Sancton Parish Council Chairman Derek Cary Parish Clerk – Mrs Hazel Reckitt Sancton Parish Council Blacksmiths Cottage King Street Sancton York YO43 4QP Telephone 01430 827321 Email 29 June 2015 NOTICE OF MEETING Dear Councillors, You are summoned to attend the Meeting of the Sancton Parish Council, to be held in the Chapel, Rispin Hill, Sancton, on Monday 6 July 2015, commencing at 7.00pm. AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. To record Declarations of Interest by any Member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring an Interest should identify the agenda item and type of Interest being declared 3. To note any Dispensations given to any Member of the Council in respect of the agenda item listed below 4. Open Forum 5. To adopt the minutes of the Annual Meeting of Sancton Parish Council held on 21 May 2015 6. To receive the Clerk’s report on these minutes and any other current business 7. To receive and approve the Financial and Budget Reports and to authorise any payments due, and to sign cheques 8. To review delegation arrangements to the Clerk, and to authorise action to be taken 9. To review subscriptions to outside bodies, and to authorise action to be taken 10. To consider, amend, and approve the Complaints Procedure, and to authorise action to be taken 11. To review the procedure for handling Freedom of Information requests, and to review compliance with the Data Protection Act, and to authorise action to be taken 12. To review the new Standing Orders and to discuss and agree any new procedures/action required to achieve compliance 13. To agree the co-option procedure, to decide whether the Council wishes to co-opt a new Member to fill the current vacancy, and to authorise action to be taken (NOTE: Co-option of a new Councillor may not be undertaken at this meeting) 14. To receive the report for the Annual Inspection of the Play Area, and associated correspondence, to consider any action required to be taken. To consider a routine maintenance schedule, and to authorise any remedial works to be undertaken, and any other actions necessary 15. To consider, amend, and approve the draft Risk Assessment for the Play Area and Back Field, and to authorise action to be taken 16. To consider comprehensive risk assessments for the other open areas managed by the Council in accordance with insurance requirements. Areas to be considered are Gravel Pits, Village Field, Cemeteries, and pond. To authorise action to be taken 17. To receive an update from the Recreation and Environment Working Party from Councillor Chris Shepherd . To agree any volunteer work to be carried out in July and to authorise action to be taken 18. To authorise Councillor Chris Shepherd and Councillor Mike Padgett to routinely inspect areas managed by Sancton Parish Council, to include the pond, Village Field, Cemetery, Gravel Pits, Play Area, and Back Field, and to issue instructions that have been agreed, in advance, at a meeting by Sancton Parish Council, to the volunteer group “Friends of Sancton” (ref Standing Orders point 24) 19. To consider reports of an unauthorised trial bike using the Gravel Pits area. To consider guidance from ERNLLCA, and the insurers regarding the erection of signs, and /or fencing, to prevent unauthorised use, and to authorise action to be taken 20. To determine the fence and gate specifications for the grant applications to the Sancton Hill Community Benefit Fund for funding for - the replacement of fencing and gate on the eastern side of the Village Field, replacement of fencing in the Children’s Play Area, erection of fencing in the Back Field, and replacement of fencing by the pond. To authorise action to be taken 21. To consider other projects for which the Council would like to submit a grant application to Sancton Hill Community Benefit Fund, and to authorise action to be taken 22. To consider planning application ref 15/01531/PLF – Erection of two storey extension to rear, detached garage and covered walk way to existing outbuilding at Prospect House, High Street, Sancton, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO43 4QT for Mr Egdell, and to authorise action to be taken 23. To consider correspondence received from ERYC, and Allerthorpe PC regarding the review of the Community Partnership Meetings and to authorise any action to be taken 24. To receive and note correspondence ERYC – Planning website training for Clerks ERYC – Flood Liaison Group minutes M Padgett – Notes from Windfarm Opposition Group ERYC – National Citizen Service ERYC – Code of Conduct training White Rose Polo – poster ERYC – rent increase for Back Field to £202 pa ERYC – Register of electors alteration Historic Towns Forum – newsletter ERNLLCA – Big Lunch Extras ERYC – Parish support for websites ERNLLCA - NALC Chairman’s letter P Hemmerman – Minsters Rail Campaign SLCC – training info M Padgett – Windfarm survey – Newbald Glasdon – flyer - bins ERYC – Review of Community Partnership HAGS SMP – flyer - play equipment MWTC – Appointment of Mayor ERYC – Parish elections info ERYC – Neighbourhood Plans – Code of Conduct considerations ERYC – Archives – photo request ERNLLCA – newsletter ERYCCG – AGM invitation Humberside Police – newsletter A Stocking – Parish Clerk vacancies – Everingham/Harswell and North/South Cliffe Morton Training – course info x5 Humberside Police – bogus callers x2 ERNLLCA – Desktop Advisory Service access times ERNLLCA – Chairman’s details ERYC – NEHS Grants Sheme ERYC – planning training info ERNLLCA - new Clerk training ERYC – Receipt of Register of Interests Making Parishes Better Places – FOI request ERYC – Ward Councillors introduction D Cary – Sancton speed check results ERYC – Parish News –June ERYC – Highways Meeting x3 ERNLLCA – Clerk vacancy - Hedon ERNLLCA – Making Parishes Better Places ERYC Community Partnership notes Historic Towns Forum – Green events ERYC – Code of Conduct training ERYC – Joint Local Access Forum agenda ERYC – CCTV cameras in East Riding ERYC – Electronic working with Planning Service ERYC – Planning Service registration ERYC – ER Local Plan Allocations document meeting ERNLLCA – Clerk vacancy – Burstwick D Cary – CP Meeting to discuss Highways Humberside Police – shed burglary ERYC – Armed Forces Day – Fly the flag Electoral Roll – Notice of Alteration S Cary – play equipment inspections flyer ERNLLCA – Yorkshire Energy Partnership ERYC – Council summons MWTC – Yorkshire Day Event ERYC – Code of conduct training x2 Humberside Police – scam alert ERNLLCA – Conference 2015 ERNLLCA – Commonwealth Flag Day ERYC – ER Local Plan Allocations Document Further Hearings ERNLLCA – AGM resolutions ERNLLCA – newsletter J Middleton Hawes – Allotment car park D Cary – (forwarded email) REG Windpower – Sancton Hill 2 ERYC – Planning consultation training notes 25. Date of next meeting – Monday 3 August 2015 in The Chapel, Rispin Hill, Sancton, commencing at 7pm. Hazel Reckitt Parish Clerk to Sancton Parish Council