GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR REDEPLOYMENT OF STAFF FOLLOWING NICS VOLUNTARY EXIT SCHEME 1. The primary aim of these Guiding Principles is to ensure the absorption of surplus staff, in the first instance, by movement to other posts in the same Department where possible. It is in everyone’s interest for surplus staff to be identified and redeployed as soon as possible and in parallel with the Scheme exit tranches. For redeployment to be successful, Departments will need to act collaboratively and in accordance within the NICS Vacancy Management Policy. 2. Departmental HRs (DHRs) will determine, in liaison with Line Managers: 3. - Which posts are to be suppressed; - Which staff are to be declared surplus and the process by which those surplus staff are selected; - Which surplus staff are to be redeployed within the Departments; and - Which surplus staff are formally declared surplus for inclusion in the NICS wide surplus pool. The NICS Guidance on Selection and redeployment of surplus staff sets out the process to be followed identifying surplus staff and selecting staff for Redeployment. Staff formally declared surplus will be informed by letter from HRConnect that they have been placed on the NICS surplus pools list. It is the responsibility of DHRs to remove staff from the pools if they have been redeployed internally or through a transfer to another Department. 4. As stated in the NICS Vacancy Management Policy a substantive vacancy is defined as a funded post which has been approved by DHR and does not have a postholder. A substantive vacancy is one which is registered as such on the HRConnect portal. Responsibility for determining how and when vacancies will be filled rests with DHR who, in liaison with Line Managers, take into account a range of issues. Within these however, the priority pools must be considered first. These are in order of priority:1 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) requirements; Redeployment of surpluses; Within each of these groups departments should consider their own staff before moving on to consider staff in other departments. i.e. departments should consider their own staff on the DDA pool then staff on the NICS DDA pool before considering their own staff on the surplus pool and so on. If a suitable match has not been identified from among those to whom DDA requirements apply or from a Department’s own staff on the surplus pool then the method to fill the vacancy will be determined which may include: i) DHRs identifying an individual from the NICS surplus pools list, and/or; ii) DHRs inviting applications for an elective transfer from staff on the NICS surplus pools list, and/or iii) HRConnect making a random selection from the NICS surplus pools list. The following will then apply: Elective transfers will be managed in line with normal arrangements. Random selection within specified parameters will be carried out to identify a single name to fill a particular post. Agreed parameters for random selection will be specified by the Department seeking to fill the vacancy. Groups from which random selection will be made will include current work location, grade/discipline, and/or current working pattern. 5. As there are a limited number of vacancies across NICS Departments and the priority is to manage business delivery with minimum delay and disruption staff will be expected to accept their first offer of a post. If, the officer provides reasons for refusing the post, and these are acceptable by the current Department, supported by an OHS opinion or Welfare Service rating as appropriate, they will remain on the NICS surplus pools list until another post is identified. 6. If a member of staff has concerns about the new post identified for them, they have the right to an interview with their Personnel Officer to discuss the posting. The process of random selection will operate on the principle that the redeployment move will proceed, and if necessary, remedial action taken afterwards if the grievance is upheld. To reverse or pause the redeployment, HRConnect will require instruction from the DHR. 2 7. A review of the decision can be requested by raising a grievance subject only to the following substantive grounds: there has been a failure of process, for example, the relevant redeployment and/or vacancy management policy has not been properly followed or some form of discrimination (unfair, biased or inconsistent treatment) has occurred in the way the redeployment decision was arrived at; or significant new information or significant aspects of the post have not been taken into account when arriving at the redeployment decision. A post that does not meet location or career development aspirations is not sufficient grounds on which to raise a grievance.The right to the full grievance process shall not apply to redeployment addressed by these guiding principles. Any reviews/grievances will be carried out by the current employing Department 8. These Guiding Principles have been developed in order to maximize redeployment opportunities and so within that ethos, Departments should not fill vacant posts by new temporary promotions after 30 September 2015 ( the first exit tranche) unless in exceptional circumstances where this is deemed by the Department to be the only viable business solution. Similarly Departments should review the extension of temporary promotions after this date, taking into account where exceptional circumstances exist. 9. In line with NICS principles on Redeployment non-mobile staff are required to accept a transfer to a post within reasonable daily travelling distance. All redeployments under the Exit Scheme will be governed by the mobility obligations in line with the Mobility Policy (1.02) in the HR Handbook. The criteria for determining reasonable daily travelling distance will be: a. the extent to which the distance from your home to the new office exceeds that to the old office; b. whether your home can reasonably be regarded as within the dormitory area of the new office; c. whether reasonable public transport facilities are available, sufficient to allow you to meet normal starting and finishing times; and d. whether there are any personal factors which should be taken into account. 10. Refusal to accept a reasonable offer of redeployment may be treated as misconduct under the terms of the disciplinary procedures and could ultimately lead to dismissal. 3 11. In line with existing policy arrangements, all staff involved may be entitled to claim Excess Fares Allowances which will be paid by the importing Department. 12. Whilst priority will be given to redeploying surplus staff into permanent posts at their substantive grade, occasions may arise when alternative short-term interim arrangements may be appropriate. Departments should consider internal temporary arrangements to ease the surplus particularly when a formal surplus is declared or when staff have been surplus for significant periods (e.g. more than 3 months). Options may include; moving work to the surplus staff at their current location, using the surplus to cover a temporary vacancy or temporary filling a lower grade post. 13. Staff working reduced hours may, by mutual agreement, also be considered for temporary or permanent transfer into full-time posts. 4