer Assignment
Señora Gaudet
Watch the 5 native speaker video interviews. Watch once with the Spanish transcripts (if necessary) then
again without the transcripts.
Record your own story, in Spanish, about an animal or pet you have had - 1:45 to 2:00 minutes long.
Submit it to me via email: rgaudet@pasco.k12.fl.us by Monday, July 14th, 2014.* One way to do this is by
using audiopal.com. It’s free. You just have to sign up. Do not use the text to speech function to record
your message!
3. Reading – View and print the 1-page story excerpts (there are 2) from the WCHS website. They are available
under "School Information" > "Academics" > "Summer Assignments". Answer the questions that follow each story
and highlight the information in each reading that supports the answer you choose. Indicate which highlighted text
goes with each question.
4. Informal writing (60 words) – Write an informal email about your language background in Spanish. Submit it
to me via email: rgaudet@pasco.k12.fl.us by Monday, July 14th, 2014. Include the following information:
 Why are you taking AP Spanish? What is your motivation?
 What is your language background?
 What language do you speak in the home?
 What are your personal goals for this class/what do you want to get out of this class?
 What do you find most interesting about studying Spanish?
5. Grammar – Review the preterite tense.
 First go to: http://personal.colby.edu/~bknelson/SLC/pret_repaso.php to review the conjugations for verbs in
the preterite tense.
 Then go to: http://personal.colby.edu/~bknelson/SLC/pret1_english.php
Write the answers to #1-30 on a piece of paper. The English verbs given are basic verbs. Make sure you
also know the meaning of each verb. (ex: to eat = comer, to pay = pagar)
6. Additional website/resources
You may want to spend some time reviewing the study modules listed. Exploring some of the sites and completing
a few of the practices would be a helpful review before starting AP Spanish.
You are not required to turn anything in for this activity.
podcasts, activities
podcasts with text, activities
activities, practice
podcasts, videos, news, sports, programming from España
activities, practice
periódico de España
United Nations radio en español-podcasts
videos, podcasts, can slow speaking down & read-along with the text
www.learn-spanish-language-software.com proficiency tests & practice
recordings on a variety of topics from native speakers
trailers, cultural stories, advertisements - super divertido
Spanish-English dictionary
¡Nos vemos el primer día de las clases!
~Señora Gaudet