Balm Community Plan DRAFT Goals and Strategies by staff January 24, 2012 Theme: Agriculture/Economic Development/Education Goal 1: Balm residents, business stakeholders, and land owners strongly support the viability and profitability of agricultural businesses in order to provide a strong economic base for the community and encourage continued production of goods and crop cultivation. Explore the creation of a Farmers Market Encourage the expansion and production of agriculture including Goodson Farms, and the tropical fish? industry Support Agricultural Industrial uses ie tractor service Encourage Ag. Extension satellite office Promote opportunities or partnerships or adult education Generate new, sustainable agricultural techniques Suggest opportunities for introducing eco-tourism Maintain Urban Service Area until such time expansion criteria is met Goal 2: The community will foster the establishment of community-organizational partnerships between residents and local groups so as to protect the natural resources of the area, maintain compatibility with existing and future agricultural growth, and develop a communication network that keeps all parties informed. Build and expand partnership with University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Create community liaisons to report on updates of research Leverage contacts with MOSAIC and its resources to accomplish the community’s desired goals Goal 3: The community supports the creation of alternative agricultural uses and activities such as community gardens, organic farming, solar energy farming, and local farmers markets that will provide healthier lifestyle choices for residents and diversify the community’s agricultural base. Allot appropriate space and designate community appointees to organize the maintenance of community gardens DRAFT Goals and Strategies January 24, 2012 Page |1 Support the cultivation of organic crops through permissible use of certified fertilizers and clean water, as well as appropriate harvesting techniques Establish participants and organize schedule to run an effective Famers Market The county will revise the LDC to allow for the establishment of effective Famers Markets and community gardens. Community Character Goal 4: Balm recommends the continued conservation of its rural and agrarian characteristics, atmosphere, and quality of life established by long standing community residents which include leisurely activities, strong neighborhood ties, faith based organizations, and low density housing. The county will maintain appropriate rural future land uses that are compatible with the existing character and level of development in Balm. (A/R or less) Encourage the upkeep and appearance of residential properties. The county shall prevent open storage in residential zoning/properties. ?? The community desires additional and effective code enforcement sweeps, trips etc. The community encourages low density unit or future subdivision development that contains a diverse mix of housing and lot sizes, while discouraging high density or standard subdivision development. Consider greater usage of the Balm Civic Center for organization of various community events to strengthen community relationships Protect the natural assets of the community, including scrub lands, water bodies, etc. The county will allow neighborhood serving commercial intensity at sites that meet locational criteria. Given Balm already has it fair share of liabilities (Balm Mountain, Detention Center/Prison, landfill, borrow pits) the community supports locating undesired land uses in other communities. Continues to support no additional RP-2 land use policy #.##. (consideration of split parcels) Balm supports parcel that do meet the land use designation lost size to be considered for a change in land use to match their lot size. (e.g. a 10 acre parcel in AM 1/20 would be supported to change to AE 1/10) Stay eclectic in building structure and diversity of lot sizes and shapes. Preserve vistas and views Allow clustering in order to preserve and protect open space and ag uses. DRAFT Goals and Strategies January 24, 2012 Page |2 Goal 5: Balm residents and stakeholders support the preservation of existing open spaces while establishing the acquisition of new open spaces so as to provide free and accessible areas to the public, maintain panoramic views, and respect the existing community characteristics and conditions. The county will continue to seek the acquisition and purchase of ELAPP properties. Support the connection of a wildlife corridor along the old Balm Railroad right-of-way that will protect the area’s natural wildlife and plant life Encourage a mix of private and public spaces that maintain open views Minimize light pollution, nighttime lighting standards Consider the establishment of a ‘dark sky’ initiative that will prevent pervasive artificial light. Goal 6: Balm residents and stakeholders desire to preserve and maintain community landmarks in order to provide a continued sense of identity and build historical significance. Encourage the restoration of Balm Civic Center and Recreational Park through community participation and funding efforts Reopen the original Balm Post Office and perform necessary actions to keep active Creation of public engagement and gathering opportunities and locations Other landmarks? The community supports expanded inclusive services at Balm Park Support youth soccer program Balm requests that new residential development provide for trail connections to public greenways, adjacent planned clustered developments (hamlets) and/or village center. Goal 7: The community supports creation of Hamlets and/or Villages in locations that meet locational criteria (see also Concept Map). These are centers that have a central core of services, retail, office, and community facilities and meet the daily needs of area residents. The mix may include convenience retail, food services, personnel and business service uses, community facilities including parks, schools, libraries, places of worship, and pedestrian linkages. Creation of a downtown Hamlet with minor design standards (ie signs, limited lighting) … DRAFT Goals and Strategies January 24, 2012 Page |3 Goal 8: In order to keep Balm attractive and safe for visitors and local residents, the community recommends necessary improvements and continued maintenance to the existing infrastructure. The County will provide appropriate services for infrastructural improvements along Sweat Loop Road which include 2 additional feet of designated bicycle lanes, (….) Potholes along (….) and roadside ditches along (….) will be resurfaced, covered, and/or appropriately attended to. Include the widening of various roadsides, bicycle lane designations, and resurfacing of potholes. Include interconnections to adjacent development as new development occurs Mobility Goal 9: Balm recommends establishment of pathways such as equestrian and multimodal trails and rural corridors that allow for more convenient, accessible connections between residential, nonresidential and recreational areas while conserving the natural environment. Create a path that connects Balm’s recreational center to surrounding neighborhoods Designate and clear space for multimodal trails that accommodate all users Form network throughout the community that incorporate natural plant life and open space and encourage pedestrian activity Balm suggests leveraging the use of surrounding neighborhood horse farming as an economic and recreational resource by creating destinations, pathways to encourage equestrian ridership, and establish connectivity among neighborhoods. Crime Prevention Goal 10: Community residents recommend appropriate crime prevention methods be employed to prevent the continued occurrence of crime throughout Balm. Community desires to prevent the continued truck traffic infractions so that all modes of travel may become safer. Graffiti? Gangs? The community supports the addition of a sheriff substation The community desires additional law enforcement presence DRAFT Goals and Strategies January 24, 2012 Page |4 The county will continue to maintain at least minimum adopted response times. The community will explore developing a neighborhood watch program and /or liaison with sheriff department. Misc. DRAFT Goals and Strategies January 24, 2012 Page |5