Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative Host Organisation Application Form Objective The NSW Government has provided $15 million over four years to renew the government-community relationship and unlock the full potential of the thousands of volunteers in the Landcare network. The Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative will deliver three inter related components: The Landcare Future Fund, the Landcare Community of Practice and a network of Local Landcare Coordinators. The network of Local Landcare Coordinators will work with local Landcare groups and networks to build capacity and connections within communities. It is supported by a Community of Practice and is central to providing information that will build the business case for the Landcare Future Fund. The primary purpose of the initiative is to enable the effective participation of voluntary, communitybased groups and networks, landholders and the wider community in natural resource management activities that manage and restore the natural environment, improve the sustainability of agricultural production, and build the resilience of communities. This application This application is for one 0.5 equivalent full-time (EFT) Local Landcare Coordinator to be engaged for a period of 3.5 years from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2019. An alternative EFT arrangement is possible if this application is part of a bid that covers more than one region or is a collaboratively-developed partnership bid within a region. The process Local Land Services and Landcare NSW are calling for applications from eligible local organisations to host up to 60 part-time Local Landcare Coordinators throughout NSW. Positions will be allocated under an open process whereby eligible community-based groups or networks in natural resource management and/or sustainable agriculture can apply to host a position. A baseline allocation of four half time (0.5 EFT) positions will be available within each of the 11 Local Land Services region. The remaining positions will be allocated between regions, to provide equitable levels of support across NSW. Whilst the default is for each position to be 0.5 EFT, other arrangements that show collaboration within a regional Landcare community, or supportive partnerships, may be considered. Applications will be assessed by a panel consisting of the Landcare Support program manager, the State Landcare Coordinator and representatives from regional Local Land Services and Landcare NSW. Final approval of recommendations rests with the Joint Management Committee upon recommendation from the Local Land Services Landcare Program Manager. The Joint Management Committee reserves the right to seek further information regarding applications and to bring parties of competitive applications together to improve coverage and outcomes where possible. Applications to host a Local Landcare Coordinator will be accepted by email to landcare.admin@lls.nsw.gov.au until 5pm on Wednesday 14 October 2015 September 2015 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form Key terms For the purpose of this application, the following terms apply: Host organisation This is the organisation hosting a Local Landcare Coordinator. This may be any not-for-profit legal entity that works across the fields of natural resource management, sustainable agriculture and land management. The host organisation will either enter directly into a contract with Local Land Services or, if part of a partnership bid, may form part of a single contract entered into with Local Land Services by the lead partner of that bid. Lead partner in a partnership bid This will be the contact point for a joint bid that is a partnership arrangement. The lead partner may act as the single contractor with Local Land Services for all the host organisations in the partnership bid, or may request that each host organisation be responsible for the contracting arrangements with Local Land Services for their Local Landcare Coordinator position. Employment service provider A third party who provides employment administration services to the contracted organisation. This will be an arrangement between the contracted organisation and the service provider, not a direct arrangement between the service provider and Local Land Services. Note: The costs of an employment service provider or the administration and reporting costs of a lead partner organisation need to be met from within the contract funds, or by the host organisation. No extra funds will be allocated to meet these costs. Completing and lodging an application If you are the only party to your bid, complete Section A only. If you are involved in a partnership bid, each partner organisation that is hosting a Local Landcare Coordinator must complete Section A The lead organisation for the partnership bid is responsible for submitting the completed application, which will include: Section A – a copy completed by each of the hosting organisations Section B – completed by the lead organisation. Page 2 of 15 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form Section A - Applicant / host organisation This section should be completed by each of the organisation that will host a Local Landcare Coordinator. If your application is part of a partnership bid, please ensure each partner completes this application and the lead organisation also completes Section B. Organisation name What year was your organisation formed? Is your organisation a not-for-profit legal entity? Yes No If no, you are not eligible to apply Is your organisation incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act of