SSC Feedback for Web Committee 050611-from Sheila

Counseling Dept Feedback for Web Committee
1) Remove “Admissions” tab
Instead, create two new tabs with the following links within each:
Prospective Students (Web Committee recommends: “New Students” in order to fit tab;
additionally, it was suggested by committee to streamline further by creating a “Students” tab that
breaks out with “New Students” and “Current Students”)
Enroll Now
New Student Orientation
Financial Aid
Class Schedule
College Catalog
Online Courses
Academic Calendar
Change “Student Life” to “Student Services”
Current Students
Class Schedule
College Catalog
Online Courses
Academic Calendar
Financial Aid
2) Under the “Student Services” tab, add the following: (Web Committee recommends
consolidating this section to shorten the pull down: I.e., Transfer & Articulation)
Financial Aid
Book Store
3) Under Programs Tab, change to include:
Departments -> break out list to include: disciplines (Web Committee’s response: not enough room to
list all but will consult with Instruction for their preference)
Learning Communities (break out to include: APASS, AMANDLA and ADALANTE)
Learning Communities should be a stand alone not within “Additional” section
Change Vocational to: CTE (Career Technical Education)
Change DSPS to read: DSPS – Programs and Services for Students with Disabilities
Questions and Suggestions for Web Committee
Solicit HS seniors for feedback via survey
How will faculty migrate Wordpress to Drupal? (Web Committee’s response: cut/paste content or
create a link on Drupal to the Wordpress site)
Recommendations and questions from Student Service Council
How will we migrate from current system to Drupal? (Web Committee’s response: plan to hire student
worker from Merritt to assist as well as a developer)
Will there be training for faculty and staff? (Web Committee’s response: yes, possibly tack on to staff
development in June)
Create a new tab “For Faculty and Staff” and move the following over from the “About Us” tab: (Web
Committee’s response: a “faculty and staff” link is available at footer of website)
College Governance (move to “faculty and staff” link)
Accreditation (leave under “About Us” tab)
Keep the current pictorial slideshow
Feedback from Counseling Dept as of Tuesday, 4/26/2011
Counselors have agreed to consolidate the “New Student” and “Current Student” tabs to:
“Students” with the following subcategories:
New Students (to include previous extensions as listed)
Current Students (to include previous extensions as listed)
High School Students
International Students
As a result of the consolidation, they are requesting a new tab be added:
“Campus Life” with the following subcategories:
Children’s Center
Health Services
Learning Resources
One Stop Career Center
Student Leadership/Development
-ASCOA (Student Government
-Clubs & Organizations
-Safety Aides
The “Student Services” tab will remain with the following subcategories:
Admission & Records
DSPS (Programs & Services for Students with Disabilities)
EOPS/CARE & CalWorks
Transfer Program
Veteran Services
It was also suggested to order the following subcategories for the “About Us” tab to:
President’s Welcome
Contact Information
COA Today Newsletter
And finally, please reorder the Learning Communities to:
Feedback from Student Service Council -5/6/11
Retain current “New Students” and “Current Students” tabs
Do not split “Student Services” tab – keep and to reduce the length of pull down, remove the following:
1. Bookstore (move to “New Students” and “Current Students” tabs and place at the bottom of
each pull down list)
2. Counseling
Consider changing “Programs” tab to: “Academic Programs” for clarity
Consider replacing “COA Weather Station” with “FAQ” link
Consider adding “E-Books” link under the “Library” tab
Other issues/recommendations
1. DSPS without the description is not an option as student won’t know what the acronym stands
2. There are viewing problems with the pull down menus and subcategory break-outs; the
subcategories overlap and cover the original pull-down which makes the viewing unclear.
3. If videos are imbedded into site, they must all be captioned.
4. Before launching new site, site must be tested for DSPS accessibility. Students using “screen
reading programs” must be able to view the site (are the break-out menus compatible?)
5. SS Council recommends at least 6 student focus groups including DSPS population before
launching new site to ensure student-user friendliness and DSPS accessibility.
6. Consider creating/imbedding a video of the “President’s Welcome” for the “About Us” tab