Dear (Insert Representative`s Name)

The Honorable (Insert Representative’s Name Here)
Georgia House of Representatives
Capital Address
Dear (Insert Representative’s Name):
I am writing to express my support for House Bill 291 (HB 291). As one of your constituents in House District XX
(insert district here) of the state of Georgia and an advocate on behalf of the over 20,000 CPAs in Georgia, I ask
that you support this piece of legislation. It is essential for the Georgia State Board of Accountancy (GSBA) to
have the operational and regulatory oversight necessary to ensure that the GSBA can successfully fulfill its mission
of protecting the public trust and the CPA profession.
CPAs are charged with protecting and promoting the public interest, most notably with regard to financial
reporting, tax, audit, etc. The services that CPAs provide are most critical to the financial markets and have a
tremendous impact on Georgia’s commerce, economic health, and citizens in terms of Georgia’s GDP and tax
As introduced, this Bill would create a more effective GSBA by moving the GSBA from the Secretary of State’s
Office and placing the GSBA under the State Accounting Office. Having proper oversight is critical to the GSBA in
fulfilling its mission. The State Accounting Officer is a CPA and has proven he understands the profession from
both an operational as well as regulatory perspective.
Currently, as regulatory boards across the country are measured by the National Association of State Boards of
Accountancy (NASBA), the GSBA is considered one of the weakest in the country with respect to enforcement and
administrative actions. The existing laws governing the GSBA do not provide the operational and regulatory
oversight necessary to adequately govern a high profession like the Certified Public Accounts.
HB 291 allows for important changes to how the GSBA currently operates including:
 Creates a more effective GSBA by placing the GSBA under the authority and control of the State
Accounting Office. The State Accounting Officer is a CPA and understands the profession from both an
operational as well as regulatory perspective. Therefore providing the necessary oversight to ensure that
the GSBA can successfully fulfill its mission.
 Through proper oversight allows the GSBA to have an audience within a Division that understands the
profession and the need to establish appropriate operations and proactively investigate claims of
violations of the profession’s regulations, thus ensuring a strong public trust in the accounting profession,
Georgia’s economic health and Georgia’s financial system.
 Provides the statutory authority for the GSBA (via the State Accounting Officer) to hire an Executive
Director solely responsible for the GSBA and supporting staff to ensure the proper enforcement and
regulation of the accounting profession in Georgia.
HB 291 is an important and positive step for the CPA profession in Georgia, ensuring that the Georgia State Board
of Accountancy is able uphold and fulfill its mission – to protect the public welfare by providing for the regulation
of the practice of public accountancy and the certification of those who are entitled to engage in CPA practice.
Can we count on you to support this bill? Thank you for your service to our state!
Your Signature