NSW (via NSW Fair Trading)? Yes No Is your organisation a not-for-profit limited by guarantee under ASIC? Yes No Is your organisation incorporated under another arrangement – please detail Inc or ACN number Date of incorporation ABN Postal address Email address Office telephone Mobile Contact name Contact phone Mobile Contact email Partnership bids Is your application part of a partnership bid? Yes No If NO - go directly to page 4 If YES - please complete the following and ensure the lead organisation completes Section B, then go to page 4 Name of partnership bid Lead organisation Lead partner contact person Contact phone Mobile Contact email Page 3 of 15 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form Organisational purpose Our organisations constitution contains the relevant clauses that make it a not-for-profit organisation Yes No The objects of our constitution are consistent with being an organisation that provides a public benefit in the sphere of natural resource management, sustainable agriculture and land management Yes No If you answered no to either of these questions, you are not eligible to apply Statutory reporting Date of your last AGM Is your organisation registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC ) Yes No If YES: We will use the ACNC website to check on the following information concerning your organisation and your compliance with reporting obligations. You do not need to supply us with any of the following as they are part of the public record. If NO: Please provide the following Please attach a copy of your constitution Please attach your financial statements, as due for the previous period (30 June 2014 if operating on a financial year model or 31 December 2014 if operating on a calendar year) Did you submit your latest annual statement to either NSW Fair Trading or ASIC within the required period? (within six months of the end of your financial year and within one month of your AGM ) If your latest annual statement is not yet due for submission, did you submit the previous year’s statement within the required period? Attached Yes No Attached Yes No Yes No Yes No If your organisation is not up to date with its statutory reporting obligations, you are not eligible to apply Page 4 of 15 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form Outcomes In 200 words or less, please describe: why your organisation wants to host a Local Landcare Coordinator what your organisation hopes to achieve by doing so the strengths your organisation has to assist the successful delivery of the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative. Governance How often does your committee meet to manage the affairs of the organisation? eg monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, six monthly, other Have any of the committee/staff of your organisation participated in the following training in the past two years ? A Hothouse workshop run by Landcare NSW Yes No The Landcare Essentials course run by NSW Department of Primary Industries Yes No Regionally-organised training in governance and planning Yes No Other (please provide details) Yes No Please self assess your governance using the Landcare NSW Governance Health Check http://www.landcarensw.org.au/resources.php?tid=7 Organisations should ensure they meet the applicable critical governance standards (highlighted in red in the checklist) to be eligible to apply. Contact the Landcare NSW Member Services Officer if you need help with any of these items Our organisation meets the applicable minimum governance requirements, as applicable, for our organisation as outlined in the Landcare NSW Governance checklist (YOU DO NOT NEED TO SUBMIT THE CHECKLIST) Yes No Page 5 of 15 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form Responsible persons Please advise the names of your responsible persons (ie current committee members and public officer): Position Name Email Chairperson/President Deputy Chair /President Secretary Treasurer Public officer Coverage Is your organisation a group or network (ie an umbrella organisation for other smaller groups within your area) Yes No What is the total membership of the group/network? How many people are on your mailing distribution list? If a network, list the groups your organisation supports. If more than five groups, provide a separate list containing the information below for each group I have attached a separate list of the groups supported by our network Yes No Group 1: name Contact name Contact email Incorporated Yes No Activity level High Medium Low Not active Yes No Activity level High Medium Low Not active Yes No Activity level High Medium Low Not active Yes No Activity level High Medium Low Not active Yes No Activity level High Medium Low Not active Group 2: name Contact name Contact email Incorporated Group 3: name Contact name Contact email Incorporated Group 4: name Contact name Contact email Incorporated Group 5: name Contact name Contact email Incorporated Page 6 of 15 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form Region and local government area (LGA) Which Local Land Services regions does your group or network operate in? Delete those as required from the following list: Central Tablelands North West Central West Northern Tablelands Greater Sydney Riverina Hunter South East Murray Western North Coast List the LGA(s) covered by your group/network. If you don’t cover the majority of the LGA, list the towns covered by your group’s area of operations (If more than four LGAs attach a list ) I have attached a separate list of the LGAs covered by our network. Yes No LGA 1: Name If not whole LGA which towns? LGA 2: Name If not whole LGA which towns? LGA 3: Name If not whole LGA which towns? LGA 4: Name If not whole LGA which towns? Is your organisation prepared to assist /support nearby groups that may not be covered by an existing network /or Local Landcare Coordinator under this initiative? Yes No Describe how you might support or connect such groups (100 word limit) Partnerships and connectivity Does your group/network belong to a district/regional scale network? Group Network Group/network name How often does this group/network meet? Monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, six-monthly, annually Does your organisation regularly attend and contribute to meetings of this group/network? Yes No Does your group/network take part in current regional community of practice events/activities? Yes No List two such events attended over the past three years 1. 