Redeployment Procedure

Redeployment Procedure
In any organisation which adapts to meet changing needs, there will be posts which
are no longer required. Individual members of staff may therefore find themselves,
through no fault of their own, in a position of possible redundancy. Conversely, staff
may be unable to continue in their current post for other reasons, such as ill health, but
may be suitable for alternative employment within the University. Wherever possible,
the University seeks to retain staff and to provide practical assistance and support
including a reasonable period of re-training for any suitable, alternative employment.
This procedure applies to all employees of the University with 12 months or more
service with the University, or whose contract is for 12 months or more.
At every meeting arranged during the procedure an employee who is being considered
for redeployment/alternative employment will be given the right to be accompanied by
a trade union representative, or fellow employee.
Wherever possible every effort will be made to ensure that a redeployment offer is
made to a reasonably comparable, relevant post at the same grade and/or salary
subject to 3.3 and 3.7 below. However, the particular circumstances of each case, the
reasons for the redeployment and the needs of the University in providing the most
effective service must be borne in mind. Any employee may make suggestions of work
they would like to undertake, are capable of undertaking and is of benefit to the
University as part of discussion relating to their redeployment.
Redeployment will not result in upward re-gradings, or salary increases for employees
Wherever possible the redeployment will be within the employee’s existing
Where 3.4 above is not possible, budgetary responsibility for any additional costs
arising from retraining and/or protection of salary will normally be borne from the
employee's original School/Service.
During the redeployment period, the employee will remain a member of his/her original
Any employee electing to take a post at a lower grade/salary will be recommended to
take advice from the appropriate pensions agency.
The principle of seeking alternative employment within the University must be
balanced by the principle that the period of seeking alternative posts cannot be an
indefinite one.
If an employee is unhappy with the application of the Redeployment Procedure, s/he
may raise a grievance in accordance with the Grievance Procedure as contained in the
staff handbook.
Reasons for Redeployment
The following are given as examples of reason for consideration of redeployment or
alternative employment. These examples are not exhaustive:
Incapacity - An employee has become incapable by reasons of health, to perform
duties within the post to which s/he was appointed, but is able to be considered for an
alternative post. Information specific to redeployment due to incapacity is contained in
section 5 below.
Incapability - An employee has been deemed incapable by reason of competence to
carry out the duties of the post to which s/he has been appointed but may be
sufficiently capable to carry out duties of a less responsible or different post. In some
instances, the employee may recognise his/her own difficulties or unsuitability for the
post and may seek redeployment by reason of competence. Information specific to
redeployment due to incapability is contained in section 6 below.
Unsatisfactory completion of probation period - An employee has been appointed to a
different post within the University, but does not complete the probationary period
satisfactorily and may be sufficiently capable to carry out duties of a less responsible
or different post.
Reduction or cessation of work - There is a reduced need for the work for which the
employee was employed, or the work for which the employee was employed has
ceased. Information specific to redeployment due to a reduction or cessation of work is
contained in section 7 below.
Re-organisation - Financial difficulties which cause re-organisation of the University’s
business. Information specific to redeployment due to a re-organisation is contained in
section 8 below.
Redeployment due to incapacity
Where redeployment is necessary due to incapacity, this Redeployment Procedure
should be read in conjunction with the Incapacity Procedure, which is contained in the
staff handbook.
Where the employee is redeployed to a post at a lower grade/salary due to incapacity,
the employee's existing salary will be maintained as detailed in clause 5.3 or 5.4.
For redeployment that commences in the academic years 2013/14 and 2014/15 the
period of pay protection will be for 2 years (subject to 5.6).
For redeployment that commences in the academic year 2015/16 and thereafter, the
period of pay protection will be re-negotiated and new arrangements implemented
from 1 September 2015.
Whilst the employee’s salary is protected, no increments or pay awards will be given.
The salary protection will last for the period defined in 5.3 or 5.4 or until the salary
applicable to the post into which the employee has been redeployed is equal to, or
exceeds, the protected salary, whichever occurs earlier. In these circumstances,
alternative suitable posts which become vacant during the period of pay protection and
which are at the same grade as the original post will be considered by Human
Resources in consultation with the employee and appropriate manager(s). At the end
of the pay protection period the salary payable will be at the grade of the post occupied
and subject to the normal increases.
Redeployment due to incapability
Where redeployment is necessary due to incapability, this Redeployment Procedure
should be read in conjunction with the Incapability Procedure, which is contained in the
staff handbook.
In the case of an employee deemed incapable by reason of incapability, and where the
redeployment is to a lower graded post, the salary will be at the grade of the
alternative post offered with immediate effect.
In the case of an employee who recognises his/her own difficulties or unsuitability for
the post, the employee may ask for advice concerning ways of resolving this situation.
