SANCTON PARISH COUNCIL Risk Assessment and Management 2015 (March) AREA Assets RISK IDENTIFIED Protection of physical assets - RISK LEVEL Low Benches around parish Litter bins around parish Grit bin – Houghton Lane Notice boards Flag pole Cemetery Village Field Play Area – play equipment Back Field – goal posts Gravel Pits – bird/bat boxes Pond CONTROL Assets insured. 4 benches, flagpole and 2 notice boards, 5 litter bins, grit bin, bird boxes, covered under “Street Furniture” for All Risks up to £3799.72. Playground equipment covered for All Risks up to £22437.00. Goal posts covered for £993.00. Risk assessment to be carried out annually. Action: Add new litter bin outside Play Area to Asset Register. Assets Security Low Salt stock stored at Lodge Farm. Council papers stored securely at Clerk’s home – always occupied or locked. Council papers currently stored securely at Clerk’s premises – always occupied or locked. General equipment insured for up to £2328.16 for all risks including theft. Action: To consider whether insurance for office equipment is necessary as Clerk uses own equipment. Liability Risk to third party, property or individuals Benches, notice boards, grit bin, litter bins, bird boxes Medium Public Liability insurance of £10,000,000 in place. Risk assessed March 2015. Noticeboard on Low Street – paint in poor condition. All items in good safe order. Risk Assessment to be carried out annually. Action: To consider repainting noticeboard. Pond High General risk assessment carried out March 2015. Risk assessment to be carried out annually. Fence surrounds pond to prevent vehicle access. Fence posts rotted off. Vegetation at pond edge deters general public from getting too close to water. Working Party,supervised by Councillor Shepherd, cleans pond when required – covered by insurance. ERYC cut grass – own insurance. Pump has sign advising water is unfit for drinking. Deep Water sign in pond. H&S Guidelines for volunteer working to be adhered to. Action; Advise ERYC about state of fence. To issue Volunteer H&S Guidelines to volunteers. To consider if adequate safety precautions have been taken. Play Area High General risk assessment carried out in March 2015. Mrs P Kay carries out weekly inspections of equipment and site, in line with insurance requirements. Additional quarterly and annual independent inspections of equipment. Advisory notice by entrance – no dogs, children under 5yrs accompanied by adult, equipment suitable for 18mths – 13yrs, and shoes must be worn. Area fenced on 3 sides, wooden boarding covers top of wire on north side. Hedge on other side fenced. Contractor engaged to mow/strim/cut hedges – covered by own insurance. Entrance gate made to ROSPA guidelines, spring closure, non finger trapping design. Grit bin nearby. Litter bin on site – emptied by ERYC. Volunteer H&S Guidelines to be adhered to. Action: To issue Volunteer H&S Guidelines. To approve cost of annual/quarterly ROSPA safety inspections and to arrange. To consider if adequate safety precautions have been taken. To consider a policy for Play Area use in the snow/ice. To consider removal of path and stepping logs for safety reasons. To alter height of goal net fixings for safety reasons. Back Field Medium General risk assessment carried out March 2015. Risk assessment to be carried out annually. Hazards have been cleared. Trees and hedges trimmed, holes filled in. Ragwort controlled by mowing/pulling. Hedges etc trimmed and grass mowed by contractor – covered by own insurance. Gate and fence erected at north entrance – not locked. Volunteer H&S guidelines to be adhered to. Litter bin sited in Allotment car park, emptied by ERYC. Goal posts inspected by independent inspector quarterly/annually. Goal posts inspected weekly by Mrs P Kay. Site rules sign erected, dogs on leads by direction signs. Dog Warden visiting on request. Action: To issue Volunteer H&S Guidelines. To consider whether adequate safety precautions are being taken. To consider action to be taken over dog fouling issues. Any applicant wishing to use the field for a specific event must complete an application form and submit to Clerk with a copy of their public liability document. To consider removal of 2 large sections of freestanding fencing. Village Field Medium Cemeteries Medium Risk assessed March 2015. To be carried out annually. Mown by Robin Shucksmith – own insurance once per year. 2 paths to Nursery and Village Hall, and area in front of RC Cemetery mown by grass contractor – own insurance. Boundary fencing on east side needs replacing. Hedge and footpath cut by Stan Stokes. Parish Council believes arrangement agreed, following movement of footpath from his garden. Ragwort controlled by pulling by Working Party volunteers – covered by insurance. Volunteer H&S Guidelines to be adhered to. Gate to be left unlocked. Action: To issue Volunteer H&S Guidelines. To consider whether adequate safety precautions are being taken. To consider an application to Sancton Hill Community Benefit Fund for the replacement of the fence on the eastern side. General risk assessment carried out March 2015. To be risk assessed annually. Grass contractor mows every 3 weeks – own insurance. Grass contractor cuts hedges annually – own insurance. Grass contractor weed kills path – own insurance. Councillor Wightman empties bin fortnightly – covered by insurance. Inspection of safety of gravestones undertaken annually and those found to be dangerous laid flat. Path resurfaced 2014. Volunteer H&S Guidelines to be adhered to. Action: To consider attaching stickers to or painting bin to make it more visible. To consider if adequate safety precautions are being taken. To issue Volunteer H&S Guidelines. 