2. Page 7 of 15 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form Was your organisation represented at any of the past three state Landcare conferences? 2011 Parkes Yes No 2013 Newcastle Yes No 2015 Orange Yes No List partnerships your organisation has in place and your involvement (eg project, working group, financial support Partner Involvement Partner Involvement Partner Involvement Partner Involvement Partner Involvement Partner Involvement How does your group interact with Local Land Services in your region? Project applications and contracts Yes No Regional Landcare Facilitator Yes No Input onto development of priority area, project design Yes No Technical staff at events and input to projects Yes No Representative on local community advisory group Yes No Local Land Services staff/board members attend our meetings Yes No Other (please describe) Community involvement and engagement Does your organisation have a strategic plan, an action plan or other planning tool that guides its activities? Yes No Were your members involved in developing this plan? Yes No Was the local community involved in developing this plan? Yes No Describe the process used by your organisation to ensure the views and needs of your members and the community are included in the development of the plan (100 word limit) Page 8 of 15 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form How is the plan monitored and reviewed? (100 word limit) Describe how you engage and involve the community in delivery of on-ground projects (100 word limit) Does your group currently work with or support youth or school involvement in Landcare? Yes No Yes No Describe this involvement (100 word limit) Does your group currently work with or support Aboriginal involvement in Landcare? Describe this involvement (100 word limit) Page 9 of 15 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form Communication How does your group communicate with its members and the broader community? How often do you undertake any of the following activities? Monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, half yearly , annually, adhoc Newsletter Yes No Regularity: e-newsletter or bulletin Yes No Regularity: Working bees Yes No Regularity: Field days Yes No Regularity: Workshops Yes No Regularity: Forum/general meetings Yes No Regularity: Radio spot Yes No Regularity: Newspaper column Yes No Regularity: Other (please describe) Does your organisation have a website? Yes No If yes, do you have a page or link to your website on the NSW Landcare Gateway website If yes, website address: Yes No Page 10 of 15 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form Operational capacity and current support Support staff Do you currently employ support staff? Yes No EFT: If no, do you currently have access to support staff Yes No EFT: If Yes, is this support via a Local Land Services Officer? Yes No Is this support via a local government? Yes No Is this support via other Landcare Network? Yes No Yes No Does your organisation receive any base level funding for support (ie not for on-ground works, or for specific events) Amounts currently secured under contract: 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 RLF CSO/LSO/Landcare Coordinator Other: Other: Support facilities Please indicate the facilities you will have available to support the Local Landcare Coordinator Office Yes No Computer, printer, phone, etc Yes No Vehicle or a process of reimbursement for private vehicle use Yes No OR: We have agreement from another organisation to provide support services *please provide a letter from this organisation outlining their commitments Yes* No Employment arrangements Please outline the policies and employment arrangements you currently have in place: WHS policy and statement Yes No Workers compensation insurance policy Yes No PAYG registration with ATO Yes No Superannuation account with the small business clearing house Yes No If you are successful we will instigate the above procedure/s Yes No OR: We have secured arrangements for another organisation to provide employment services for the Local Landcare Coordinator Yes* If you answered NO to the any of the above: No *please provide a letter from this organisation outlining their commitment Page 11 of 15 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form Insurances Does your organisation currently have any of the following insurances? Insurance type If yes, name of insurer Public liability Yes No Volunteer accident Yes No Workers compensation Yes No Associations liability Yes No Professional indemnity Yes No General insurance Yes No Reporting and participation in the Community of Practice Each organisation that hosts a Local Landcare Coordinator will be required to: Maintain the employment of a 0.5 EFT Local Landcare Coordinator (or other