In this event a meeting will be held between his/her Dean/Director/Head/line manager
of School/Service/department and a member of Human Resources, which may result
in agreement of all parties that redeployment should be sought. Redeployment cannot
be sought without the agreement of all parties. Redeployment will normally be to a
lower graded post and the salary will be at the grade of the alternative post offered
with immediate effect.
Redeployment due to reduction or cessation of work
Where redeployment is necessary due to the reduction or cessation of work, this
Redeployment Procedure should be read in conjunction with the Voluntary
Redundancy Scheme which is contained within the staff handbook.
Wherever possible every effort will be made to ensure that a redeployment offer is
made to a reasonably comparable, relevant post at the same grade and/or salary.
However, an employee under the threat of redundancy due to the reduction or
cessation of work may voluntarily request to be redeployed to a post at a lower
Where a post is offered at a lower grade/salary, the employee's existing salary will be
maintained as detailed in clause 7.4 or 7.5.
For redeployment that commences in the academic years 2013/14 and 2014/15, the
period of pay protection will be 2 years (subject to 7.7).
For redeployment that commences in the academic year 2015/16 and thereafter, the
period of pay protection will be re-negotiated and new arrangements implemented
from 1 September 2015.
Whilst the employee’s salary is protected, no increments or pay awards will be given.
The salary protection will last for the period defined in in 7.4 or 7.5 or until the salary
applicable to the post into which the employee has been redeployed is equal to, or
exceeds, the protected salary, whichever occurs earlier. In these circumstances,
alternative suitable posts which become vacant during the period of pay protection and
which are at the same grade as the original post will be considered by Human
Resources in consultation with the employee and appropriate manager(s). At the end
of the pay protection period the salary payable will be at the grade of the post occupied
and subject to the normal increases.
Redeployment due to re-organisation
Where redeployment is necessary due to financial difficulties which cause reorganisation of the University’s business, this Redeployment Procedure should be
read in conjunction with the Voluntary Redundancy Scheme which is contained within
the staff handbook.
Wherever possible every effort will be made to ensure that a redeployment offer is
made to a reasonably comparable, relevant post at the same grade and/or salary.
However, an employee under the threat of redundancy may voluntarily request
redeployment to a post at a lower grade/salary.
Where a post is offered at a lower grade/salary, the employee's existing salary will be
maintained as detailed in clause 8.4 or 8.5.
For any redeployment that commences in the academic years 2013/14 and 2014/15,
the period of pay protection will be for 2 years (subject to 8.7).
For any redeployment that commences in the academic year 2015/16 and thereafter,
the period of pay protection will be re-negotiated and new arrangements implemented
from 1 September 2015.
Whilst the employee’s salary is protected, no increments or pay awards will be given.
The salary protection will last for the period defined in 8.4 or 8.5 or until the salary
applicable to the post into which the employee has been redeployed is equal to, or
exceeds, the protected salary, whichever occurs earlier. In these circumstances,
alternative suitable posts which become vacant during the period of pay protection and
which are at the same grade as the original post will be considered by Human
Resources in consultation with the employee and appropriate manager(s). At the end
of the pay protection period the salary payable will be at the grade of the post occupied
and subject to the normal increases.
When redeployment is being considered the situation will be fully discussed between
the employee concerned, the Dean/Director/Head /line manager of School/Service/
department and a member of Human Resources, to determine whether the employee
wishes to be redeployed. Where the employee does wish to be redeployed, the
employee will be made aware of the sources of support which may be of assistance,
such as the staff counselling service, career counselling and support from Human
Resources. The discussion will also cover any skills development which would assist
in redeploying the employee successfully prior to the identification of a suitable post for
redeployment. For example, an employee may already have transferable IT skills, but
may need to become familiar with particular software, in order to be considered for
certain redeployment opportunities. With the agreement of all parties, it may be
possible to agree to provide skills development opportunities from the point at which
the employee joins the redeployment register.
Redeployment Register
Employees who are in a redeployment situation are asked to join the redeployment
register. The employee completes a Redeployment Registration in conjunction with
his/her line manager. The registration gives an overview of the employee’s skills and
abilities and details the types of work to which s/he would be suited.
Notification of vacancies
Once an employee has joined the Redeployment Register, a member of Human
Resources will notify the employee of vacancies as they occur. The employee will
receive notice of vacancies as soon as possible, and where possible, prior to their
advertisement. In the event that the employee receives notification of a vacancy at the
same time as it is advertised, the employee will have an opportunity to be considered
for the vacancy before any selection procedure is commenced in response to the
Given the principle stated above that redeployment will not normally result in upward
re-gradings, or salary increases for employees affected, the employee should notify
Human Resources when s/he wishes to be considered for a vacancy which is the
same as his/her current grade, or lower than his/her current grade. In the event that
the employee wishes to apply for a vacancy at a higher grade for which s/he believes
s/he would be suitable, the employee should apply through the normal recruitment
The interview process
When notified by the employee that s/he wishes to be considered for a vacancy,
Human Resources will arrange an interview between the employee, the appropriate
line manager, and possibly another member of staff where relevant. A member of
Human Resources will also be present to advise all parties. If the employee wishes,
s/he can contact the Dean/Director/Head/line manager of the
School/Service/department to discuss the requirements of the post informally before
any interview.