2 headstones laid flat. Ethel Cox/Norman Harrison. Family of Norman Harrison informed. Christmas tree Low Visual inspection of tree and electric point carried out March 2015. To be carried out annually. Tree looking sick. Electric box secured with locking screws. Annual electrical inspection to be carried out from 2015. Action: To consider an electrical inspection and arrange visit when necessary. To consider if adequate safety precautions are being taken. To consider if anything can be done to improve health of tree. Gravel Pits Medium General risk assessment carried out March 2015. To be reviewed annually. All hazards cleared from site. Trees sided – no overhanging low branches. No trees interfering with power lines. Trimmed by contractor in 2014. Fences on east and south boundaries adequate. Hedge on west boundary adequate. Maintained by Working Party supervised by Councillor Shepherd– covered by insurance. Robin Shucksmith mows area with tractor and mower annually – covered by own insurance. Swings cut down – need further cutting down. Majority of nettles removed on flat land – volunteer strimming. Mike Padgett (Advisory Committee) walks the area approximately twice/week. Management Scheme run by STC currently in operation. Permitted Use sign erected – no climbing trees, dogs on leads when children present, no vehicles, cycles with care, no rubbish dumping, no camping/fires. Makeshift bike track needs removing. Rabbit/molehills need making safe. Fencing around wildflower area fallen down – needs removing? Old pig ark – needs removing? Volunteer H&S Guidelines to be adhered to. Action: To issue Volunteer H&S Guidelines. Councillor Shepherd to agree all volunteer works with Parish Council before work carried out. To consider if adequate safety precautions are being taken. To consider re fixing bird box on first ash tree, removal of makeshift bike track, making safe molehills/rabbit holes, further removal of old swing ropes, removal of old fencing around wildflower area, removal of old pig ark. Flagpole Low Flagpole is dirty but in good condition. General risk assessment carried out March 2015. Finance Mechanism in good order. Volunteer H&S Guidelines to be adhered to. Money with High Street bank. Banking Low Consequential loss Low No investments, but any future ones will be reviewed annually. Loss of monies Low No cash transactions. Insurance cover for crossed cheques in place. Internal audit. Regular bank reconciliations of cash book to bank accounts carried out by Clerk. Fraud Low Two cheque signatories plus cheques drawn by Clerk (who is not a signatory. Internal and external audits. Compliance with HMRC regulations Low Annual VAT returns completed by Clerk and reported to Council. Independent payroll processor. Internal and external audits. Sound budgeting to underlie precept Low General financial control Low Council receive detailed budget annually and precept is derived directly from this. Budget set by Council. Expenditure v budget reported to Council monthly. Council adopted new Financial Regulations in May 2014. All financial procedures clearly laid out. Financial regulations reviewed annually. Loss of financial data Low Manual accounts and VAT kept. Hard copies kept of financial reports/budgets. Best value obtained Low Parish Council consider quotations at public meetings. All purchases are subject to quotation process specified in Financial Regulations and amendment (minute 10 – 7 August 2013) Action: To consider whether controls are adequate. Employer Liability Legal Liability Compliance with Employment Law Low Membership of ERNLLCA – Executive Officer at ERNLLCA is a Chartered Member of The Institute of Personnel and Development. Employer’s Liability insurance in place. (£10,000,000) Compliance with HMRC regulations for employees Low Independent payroll processor. Internal and external audits. Safety of staff and visitors Low Employer’s liability insurance in place. Public liability in place. To be reviewed annually. Action: To consider whether controls are adequate. Clerk clarifies legal position on new proposals. Councillors encouraged to read Good Councillors Guide. Councillors provided with copies of Code of Conduct, Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. Membership of ERNLLCA. Clerk seeks advice from ERNLLCA’s Advisory Service to check legal position. Ensuring activities are within legal powers Medium Provision of information Low Draft minutes are published on the notice board shortly after each meeting. Approved minutes are available to public on request via the Clerk. Requests made under the Freedom of Information Act are dealt with in accordance with prescribed guidelines. Effective document control Low Documents in use are stored at Clerk’s home which is either occupied or locked. Computer/email data is stored in the “Cloud”. Councillor propriety Registers of Interest and gifts and hospitality Medium Action: To consider whether controls are adequate. To consider whether Councillors/Clerk should attend specific training courses. Registers of Interests completed and returned to ERYC. Gifts and hospitality register has not been required as situation not arisen. Action: To consider whether further controls are required. All remaining risks are managed to a reasonable level. This risk assessment was carried out on 11 March 2015. This risk assessment paper was considered and approved by Sancton Parish Council on 13 April 2015 Signed......................................... Chairman ............................................. Clerk Prepared 18 March 2015 by Hazel Reckitt – Parish Clerk to Sancton Parish Council