Grammar: Two-Subject Sentences

Name: __________________________
Grammar Homework – Due Friday
Sentences With Two Subjects
Today in class, we looked at sentences that had more than one subject, in
other words, we looked at sentences that had more than one person doing
Here is what we learned:
A sentence can have more than one subject (person or thing doing or being
something) doing just one thing. We also learned that the predicate is often
followed by a phrase of several words.
Here are the sentences we looked at:
Meema and Marmee were darting between each of our rooms.
Subjects: Meema and Marmee
Predicate: darting
She and her grandma were walking together in the small woods behind
their farm.
Subjects: She and her grandma
Predicate: walking
For homework this week, you are going to go on a hunt for other sentences
that have two or more subjects doing just one thing. These sentences must
be found in a book. They can all come from the same book or they can all
come from different books. It can be found in a chapter book or a picture
book and it does not have to come from a book you are currently reading.
When you find a sentence with two subjects who are both doing ONE thing,
copy it down on the chart on the next page and fill in all the required
information. On Friday, you will need to have found at least THREE
sentences that fit this week’s pattern and have filled in all the
necessary information on your chart. If you need more room to write,
please feel free to write on the back of the next page. Be prepared to
share your two-word sentences on Friday.
Title of the
Text Where
This Sentence
Was Found
For example:
Thank You, Mr.
The Sentence
She and her
grandma were
walking together
in the small
woods behind
their farm.
Subjects of
This Sentence
She and her
(verb) of This