Prior to the interview, Human Resources will supply a copy of the employee’s
Redeployment Registration to all parties.
The purpose of the interview is to make an assessment as to whether the employee
has the potential to do the job. S/he may not necessarily be a perfect fit, but s/he
should show the necessary skills and abilities to do the job, given a reasonable
amount of training and development. However, if the employee would not be able to
fulfil the requirements of the post within a reasonable timescale, it may not be possible
to make an appointment.
The Dean/Director/Head/line manager of School/Service/department should briefly
explain the purpose and main duties of the post and give some background about the
School/Service/department. Questions which will enable the manager to decide on the
suitability of the employee for the post should be asked, and the employee should ask
questions about the post and the School/Service/department as necessary. Training
requirements should be discussed by all parties.
Deciding not to proceed with redeployment
If, following the redeployment interview and consultation with Human Resources, the
Dean/Director/Head /line manager of School/Service/department decides that the
employee cannot be redeployed into the vacancy, s/he must provide a written report to
Human Resources explaining the reasons for this decision. A copy of this report will
then be sent to the employee by Human Resources. Guidance may be sought from
Human Resources in producing the report.
Offering a redeployment position
If, following the redeployment interview, the Dean/Director/Head /line manager of
School/Service/ department wishes to offer the post to the redeployee, and the
employee still wishes to be redeployed into the vacancy, the employee will be
redeployed for a six month trial period.
An offer of redeployment will be made in writing to the employee by Human Resources
and should include:
i. the details of the post and job description
ii. the person specification
iii. the salary range of the new post and, where applicable, the salary protection
iv. any other general conditions which may vary from the employee's contract of
v. the date from which the redeployment will take effect.
Where the post offered is accepted by the employee, s/he will agree in writing. The
post offered will be subject to a review after a period of six months in which time the
suitability of the redeployment will be reviewed with the manager and the employee
and the arrangements will be confirmed with Human Resources.
Should an employee refuse the offer of redeployment or decide to withdraw from the
arrangements within the six month period, an opportunity will be given for the
employee to discuss reasons formally with Human Resources who will involve the
Dean/Director/Head/line manager of School/Service/department, as appropriate. The
member of Human Resources will consider any concerns raised by the employee
and/or the manager and decide whether alternative options should be considered.
Any subsequent offer of redeployment/alternative employment will be final and refusal
of this offer will normally result in the application of the Voluntary Redundancy
Scheme, which is contained in the staff handbook.
Keeping in touch
During the redeployment period, Human Resources will hold regular meetings
between the employee and the employee’s line manager to encourage communication
and the generation of solutions to the redeployment situation. All suggestions will be
considered with the aim of finding a speedy resolution.
Should the redeployment period last for 3 months, a review meeting must be held
between Human Resources, the employee and his/her line manager.
Inability to Redeploy
As noted in the introduction to this procedure, wherever possible, the University seeks
to retain employees in a redeployment situation and this expectation is the norm.
However, this expectation is not without limit.
The redeployment period will end as soon as one of the criteria listed below occurs:
a. at least one offer of redeployment has been made to a reasonably comparable,
relevant post at the same grade and/or salary and a maximum of a second offer
has been made in circumstances where the employee decides to withdraw from
the arrangements during the 6 month trial period after the first redeployment offer
b. where the employee is employed on a limited term contract, and the contract
expires within this period
c. where a reasonable redeployment period has expired
d. where the employee unreasonably refuses a suitable offer of redeployment.
In determining whether a reasonable redeployment period has expired as in c. above,
it is the normal expectation that every reasonable redeployment opportunity will have
been explored and due consideration will have been given to all potential vacancies
including the likelihood of any future vacancies occurring. This will include any
potential interim solutions such as limited term or secondment opportunities. Due
consideration will also have been given to the skills set, experience and adaptability of
the employee and the provision of support where an individual could potentially fulfil
the requirements of a post subject to a period of retraining.
Action will be commenced under the Voluntary Redundancy Scheme, as contained in
the staff handbook after one or more of the above criteria have occurred. The
University will continue to seek redeployment opportunities during this period and for
as long as the employee remains employed at the University.
Author: Human Resources
Modified: 12 September 2013