Coventry Cathedral Letter

20th November 2015
Dear Parents/carers,
Re: Year 7 Religious Education Visit to Coventry Cathedral
As part of the KS3 Humanities Curriculum this year, we will be looking at the topic of forgiveness and reconciliation in Religious
Education and we have been reflecting on the world wars over the year as a whole school.
For this reason we have arranged a trip to Coventry Cathedral where all pupils will be given the opportunity to be taken on a
guided tour of the Cathedral (both the old and the new buildings) and experience the unique atmosphere of the Cathedral.
There will also be a History workshop in the afternoon that will allow us to feel what it was like to live during the Blitz and how
people used to live in wartime Coventry, which was devastated in the Second World War.
We will be leaving school at 9.00 and will return for the end of school, traffic and conditions permitting.
Pupils in 7c1,7c2, 7c3 will be visiting the Cathedral on Thursday 3rd December
and pupils in 7e1, 7e2, 7e3 will be visiting the Cathedral on Monday 7th December.
There will be no cost for this trip. Please fill in the enclosed permission slip.
A packed lunch will be required and school uniform is compulsory. Asthmatic pupils must also ensure that they bring their
inhalers. Mobile phones are not allowed, but cameras are. However, it is the responsibility of the child to look after their own
Yours sincerely
Curriculum leader for Religious Education
I give permission for ________________________________________________in teaching group ______________
to go to Coventry Cathedral.
In case of emergency, contact name and telephone number:
Signed ______________________________________________________ Parent/Carer