Pumpkin Patch Information Trip to Schilter

Trip to Schilter’s Pumpkin Farm
Dear Parents,
On Tuesday, October 27th, we will be going to Schilter’s Pumpkin Farm
located in Olympia. The cost of the trip will be $12.00 per student. This will cover
the bus trip, admission to the farm, and a pumpkin. If the fee proves to be a
hardship for you, please send a note. We do have funds available to help. We are
requesting that all students bring a sack lunch on the day of our trip. The
lunches need to be completely disposable (no plastic containers, silverware, etc.) so
our hands will be free to carry our pumpkins. Please have your child dress for the
weather (in layers, if possible). This trip should be fun for us all!
We will be boarding the bus around 9:15am on the morning of the 27th. This
year Schilter’s has a $3.00 fee per chaperone. We would like to encourage you to
join us if you are available. Due to limited space on the bus, our parent volunteers
will need to drive their personal vehicles or carpool.
Please fill out the attached permission slip and return it with the
$12.00 by Monday, October 5th. If you will be accompanying us, please fill out
the attached form and return it with the permission slip as well as the $3.00
chaperone fee. All parents attending must have a Washington State Patrol
clearance form on file with the Tacoma School District. As a result, the names of
all parent chaperones must be submitted to the Washington office by the
classroom teacher prior to any field trip for verification of clearance. Please make
sure that your clearance is on file at least 2 weeks prior to our trip if you wish to
chaperone. Thank you for your help with this important matter.
We are looking forward to a great day! Please come and join us at the farm!
Mrs. Beatty
Miss St. John
Mrs. Pedee
I’d like to be a chaperone on this trip. 