level as determined) to work with their community to achieve the outcomes of the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative Attend, participate in, and contribute to the state and regional Community of Practice Contribute to a program level MERI plan (monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement) that will include the completion of each of the following: o o o o o o a work plan that includes a strategic planning / action planning or review process for their host organisation baseline and annual governance health check, focused on policy, procedures and operations baseline and annual group health check – based on activity level, numbers and change in capability baseline and annual collation of investment and partnerships baseline and annual collation of activity undertaken three one-page case studies per year Complete a six-monthly contractual report. Declaration I declare that I am an authorised representative of the organisation. Our organisation understands the above requirements and is willing to participate and contribute to the state and regional community of practice and the above reporting. We agree that the information provided in this form may be used for the purposes of the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative by Landcare NSW and Local Land Services. Name Position with host organisation Signature Date Page 12 of 15 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form Submitting the form Email to landcare.admin@lls.nsw.gov.au Applications to host a Local Landcare Coordinator will be accepted until 5pm on Wednesday 14 October 2015 Privacy notice: Information collected will not be given to any other third party except where required by law. All information provided will be held by the Local Land Services and will be managed in accordance with provisions under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Office use only Entered by Date Checked by Date Page 13 of 15 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form Section B – Partnership bid Partnership details This section should be completed by the lead organisation in a partnership bid. Please ensure that each partner in the bid also completes Section A. The lead organisation is responsible for submitting the completed application, which will include: Section A – one copy completed by each of the partner organisations Section B – completed by the lead organisation. Name of partnership bid Lead organisation ABN of lead organisation Postal address Contact person Email address Office telephone Mobile Contractual arrangements You should answer YES to one of the following statements; This partnership bid has been formed to collaboratively determine the hosting arrangements for Local Landcare Coordinators in the region. The contractual arrangements will be between the lead organisation and Local Land Services. The lead organisation will be contractually responsible for ensuring all requirements are met by the partner organisations. Yes No OR This partnership bid has been formed to collaboratively determine the hosting arrangements for the Local Landcare Coordinators in the region. The contractual arrangements will be between each partner organisation and Local Land Services. Yes No If the lead partner is also applying to host a Local Landcare Coordinator, they must fill out and attach a Section A If the lead partner is going to be contractual body for the partnership bid, the lead organisation must also complete Section A to establish the suitability and eligibility of that organisation to participate in the local Landcare Coordinator Initiative. Partners Organisations A completed Section A for each partner organisation in the partnership bid must be submitted with this application. Please complete the table on the next page. Provide a justification of why the partners in the consortium believe that the delivery of the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative will best be delivered via this arrangement. Page 14 of 15 Local Landcare Coordinator Host Organisation Application Form Coordinator arrangements Please specify how the Local Landcare Coordinator(s) positions will be allocated. Lead organisation EFT requested Partner organisation EFT requested Partner organisation EFT requested Partner organisation EFT requested Partner organisation EFT requested Partner organisation EFT requested Partner organisation EFT requested Declaration I declare that I am an authorised representative of the lead organisation and that the details above concerning the partnership bid have been collaboratively developed by all partners, and that our organisation will continue to provide a forum for the collaborative implementation of a partnership bid. We agree that the information provided in this form may be used for the purposes of the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative by Landcare NSW and Local Land Services. Name Position with host organisation Signature Date Checklist: please make sure you attach the following when you submit your application: Please submit as word document format Section A – one for each partner if a partnership bid Section B Submitting the form Email to landcare.admin@lls.nsw.gov.au Applications to host a Local Landcare Coordinator will be accepted until 5pm on Wednesday 14 October 2015 Privacy notice: Information collected will not be given to any other third party except where required by law. All information provided will be held by the Local Land Services and will be managed in accordance with provisions under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Office use only Entered by Date Checked by Date Page 15 of 15